The deaths of several employees of the job placement center did not cause a stir

, as if only he knew about the matter, as the manager of the job placement said.

But Shika always felt that this scene was familiar, as if she had seen it at any time.

The blonde and blue-eyed Lucy is very beautiful, and she looks like a girl who does housework

, but the anger and darkness in her heart are easy to feel,

and Shika only hopes that time will cleanse Lucy's soul.

Everyone has a secret, and going back to the bottom of the matter may not lead to a satisfactory answer.

The housework is really all contracted by Lucy, but Meow Meow is willing to help Shixiang when she doesn't see it, and most of Meow Meow is helping out.

The small courtyard is well organized by Lucy

, the windows of the house are bright and clean, Shika can even see herself clearly

on the floor, she recently completed the first part of "Swordsmanship from the Basics to the Beginning", Meow Meow

is responsible for going out to buy food every day,


she hasn't come back yet.

"Knock knock~"

"Lucy, please come in." Meowth

doesn't have a habit of knocking on doors at home, it can only be Lucy.

Toka continued to write without looking up.

Lucy looked melancholy, she didn't know whether to confess to Toka or not,

but she clearly felt that Toka seemed to know something about her.

"It's good that I don't know. "Shixiang is a little helpless, this little girl is a bit of a shaft.

"I, I'm not kind. Lucy's voice was soft, but she seemed to regret it a little.

"Kind people, you can't live there at all. "

I went to check on it at night in the past two days, and there are more than seven criminal syndicates operating near your house, and

there are also people who are responsible for handling dirty things for the state are also hoarded there.

"Maybe there is another hidden reason for the death of your parents, but hatred will blind

you, I don't care what you want to do, you have to pretend to be a good girl in two years

, you are too easy to expose now, no matter what you want to do,

you will not succeed."

I guess that the bearded man probably only wants him to know

, but don't be complacent just because you played an ordinary pirate captain

, the anger in your heart can't be concealed in front of a real master

, I'm sorry to you, I investigated you anyway,

and I checked your back tattoo on the first night you came here

It should have been tattooed in the last three months, and it can't have been left by your father.

But it's impossible for a person to get a tattoo, so who do you ask to do it?Who deserves your trust?Or are you forced to do it?"

Lucy looked at Toka blankly, feeling trepided.

"Is the kendo hall free?" Lucy

was caught off guard by Shika's divine turn

, nodded, and shook her head again

, "The kendo teacher won't guide me, but allow me to sit in on it,

this wooden sword is actually my sister's."

After saying this, Lucy shook

, oh no

! Shika nodded, not asking about her sister,

"Take this book and read it." "

"Swordsmanship from the Basics to the Beginning

"" Lucy took the book that was not too thick, wondering in her heart, can swordsmanship be learned like this?"


After reading it, if you memorize it all, and meet the above requirements, I can teach you a little more profound." "

Shika's book was originally going to be published in the newspaper for publicity

, such as "Sword God: I put all my

swordsmanship inheritance there, go find it!"

But after calming down, Shika thought about the difference between this and Roger

, I was afraid that it would make the sea more chaotic for the sake of her swordsmanship inheritance,

and finally she gave up this decision.

At this moment, Meow Meow broke into the door

, "Bell Chang Chang ~ Sister! Lucy!

I bought it today, steamed soft-shelled turtle, fried carp, fried prawns, soft fried tenderloin, soft fried chicken, sesame ghee rolls,

braised cold duck; Fresh mushrooms, dried fish, fish belly, fish fillet, vinegar meat fillet, braised three fresh, braised white mushrooms, braised pigeon eggs!"

"It's really hot, sister, give you the newspaper

, Lao Hei seems to have made a big move in the new world,

and now the people on the street are talking about it.

Meow Meow put the bag on the dining table, handed the newspaper to Shika

, and waited with a blank eye, after all, she was illiterate and only heard a few words on the street,

and read the stickers on the newspaper.

Shika took the newspaper

, "The evil dragon sword hero Edson defeated the Kidd Pirates, and the captain Kidd

and the main cadres were all imprisoned in Sword City,

and the

situation is unknown. "

The evil dragon swordsman Edson fought the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk on an island in New World three days ago, and the outcome is unknown.

"Thirty-two sword heroes have joined Sword City one after another and declared their allegiance to the Sword God. "

The Navy headquarters swapped places with the G1 base, and the Navy headquarters was located in New World. "

......" Lucy has been living here for a month in the blink of an eye

, and after cleaning up the whole courtyard, there is very little work, and

in her spare time,

she is very happy to practice swordsmanship according to the "Swordsmanship from Basic to Entry"

given by Shixiang.

Because I don't have to take care of Meow Meow, Shixiang is very comfortable now, and

there is a blonde little sister who pours tea and water every day,

and life is very moist.

But Meow Meow is bored and even more and more impatient

, and Shika is considering whether to spay Meow Meow, which she remembers will prolong the cat'......s life

Not long after the meal began, Meow Meow began to get impatient again.

"I can't make trouble now, I can't show my skills, and I don't meet my talents.

Seeing Meow Meow pretending to be sad and sad, Lucy bent her crescent-like eyes.

Shixiang is full of black lines, so why is the bear child who causes trouble so narcissistic?"

"What are you going to do when you disturb other people's rest at night, disturb people's dreams in the morning, and eat quietly." "

I took off a chicken leg and stuffed it into Meowmeow's mouth.

Looking at Shixiang teaching Meow Meow, Lucy couldn't help but think, "No matter how you look at it, Sister Shika doesn't look like a sword demon." From

Meow Meow's comments on the evil dragon swordsman Hadson that day, she heard that she should know the evil dragon swordsman.

Coupled with the fact that Shika has not made up at home these days

and combed back her original hairstyle, she has already guessed the answer

, of course, this is also the

reason why Shika and

Meow Meow have not hidden it.

Meow Meow is getting more and more sticky, holding Shixiang and not letting go

, relying on knowing that Shixiang can't bear to be ruthless and coquettish,

rubbing hard.

"Tomorrow I will teach you and Lucy to practice swords, and when you can use the flying slash, you can go anywhere. Sure

enough, as Shixiang expected

, Puxin Meow felt that he could do it again,


even began to plan the route and where to play.

Lucy, who was on the side, heard that Shika was going to teach her swordsmanship and ran out

, "You can't lose your temper in front of the master!"

Lucy hid in a corner where no one was around,

and jumped three meters high excitedly.

"No, no, Lucy, how can you be so unstable as a disciple of the Sword God!"

Lucy slapped herself to the ground.

Meow Meow wanted to discuss with Lucy where to play, and when she went out, she saw Lucy rolling all over the ground,

"So Lucy is the same as me! I thought she really liked it here!"


Seven days later

, "Sister, when are we leaving?"

Meowth looked half-dead.

"Where's the Flying Slash?" said

Toka picked up the kitten.

"I'm a meow, I can't use a knife.

Seeing this, Lucy laughed on the side.


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