When Juka returned, she didn't care about the chaotic pirates

, she felt that she had taken the lead by recruiting a crew member,


that the rest would be left to Haldson and Alexander.


Chambord Park

, "Wow !!" "Wow!! Shixiang

used to work part-time at the playground, but he didn't play it

, looking at the more tortuous and exciting bubble roller coaster, super pendulum, and Ferris wheel made of bubbles,



Chambord Park was full of people screaming with excitement, and

Toka and Meowth soon joined in ......


, "Where am I?"

Joellie Bonnie woke up and rubbed her forehead,

her head still hurting and she didn't know how she had been attacked.

"If nothing else, it should be the two people who hit themselves...... The next time I see them, I have to make them look good!"

said Joelly Bonnie hatefully.

Then she looked around and saw that this room was unexpectedly luxurious, and she

walked to the door and

was surprised to find that it was not locked

!"Is it a warship of this size? It doesn't seem to be a pirate ship!


She came to the deck and found something that

made her jaw almost not recover The warship was not in the sea, but in the sky, and

when you looked down,

you could even see the tiny Chambord Islands through the clouds.

"This ...... What the hell is going on!!! "

Joe Alley Bonnie was in a state of mind, she was completely trapped here.


"Isn't the World Government prohibiting human trafficking?"

Alexander said,

looking at the blatant and even hyped human auction.

"Haha, you're a pirate, you naively believe in that thing?

This place is called a career settlement in the World Government!hahahahahaha~"

Halderson picked up a flyer

for humans 500,000 Baileys ↑ Lilliputians 700,000 Baileys ↑ Captain Clan 700,000

Baileys ↑

700,000 Baileys of the Ashcho

Clan ↑ 700,000 Baileys of the Snake Head Clan ↑ 1 million Baileys of the Fish-Man

Clan ↑ Giant Clan (male) 50 million Baileys ↑ Giants (female) 10 million Baileys ↑ Mermaid Clan (female) 70 million


Mermaid Clan (Male) 1 Million Bailey ↑

Seeing Bailey, he suddenly thought of the key question

, "Hey,

we ...... I don't think I have any money.

Alexander touched his whole body and pulled out a few thousand Baileys.

Haldson glanced at it and said, "Yes, two people have a drink." The

two turned and left the gold cave and went to a nearby bar, where

they planned to try their luck with a few cups and see if anyone volunteered.

It's not an excuse for not having money, it's an auction person who can be caught how qualified to be on the Eternity......!

The Bubble Bar,

ignoring the notice to close,

Hedson and Alexander sat straight at the bar.

"Yo, aren't we here at the wrong time?" said

sorry words as he looked around, but didn't care.

Alexander is also used to it, when he used to be a pirate, he couldn't get into a bar and couldn't fight, so could he be a pirate?

The people in the bar are more and more than one,

and they all seem to be extremely vicious.

"Hey, you two don't seem to be taking us seriously, huh?" said

a guy with long hair and what seemed to be a needle and thread on his mouth.

"Isn't it suspended? Why are there so many pirates?" said

to himself, and didn't pay attention to the pirates in the house.

The two men in the middle looked at Edson and Alexander with interest, and did not show anger.

A crimson hedgehog with a red head pinned to his head, black sunglasses pinned to his head, a fierce look in his eyes, no eyebrows,

an open black jacket on his upper body, a dark red coat over his body, a

metal bracelet on his left wrist, a dagger and a pistol around his waist,

and black boots on his feet.

The other guy is the guy with a blue and white striped mask with several small holes on his head, and the two seem to be the central characters here.

"Oh, it's a supernova. Hudson grinned, took a bottle of wine from the bar, and poured a glass for Alexander and himself.

Alexander also focused on these two people

, "Eustace Kidd and Kira are both supernovas worth more than 100 million,

so we are a little lucky."

Alexander picked up the wine glass and drank it down, staring at them with a blazing eye

, "Isn't it possible to hand them over after catching them

?" "Almost?"

"Then we are so lucky!"




Haldson and Alexander were talking to themselves, and they laughed as if no one was around

, which also angered Kidd and Kira,

who were still calm.

"They seem to be talking about arresting us" "

Then it's up to them to do it...... Kira

dodged and slashed at Haldson and Alexander.

"What a rude little ghost.

"Haldson acted like an incomprehensible child, but ignored his attacks at all.

Alexander grinned, and his huge fist came first

, shattering Kira's mask with a punch before the scythe landed on top of the two men's heads, and Kira

not only flew upside down and smashed out the window,

but was also beaten beyond recognition.

"I'm not very skilled. Haldson commented on Alexander's armament.

"Haha, it's less used in actual combat. Alexander smiled innocently, not at all proud of flying supernova.

Just then, Kira returned to the bar with a hideous face

, "Hey, you two, I'm really angry!"

Supernova wasn't that easy to defeat,

at least not so easily for Alexander.

Kidd took a deep look at the two of them, and he was sure he had no impression of them, and he had no idea where they had come from.

Kira did not attack again at Kidd's signal.

Ledson looked at Kidd and said, "Didn't you say that Supernova had been driven out of the Chambord Islands by the Yellow Ape?"

I thought the old woman was telling the truth, but she lied to me." Kidd

slowly held the pistol in his arms with one hand and said, "Do you want to fight?"

Kidd tugged at the corners


his mouth and said, "What do you want to do?" Kidson said honestly, "At first we just wanted to have a drink

, but I changed my mind when I saw you two supernovas

, and we still have two cleaners on the ship,

I don't know if you can do it?"

"Look for death!".

Kidd is the kind of person who will kill each other if he is ridiculed,

how can Kidson and Alexander come to his territory to taunt him?

Kidd ordered "Kill

them!" "Goon

!" "Damn it!"

"Kill them!".

Dozens of pirates in the room grabbed their weapons and jumped up from their seats and rushed to the bar.

Kidd is a magneto-fruit capable who can control magnetism and electrically manipulate all metal items such as iron.

But when he tried to control the knife beside Hudson, he was shocked to find that his abilities had failed!

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