"Catch the intruder!" a

group of guards ate the ashes behind Toka, they were too slow to even see the shadows.

"Underground!" Toka

detected, but couldn't find the entrance, so you continued to open your way.

As soon as he stepped on it, the plank cracked and fell, and Shika also went down.

The auction below has just ended, and the auctioneer brought out Jenna

, "Everyone, I just arrived at a superb ...... today"

The auctioneer's oily head and noodles dressed up in the face of oil, at a glance,

you know that she is a sanctimonious hypocrite.

He grinned and before he could finish his sentence, he was squashed by the falling plank and Shika above his head.

Shika looked at the stunned crowd under the stands, and then at the victims next to her.

The victim is naturally the finale of the temporary joining, Jenna

, at this time, the key part of Jenna is wearing three pieces of translucent

fabric, but the other places that do not need to be covered are not saving fabric

, wearing a bell collar around her neck, and wearing huge locks on her wrists and ankles

, extremely astringent outfits, plus youthful appearance,

This is pure desire?

Shika packed the strange idea and threw it out of her head, got up and

picked up Jenna,

and was about to fly away.

"Don't move!"

At this moment, a group of guards chased them underground

, one of them holding guns and the other with knives,

surrounding the Ten Incense Regiment.

Toka ignores them and plans to go straight away.

At this time, their "security captain" stood up

, looking quite honest and honest, but he said disgusting words

, "Let go of that little girl, otherwise not only will you die, but you will also kill her!"

Ten Aroma smiled, "I didn't plan to deal with you,

but it doesn't look like this to dress Jenna like this." The

sword qi was invisible, and a wound suddenly appeared on the chest of the guards and the security captain around Shixiang, and

blood gushed out, which looked like a sword wound from the shape,

but they obviously didn't see anything.

"Hold me back, and the next wound will be on your heart.

Shika looked at the "security captain" and said coldly.

The "security captain" covered his wound and the gun in his hand fell to the ground,

but he still looked at Shixiang with an unwilling look.

Shika frowned, "What's the matter?" "The

security captain" swallowed and turned his head away from talking.

The audience below didn't know who shouted: "That chain will explode if it leaves here, it can't be unlocked without a key!"

"The security captain"

glared at everyone in the audience, they were regular visitors here, this place was under the jurisdiction of General Orochi, how dare they -

the people in the audience were also looking for each other for the voice that spoke, obviously they were also extremely dissatisfied.


Toka nodded, indicating that she understood.

Not only that, but

she also saw that it was not the people in the audience who reminded her, but

a woman in the background with a mask and a three-flavor piano in her hand,

it was a geisha?

Toka put her hand on the chain around Jenna's neck

, and when Toka took it away in the next second, the chain had turned into powder and

spilled out.



!" "She was barehanded!"


Ten incense skills are astonishing, especially the "security captain" who is relatively close.

He looked at Toka with a shudder, and then at the chains that were supposed to exist around Jenna's neck, now only some dust on the ground.

Shika crushed the chains on Jenna's wrists and ankles in succession,

smiled contemptuously at the "security captain", and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Shika looked at the girl in her arms, and she looked delirious and obedient, she should have been fed drugs.

"Alas, the iron law of Riman, pure love will become a bull's head after the heroine runs away from home, fortunately with me, who made me the god of pure love war......!"

Who is the male protagonist?"


Driss of the blacksmith shop had a sad face

, the wine gourd was empty after a while, Chris hurriedly took the wine gourd out to renew it for the master

, in fact, he especially wanted to follow Jenna out,

her appearance was too unreassuring.

But he was stopped by Driss, and he had to listen to the master's orders.

Just as Chris was about to enter the house with a wine gourd, Shixiang's voice appeared

, "Don't come in!"

As soon as Chris heard this, the hand that opened the door paused

, and then, Dris's anxious voice also came out

, "Chris, you go cook first,

don't come in


Chris looked at the wine gourd in his hand, didn't he drink it

?When did the young lady come back

?Did you bring Jenna back?

There were a series of questions in his heart,

but he could only turn away.

Inside the house

, Driss looked at his daughter who had changed her style after a trip and couldn't accept

it, he looked at Shixiang with blank eyes, and Shixiang glared at him angrily

, "It's okay, I was arrested by the teahouse,

and I was almost defiled in public."

Driss felt a sudden burst in his heart, "Are you alright?"

He was about to take Jenna but was avoided by Shika,

"Be careful."

Driss nodded hurriedly, and then said, "I'll go and get Jenna's clothes." "

He's not from the country of Wano, even if it's between father and daughter, you have to pay attention to proportion

, especially when your daughter dresses like this, it's a problem to look at it with him,

an old father.

Driss's kitchen here is set up outside, very simple,

Chris is cooking, he looked at the hot Driss couldn't help but be curious

, just when Driss appeared for the second time, he saw Driss holding a kimono, ladies'.



impossible, it's impossible, Master is not that kind of person. "


" "Impossible, impossible!" Chris

kept making a guess and refuting it.

The fire of gossip burned in Chris's heart, and it was out of control.

Then, a scene of shattering the three views appeared in front of Chris's eyes.

The kimono was actually worn on Jenna, who didn't know when she would come back

, and she was asleep in Dris's arms, her face flushed.

Toka on the side clasped her hands to her chest and looked angry.

Driss just smirked, guilty, embarrassed to see anyone.

"Crazy! crazy

!" "Oh my God!"

No one knew what Chris was thinking, and Toka, who found out that something was wrong with him, only thought he was broken.

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