New issue of the World Economic Bulletin:

Blackbeard captured Ace and sent it to the World Government

, and Ace will be publicly executed in five days, and is currently being held in Advance City

, where the execution takes place in the square of Marin Vando,

the city where the Navy headquarters is located.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters summoned the Seven Martial Seas to prepare for war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Eternity, three people and two illiterate leaders continued to meet.

After the pointer redirects, no new tasks are issued.

As a rule, the task is also a hint, how to do it this time?

And the people looked at the direction of the pointer with different expressions from years ago.

Hudson looked solemn, the golden lion looked fanatical, and Alexander looked tangled and meow confused.

"Captain, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not.

In the end, it was Alexander who was the first to speak, and he didn't dare to look at Shixiang, and his eyes were a little evasive.

"Say!" Shixiang

couldn't figure it out, could it be that Longtan Tiger's Den couldn't be made......?"

It seems like...... It could be the direction of Marinfando, at least, to pass through

Marinfando?" Shika and Meow tilted their heads in tacit agreement: "And then, what happened to Marinfando?"

Alexander wiped his sweat and carefully explained:


Captain I told you, Marinfando...... The Navy Headquarters ...... "

Oh, then we'll go, it's okay this time, just look for treasure." "

Shika still thinks it's okay, the naval headquarters can't all be navy, right?

At most, the naval headquarters is stationed on that island, and the

system didn't give a task this time,

so it shouldn't do anything.

Meow Meow and Shika look similar, but she thinks that her sister is going to the Navy Headquarters

, which must be as weird as the previous two times,

and she needs her sister to eliminate the evildoers.

At this moment, the golden lion gave Edson a wink, a little proud.

Haldson nodded, signaling that he understood

, and then he spoke, "Recently, the civilians of Marinfando have been evacuated to the Chambord Islands, and

the captain can do whatever he wants,

"Are we going to attack the naval headquarters?" Alexander's tall body said weakly.

The golden lion took the lead in throwing him out and then said

, "We only do our own thing,

and we will not provoke the navy." But

what he thinks, only he knows.

Everyone's thinking was not on the same channel at all, but they unexpectedly agreed on it.

"Then let's go, Golden Lion, you are at the helm, don't waste time, and make less trouble at the Navy Headquarters. The

golden lion smiled and agreed, thinking in his heart who was causing trouble?

Usually pirates can't get close to Marin Fando. What's more, at this juncture?"

"Hehe, the Navy better pray, pray that the treasure is not hidden under the Navy Headquarters." "

There are only five people on the huge Eternity, including Meow, and it's very empty.

The Golden Lion uses his abilities to control the Eternity and set off.

Alexander is exercising, and Meowth is trying to get into a fantasy state.

Only Hedson was idle, sitting across from Toka.

"Master, I want to know what exactly we are going to do when we go to Marin Fando

?" "What should we do?"



to do?"

"What to do!" "What to do!"

Haldson received an accurate answer and no longer doubted the Golden Lion.

"And which side are we on?"

Whitebeard and the Navy are about to go to war, and Hudson wants to ask who we are fighting.

"What's on which side?" "

So, then we don't care about Marinfando?"

"What's the matter? What do we do with the navy? We're not the navy."

"So, we don't care about


"We're not pirates. "

But you are a big bounty prisoner whose bounty is not much lower than that of the Four Emperors...... Naturally, Hudson didn't dare to say this.

The thing he is thinking about now is to recruit troops, there are indeed too few of them

, at least find a few interns first, otherwise he will do all the chores,

which is too uncomfortable.

That's when he proposed to Shika:

"We need to recruit some interns, the Eternity is too big, and we have too few crews."

After thinking about it for a while, Shika felt that it was okay, nodded and said

, "Then I'll leave it to you, then you can recruit people first,

and then go to Marin Fando."

Hudson was stunned for a moment

: "Recruit people?" Shixiang was puzzled: "Can't you recruit people in the water capital?"

"Yes, because...... In a word...... Anyway, the water capital can't be recruited.

Shika was puzzled again: "Isn't it okay to pay more wages?"

Hudson: "It's not a matter of wages, it's that their quality is not enough."

"Ten incense is full of black lines

: "You have to think about the consequences of deceiving me, no matter how bad the quality of the residents of the Water City is, they are better than

you, right?" Hudson: "What we have experienced is a bit dangerous

, Master, you don't want to lose the crew on the Eternity,


Shika thought about the four dead pirates and was silent

, but she couldn't take care of all aspects of this kind of thing,

so it was better to ......

"Then you can hire a pirate intern. "

Shika thinks that she is really dangerous here, so she won't harm ordinary people.

As if he had received a signal, he immediately ran to the deck and muttered to the golden lion

, and then trotted all the way to Toka and said

, "Let's go to the Chambord Islands to recruit some people first,

and then go to Marinfando?"

Shixiang felt that it was okay to go whenever she wanted, but the golden lion and Edson were in a hurry, and the

two of them didn't recruit people if they planned to go straight down to kidnap people.

Out of nowhere, Halderson pulled out a bunch of bounty orders, handed them to Toka and said,

"These are the alternate lists. You see. He

lined up the bounty orders and introduced them to the ten incense one by one.

"Eustace Kidd: 315

million Baileys", "Trafalgar Rowe: 200 million

Baileys", "Capone Becky: 138

million Baileys", "Skulachiman Apu: 198

million Baileys", "Basil Hawkins: 249 million Baileys


"X Drake: 222

million Bailey", "Kira: 162

million Bailey", "Joelle Bonie: 138

million Bailey",

and "Urki: 108 million Bailey"

are all supernovas with bounties of over 100 million

Haldson thinks that these supernovas should be qualified to be the official crew members of the Eternity

, but they all have their own belongings,

and it is estimated that they will have to fight at that time.

As for interns, you can hire some casually.

Hudson took Luffy and Zoro's bounty away in advance

, and recently Shika hated the Straw Hat Pirates, and several people knew about

it from Meowmeow, as a good apprentice of the master,

Hudson naturally couldn't commit this taboo.

This led to a misunderstanding, in fact, Shika didn't hate everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates,

she just hated the

dead pervert who didn't wear pants.

The Chambord Islands are located in front of the Red Continent in the middle of the Great Shipping Route.

The island is made up of many large trees, and the ground is the root of the tree, and bubbles bubble from the ground.

The most distinctive feature of the Chambord Islands is that the roots of the Archian mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration, which

expands into bubbles due to the air and then flies into the sky.

Since the bubbles are only suitable for the climate range of the mangrove trees in Yarki

, once the bubbles are out of the climatic realm of the Chambord Islands,


resin components will not be able to use their full power and explode.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles, ......

The whole island is made up of 79 trees, all numbered

, and each tree has towns and facilities,

and people call these 79 islands the "Chambord Islands".

The Eternity stopped in the sky, and all five of them jumped to the 13th except for the Golden Lion, and

Hudson said that the quickest way to recruit a crew member was to get the exact news from the informants here.

A few people came to the place where Hudson had said and looked up.

"What's the name of the bar?".

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