When Shixiang first came in, the people inside were still having fun

, insults, cheers, screams, and crying were mixed

, it was not like a submarine, but like

a kiln, or worse than a kiln, there were more women than men, there were more than two sets of clothes, more than half

of them were hanged, and some were placed everywhere at will, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Most of them were scarred and unbearable, their

eyes were dull, and they didn't even have a stress reaction.

"It's a lot of fun, you guys!"

the rickety villain and the rough fat man felt that the girl in front of him was more murderous, and he was a little out of breath.

And the dozen or so people who were still having fun inside stopped when they saw the miserable appearance of their boss, and

they had no idea who this woman was.

"Boss, what's wrong with you!" "Boss



The rugged fat man was quite prestigious, but he just wanted to shut up these Muggles now.

"Brothers, put on your clothes and stop playing!" more

than a dozen people looked at the rough fat man in a daze, and the rough fat man squeezed his eyebrows.

Shixiang turned her back, her eyes were too spicy, and she even closed her eyes tightly when she turned her back

, "Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪"∠)

vomit "Psychological effect! Psychological effect

! Shixiang really wanted to vomit out

! Then the rickety villain and the rough fat man looked at each other, and at the same time threw themselves to the ground on both sides,


Bang Bang! Bang "

The dozen or so people who pretended to look for clothes didn't know where to take out all kinds of firearms and shoot wildly at Shika.

Most of them were pistols and flintlock pistols, and countless bullets hit Toka's body and billowed with smoke.

The rickety villain and the rugged fat man crawled forward on both sides of the submarine

, and only got up when they were sure that they were in a safe area that the bullets could not reach

, and the rough fat man looked at the ten incense in the thick smoke and ordered

: "Hit me hard, finish the bullets for me

!" The rickety villain also got up and echoed: "Yes, let this girl be arrogant, she doesn't know how to die!"

The rickety villain's words were not supported by the rough fat man

, but were kicked against the wall, and he couldn't buckle it.


him for me!" The rough fat man looked at the appearance of the rickety and grinned:

"Dare to betray me, kill him, don't let me say it a second time!"

That being said, the rough fat man was extremely powerful

, and the rickety man hanging on the wall obviously had more air in and less gas

, and then the gunman next to the rickety man turned around and shot him directly in the center of the eyebrow, making up for the final blow.

Clean, with a crooked head, he died before he even had time to beg for mercy.

After making up for the Rickets villain's shot, the gunman re-fired Shixiang, and

more than a dozen people opened fire, some even holding guns in both hands.



In fact, after being shot so many times, whether it

was the rough fat man or these gunmen, they all felt that Shixiang was dead, and the rough fat man was completely angry until now.

The gunmen saw that the boss had become disabled, and they had no choice but to do so for fear of being emotionally implicated by him.


" "Click

" "Click" "

Boss, there are no bullets!"

The gunfire gradually turned off, and the rough fat man laughed loudly, and more than a dozen of his subordinates also giggled.

The entrance to the submarine was riddled with various bullets, and even fell in one piece as soon as the wind blew.

The smoke gradually cleared, and the

"old ...... Boss! Seems to be still

standing!" "Fart, of course the Boss is standing

!" "I'm talking about the woman inside!"

The laughter of the rough fat man and a dozen of his men came to an abrupt end.

A little brother with a mustache sat directly on the ground with weak legs

, he pointed to the place where the smoke disappeared, and screamed tremblingly

: "No, no, she, she is not dead!!" This cry completely ignited the fear of the rough fat man, but the fear was extremely calmer, and he comforted:

"Even if she is still alive, it will be the end of the crossbow!

He lost an arm and a palm, but he still rushed forward

, and the younger brothers were also moved by the boss who took the lead

, and some of them picked up stools with fear, some with machetes, and some with leather whips.

The remaining smoke disappeared unnaturally in an instant.

Shixiang was unharmed, not even a little dust on his clothes.

"Stubborn. "

She didn't use a sword, she was afraid of getting dirty.

The domineering outward is outward, invisible

, and the rough fat man and the younger brothers who charge have been hit hard in the abdomen, and they have been beaten out of a depression.


!" "Poof!"


Then he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Now, go and take me to your immediate boss at once

, and every half hour I will throw a random person into the sea to feed the fish, and

if you want to go wrong or delay the time, please do whatever you want.

As soon as Shixiang's words fell, the skull of the little man with the eight-character beard exploded

, and then the bullet shell on the ground made a sonic boom and flew into the limbs of the eight-character beard

, and then he was thrown outside the submarine by the invisible domineering, and the operation was smooth.

When the others saw this scene, their souls were all frightened

, and those who originally believed that they had the ability to swim also dispelled the careful idea of taking the opportunity to escape, and

were thrown into the sea after their limbs were broken, how could they have any chance of survival

! A few people hurriedly ran to the cockpit to start the submarine for

half an hour! Random

! Who can guarantee that the person is not himself!

And the distance is ...... Oh no, I'm afraid I won't be able to live half of the people.

Except for the driver, everyone else has nothing to do, and it is difficult to sit still.

The rough fat man saw that Shika had been staring at him, his mind was blank, and he couldn't be himself next!

He turned his head and hurriedly said, "Put them down quickly!"

As a result, the intact face on the other side was slammed against the wall by Shixiang, and he fell and smashed a table.

"They died before I came in, and now they remember?" The

rough fat man's behavior amused Toka, and she didn't know until she was dying that she was pretending to be a good person?Toka

put a few survivors on the shore before starting the submarine and told Sass to send someone to pick them up.


Andrew's Kingdom

, in front of the royal palace

, "Execute this scum

!" "Send this stick to the gallows

!" "Die, dog!"


The people shouted at the oracle and vented their anger in their hearts.

Sass didn't stop it, he just let the others keep order.

It wasn't until nearly dawn that Sass spoke again.

"It's almost dawn, everyone go home in an orderly manner, don't be crowded!

Please believe the navy and that lord, we will definitely pay the price for the wicked, and we will definitely give everyone an explanation!"

At this time, the phone beeped.

"Moximoxi, I'm Admiral Tina, please answer when you hear it.

Sass had tears in his eyes, and he looked at the phone and spit

out a sigh of relief, "Report to the sir, I'm the former captain of the Andrew Kingdom branch of the Navy Sasse, asking for the sir's support!"

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