In front of him, the navy has long hair in a sassy pale pink middle and purple lens sunglasses on his head

, a rose-red professional outfit and a navy mantle of justice,

and the color of the gloves is also dark purple.

It's big, it's a royal sister, and it doesn't look like the kind of navy that messes around.

"I want to find a kingdom. "

There's nothing to hide, maybe you can let the navy in front of you take a piece of it.

Tina lit a cigarette, took a puff, and held it between her thumb and forefinger

, "Can Tina know what Miss Nightsword God is doing in

a kingdom?"

"I don't know, but in short,

I want to leave footprints in a kingdom. "

Toka tries to paraphrase the task of the system as completely as possible.

"Tina is surprised, Miss Nightsword God doesn't want to rob civilians, does she?


As a navy, there is nothing wrong with the opinion of pirates

, and she said it very tactfully, what she wants to ask is whether you want to kill people and set fires, especially leaving footprints,

it is hard not to doubt it from the mouth of a wanted man with a bounty of more than four billion.

"No, I'm not a pirate. "

Shika is here to clarify her identity, although the bounty is more than four billion,

but Shika has never recognized her identity as a pirate.

"Tina, don't worry, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop Miss Night Blade.

Tina's smoking speed made Shika secretly sneer, "Old smoking gun".

"Colonel Tina, where are you going?" asked

Toka tentatively.

She knew the military rank, and she still had a little impression when she was in the top war, she was a Devil Fruit capable of creating a black prison.

I didn't expect this royal sister Navy to take a bite of Tina

, maybe this kind of mantra is a bit naïve for children,

but the mature royal sister is just right.

"Tina, I'm sorry, it's a Navy secret.

After that, Toka was invited to taste the Navy's wine, and the two of them lay down on their beach chairs and enjoyed the sun.

"Tina also has a question and would like to ask Miss Night Blade.

Tina reopened the Ten Spices' glass.

"Miss Tina, please. The

sun was shining, and Shika was a little sleepy, and said lazily.

"The disappearance of the sea near the entrance to the Great Passage,

according to internal sources in the Navy, seems to have been done by Miss Night Blade,

what happened there?"


Tina had been cruising in Alabastan before, and the changes in ocean currents and celestial phenomena had also affected there

, but when she received instructions from the naval headquarters, she did not pursue

it, and accidentally learned from Admiral Pheasant that this matter was related to the Sword God of the West Sea, and the Admiral

was also injured,

which is something that the Navy has not encountered for many years.

"There's an island there, and the inhabitants of the island are parasitized by unknown ghosts

, or the island itself is a ghost thing, it's alive

, and I can't say the specifics, because I directly wiped out that space, and

the aftermath is gone,

you don't have to worry.

Tina looked at Toka with a safe and okay expression, not knowing what else to say.

"Tina thinks you're the most dangerous thing compared to the ghosts that Miss Night Sword God said.

Shixiang was full of question marks, "I? I'm not in danger." Tina

: ......

The two then chatted

with each other, and although Tina claimed to be on a classified mission for the Navy,

it was clearly an aimless cruise.

After the top war, because of Whitebeard's words before he died

, there were more people going to sea, and even if there was a bloody suppression of Shika, it still couldn't stop the many

pirates, and the navy sent almost all the moving warships

, but it was still not enough,

and even the three major admirals of the navy personally went to kill the pirates.

In the hours that Toka was lying on a beach chair,

Tina had already taken care of three pirate ships.

As soon as Tina was free, her subordinates came to report again

, "Report sir,

there is a distress call from the garrison navy of the Andrew Kingdom.

Tina hurried back to the cabin.

"Andrew's Kingdom?"

Hearing the word kingdom, Toka's eyes lit up, Tina should be able to bring herself, if you go to Andrew's kingdom.

Sure enough, the warship turned around and accelerated, but Toka was not expelled.


After arriving in Andrew's kingdom, Toka asked Tina if she needed help, and

after receiving a negative answer,

Toka took the initiative to leave.

Toka took a shortcut through the warship and went directly into the city, the

capital of Andrew's Kingdom, also called Andrew's City,

located in the north of the island.

Andrew's City has no tall buildings, including royal palaces.

The streets were outrageously clean, and the shops were not open, not

even a single person on the streets except for the patrolling guards.

"Why is there no one on the streets?" asked

Toka, is this a kingdom? She walked for a moment to make sure that the system mission was indeed not just a matter of setting foot in a country.

But, at least give her a place to eat!

The guards were all dressed in armor and helmets, like robots.

"Hello, may I ask why there is no one on the street, and why aren't these shops open?" Shika

stopped a group of five guards, the

leader with red feathers on his helmet, and the other four helmets with white feathers,

each of them

wrapped themselves tightly without revealing a single gap.

Seeing the five Shixiang people blocking the road, they were stunned for a moment, and first glanced at each

other, "It's the blasphemer, take it!"

and then the captain of the guards waved his hand,

and the other four guards drew their long knives and surrounded Shixiang.

"I'm just asking a question, I'm not a blasphemous.

Toka wanted to explain, but the guards indiscriminately put the knife on Toka's neck.

"It's too much, soldier. "

Shika is not going to leave her good temper to these rude guards.

"Captain Sasse, she's my granddaughter, not a blasphemer!"

At this moment, a gray-haired old man walked out of the bookstore on the side

of the road, "Old Henry,

take care of your granddaughter, or the next time you meet someone else, you won't be so easy to talk to." It

seems that he is very familiar with the old man, so he did not continue to embarrass Shixiang.

Captain Sass with the red feathers led the team away.

Before Shixiang could ask, old Henry grabbed Shixiang and hurriedly hid in the bookstore.

Shika thought that the bookstore should be the kind of bookshelves full of books.

But there are a lot of bookshelves inside, but there are not a single book.

"Girl, why are you walking on the street at this time, it's too dangerous.

Old Henry looked at Shixiang and said bitterly.

"Why? I'm from outside...... Tourists, I don't know much about the situation here.

Shixiang's explanation surprised old Henry even more

, "Andrew's kingdom has been closed since a year ago, where are the tourists!"

"All the city gates have been closed for a long time,

and it is impossible for outsiders to enter.

"Is that so? I came in on a Navy warship.

Toka thought that she had indeed not entered through the city gate, but had flown in after the warship had docked.

"What? how is it possible, where did our Andrew Kingdom get the navy!" Old

Henry was now a little skeptical that Shika was really a "blasphemer", and looked at Shika warily.

"What? Andrew's Kingdom doesn't have a navy!"

But apparently Toka was the one who was more surprised, if Andrew's Kingdom didn't have a navy, then what was the matter with the navy's distress call?

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