The square in front of the palace was occupied by

a bustling crowd, and the restored navy and the palace guards in armor were maintaining order

, and their eyes were on the top of the palace, where Prince Andrew had set himself on fire,


where Andrew's kingdom had fallen into madness.

Unlike the viciousness of the guards in the past, the guards today are exceptionally kind,

and especially those who do not wear helmets are the most considerate.

There was a man in each household who was summoned to the square, who

was silent at first,

and only whispered when he found that there was no one to supervise him.

"Is that an oracle

?" "The man next to him is a guard, why is he not wearing a helmet?"

"Why is the leg of the envoy gone

!" "

Don't speak! Do you want to die!"


" On the roof of the palace, the oracle was tied to the idol, and his heart was uneasy

Sass stood beside him, Shika observed in the sky

, she didn't believe that the black market spokesperson didn't leave an eyeliner

, as long as she caught an eyeliner,

Shika could find the black market spokesperson.

In the early hours of midnight

, order in the palace square had stabilized

, "Captain Saas, this is a microphone bug,

everything is ready."

A blue-faced navy ran to Sass with a yellow phone bug and handed it to him

, Sass nodded in thanks, then turned to face the crowd below, pointed to the oracle and said

, "Hello people of Andrew's kingdom, I am Sas,

a navy, and

I vouch for the truth of what I say next."

Years ago, this man next to me consumed the Devil Fruit, and he used his power to control the kingdom's

palace guards, and through the palace guards, he controlled the ministers, and ......

The navy stationed in Andrew's kingdom, including me.

"In order to extract more profits, he obtained a lot of slaves to fabricate gods

and create the identity of the oracle for himself,

so that he could arrest innocent civilians on various trumped-up charges and

then sell them to slave traders for profit.

Sass paused and put the phone bug beside the envoy, who

felt the coldness behind him, and hurriedly cried:

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!

"He did too many evils,

but in the end he would only say sorry.

The people in the square actually heard the divine envoy confess their sins

!"The divine envoy really confessed his sins?

", "Scum!"

"How could he do such a thing!



". For a while, the crowd was furious, and the oracle was sure to fall, and they no longer had to hide their anger.

Sass waved his hand

again, and the audience was a lot quieter

, and then he continued:

"A year ago, he fabricated the blasphemer again, single-handedly caused the death of Prince Andrew on Shengyuan Day

, and used means to make the king and queen sick,


then the entire Andrew kingdom completely fell under his control

Then the people of the entire Andrew kingdom were in dire straits.

"The so-called curse of the blasphemer is actually a conspiracy between him and the slave traders!"

"Self-immolation is not a curse, but a poison that will spontaneously combust and penetrate the whole body at the sight of sunlight when consumed.

"Three months ago, he took control of a loyal court guard and staged a blasphemous curse!

Since then, no one in the Andrew kingdom dares to travel in the daytime,

so the incident can be covered up!" Sass

suppressed the anger in his heart,

and his serious voice reached the streets through the microphone bug.


What is it?" "What is

it?" "Lord Navy, what is it?"

the people gathered in front of the palace could not help but ask.

"The upper reaches of the Shengyuan River have been poisoned by slave traders, and

all of us have been poisoned, poisoned by self-immolation!"

How sad it would be for the people of a nation to become people who could not see the light,

if they could only live in darkness in the future.

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar

in the square, in the past year, the gods have imprisoned the country

, forcibly recruited men, forcibly robbed the people's women

, arrested ordinary people for no reason

, and all those who dissent were regarded as blasphemous and sentenced to death,

the people were miserable,

and the

people were full of complaints.

Many people were happy when they saw the oracle who had lost his legs,

but they were still not sure if the oracle had really fallen.

Now that the Divine Envoy has confessed his sins, they can't be happy

, and this demon has dragged everyone to hell with him

!"Bastard!Is what the Navy said true?

" "We're all poisoned!We're all going to die!!!!"

"Divine Messenger,

you say something!"

I'm going to kill him!" "

Fart, he's not a god, he's just a wicked man with a lot of sin!"


The crowd was in a mess, and there was no longer the usual submissiveness, and years of grudges erupted.

"Everyone, be quiet, we still have hope!" "Everyone, be quiet, we still have hope!" "Everyone, be quiet, we still have



shouted at the phonebug, and the crowd was quiet for a moment and then noisy.

"We've been living in the dark for three months, give me another week, we

can turn to the Navy and the World Government,

there will always be a way. "

Sass can't guarantee that he'll find a cure, but he'll do his best.


At the edge of the crowd, two people raised their hands in protest with indignation

, and after a while the two quietly glanced at each

other, one remained where he was, and the other left the crowd,

and after making sure that he was out of the sight of the guards, he ran in the direction of the city gate,

and ran faster and


After a while, he shuttled through the house, showing a superhuman figure, and

he couldn't imagine what a person who looked malnourished in his home could do.

But he didn't notice the ...... in heaven

The rickety man jumped out of the city gate and came to a port in Andrew's kingdom, only

to see him throw something into

the water, and after a while the water gurgled and bubbled, and

a submarine surfaced.

"What's the matter? It's not time to deliver the goods! I said I didn't say don't go out of the city at will!" a

huge fat man squeezed into the submarine, still lifting his pants when he came out, and he shouted disapprovingly as he looked at the messenger.

He is eight feet tall, has a waist circumference of eight feet, a beard, and sky-high braids.

"No, big brother, that god stick has fallen!

I'm afraid we won't be able to get the goods in the future!" said

the rickety villain in a panic, looking extremely afraid of the fat man in front of him.

"What are you talking about!!

the big fat man jumped nimbly to the

shore and lifted the rickety villain with one hand.

"Say it again!"

the little man looked at the

hideous fat man, and did not dare to continue.

"He said, "You're dead." The

fat man's eyes widened, and with his other hand he pinched the rickety's neck and shouted

, "What are you talking about

!" The rickety man hurriedly waved his hand, and his voice was crying

, "Big brother, I didn't say this!"

The rough fat man and the rickety man stiffened for a moment,

and then looked at each other.

"Little ghost, is it really not what you said?"

"Big brother, I really didn't say that!"

At this time, the strange and cold voice came again,

"I said it." "

The rickety villain and the big fat man looked around, and there was no one at all

!" "Big, big big brother, it's haunted! It's still a female ghost!"

"Don't make a fuss, who is pretending to be a ghost!" The

fat man is obviously much bolder, and he does not believe in evil.

"I'm here. A

cold voice reappeared.

At this time, the rickety villain looked at the fat man, and trembled and pointed his finger upward,

"Big, big brother, it seems to be in the sky!"

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