Shixiang confessed that he had made a promise and said that if Kidd hung for three days and three nights, he couldn't miss a minute.

Kidd has a deep understanding of what social death is, but after experiencing these three days of live broadcasting,

he has gone from initial anger→ shame→ helplessness→ despair → calm.

During this time, Haldson fought off countless pirate hunters who tried to get bounties, as

well as many pirates who wanted to kill Kidd and become famous.

Even the navy intent on arresting Kidd was overturned, and the

park was devoid of ordinary people

, besieged by naval groups,

but it was still broadcast live all over Chambord.

"Hey, boy, why aren't you moved by a bodyguard like me

, or you don't know how many times you've died!" said


leaning against the power room of the pendulum.

Kidd looked at this slut and thought that sooner or later he would have skinned him

, if it hadn't been for this guy to make trouble,

he would have entered the new world by now.

But Kidd knew that now was not the time to be rash, three

days were almost up, and he didn't know if he would be able to let him go.

"It's time to get off work!" Haldson

reminded the members of the Kidd Pirates, and then vanished.

Kira and the others felt that their captain must be in a state of humiliation now, and

they were thinking about how to comfort the captain,

but when they put the captain down, they were unexpectedly calm.

He even said

, "It's good that the admirals are not in the Chambord Islands,

otherwise Haldson alone would not have been able to protect me"

Kira and others: ......

On the Eternity

, "Huh, what a cute cat,

looks like we can add a meal today!" Joelly

Bonnie was stealing food in the kitchen when she suddenly spotted a little white cat.

"What are you talking about?" Meowth

was furious, the first time she had heard of someone using her as food.

"Hey, can you talk?" said

Joelly Bonnie for a moment, and then she patted herself, a somewhat stupid question.

Meowth glared at her without speaking.

"Why does that sound so familiar?" asked Joelly Bonnie.

Meowth didn't want to explain to this pink-haired idiot and returned to her human form.

"Did you eat the cat fruit?" Joelly

Bonnie was surprised to find that the little white cat was actually the sister of the Night Sword God.

"I'm eating everybody's fruit!"

Meowth said that she didn't want to be in the room with this idiot, and threw her out.

Joelly Bonnie got up and patted her clothes, looked at the locked kitchen, and looked at the locked kitchen

, "I haven't eaten yet, X_X" "

Little pink, today's newspaper is out,

you can take a look." "

I'm coming, I'm coming!" Responding

to the call of the Night Sword God is the unshirkable responsibility of Xiao Fan.

Joelly Bonnie hurried to the

conference room, no, Lord Night Knife didn't tell me where she was, why I knew to go to the conference room......

In the conference room

, Shixiang looked at the newspaper intently,

and it was a pity that today's newspaper had no picture.

Haldson and Alexander watched as she

spoke, and when Toka looked over,

the two turned their heads elsewhere and pretended to be nothing.

Joelle Bonnie rushed to the conference room

, "Why is Lord Night Sword God reading the newspaper upside down?"

She looked at it carefully, puzzled, but didn't say anything

, carefully took the newspaper, flipped through it several times in a row without a trace, and then read it aloud,

and Halderson and Alexander looked at each other reassuringly:

This newcomer is very smart, and has a future better than that naked man.

Now the two of them have almost figured out Shixiang's temperament,

and their joy and

anger are invisible-pretending

! love face

! Don't admit mistakes

! Big stomach!


Outside the Eternity

, with two ropes tied to the bow, Haldson and Alexander were hoisted under the ship, and the

Golden Lion was ordered to sail towards Marin Vando,

at full speed.

"Ah!!" "

Hey, Master, what did we do wrong?"

Alexander could only shout while Hudson struggled.

Shika's voice came

, "If you don't know what you're wrong, don't come up again,

and reflect slowly." "

Heh! laugh at me in your heart every time, I really don't know?Shika

felt that she was getting more and more domineering,

but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, this was the majesty of the captain.

Joelly Bonnie watched this scene, and kept trying to empty

her mind, it was terrible, the captain could still read minds!

But, the more she tried to empty her mind,

the more thoughts came to her mind.

"Don't worry, I don't know how to read minds!" Joelly

Bonie: (°ー°〃)

"These two people have been laughing at me for not a day or two

, don't be afraid,

I'm the kind of approachable captain."

Shika comforted when she saw the frightened little pink hair.

Little Pink Fur nodded desperately, indicating that she was not afraid at all.

Shika: (;一_一) Forget it

" The live broadcast of the Navy has begun, so let's watch the live broadcast. "

Yes, my lord!" the

Eternity continued to sail, and when the golden lion saw the two people below

, he smiled slightly,

then hid his face and smiled

, then laughed loudly,

and finally looked up to the sky and


wildly Edson: In the future, I must beat up this golden retriever who fell into the well!


The whole world is watching this execution

, or rather, this war,

and is speculating whether Whitebeard will attack the naval headquarters.

Marin Fando

, the castle tower clock at 12 o'clock

, the admiral Sengoku strategized

, and the three major admirals of the navy all gathered

the red dog Sakasky

, the yellow ape Polusalino,



pheasant Kuzan.

The other officers of the navy performed their duties, and

the 100,000 navy laid out the

strongest formation.

In addition, His Majesty Qiwuhai was sent to help

, Choracol Mihawk

, Poja Hancock,

Bartholomew Great Bear

, Don Quixote Doflamingo


Moonlight Moria.

The Navy gave each of them a live shot.

Marin Vando gathered a strong force.

With three hours to go,

Ace was pressed to the execution table by two jailers.

The camera returns to the execution table, where the admiral picks up the phone bug and presides over it himself

, he looks at the navies in the square and says,

"There is something I want to convey."


The whole of Marinfando Square was extremely depressed, and all the navies were staring at their marshal.

People around the world watching the live stream are also staring at the screen, including Toka and Meowmeow.

Admiral Sengoku paused and continued.

"Portcas S. The significance of D. Ace's execution here. "

Ace, give your father's name.

Ace was handcuffed, knelt on the side, tilted his head to look at Sengoku and said,

"My father is Whitebeard. Sengoku

waved his hand: "No!" Ace shouted with all his might: "My dad is Whitebeard, no one else

!" "No

, you have the most evil blood in the world, you can't not know, you are the son of One Piece Gore D Roger!"

The navy in the audience all opened their jaws wide and their pupils contracted.

"The bloodline of One Piece

!" "That great thief actually has a son

!" "He must be brutal!"


This is the most explosive news for those who belong to the era of sea pirates.

Through the live broadcast and the rapid response of various newspapers, it is conceivable that the whole world will boil because of this.

Joelly Bonnie was sipping tea on the side, and she was not surprised to find that Lord Night Knife and Meow Meow were not at all,

yes, a person of this level may have known the secrets for a long time

, or maybe they didn't take Roger's son to heart,


Joelly Bonnie only had unfathomable words in her heart.

"It's you who is unfathomable. Shixiang made a joke, but the little pink hair not only didn't laugh but almost cried, Shixiang was very distressed,

this thing should be turned off.

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