"But I recommend eating first.

Toka thought she had made a constructive suggestion, but she underestimated the anxiety of the three of them.

Driss looked sluggish, perhaps because he had not held the sword for a long time, and he had lost the sharpness of the sword hero.

Jenna recalls today's horrific memories, and she is afraid

all the time, besides, she knows that the four of them are about to face the arrest

of the entire Wano Country, and the education of the Wano Country has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and

the fear of the Black Carbon Snake and Kaido makes her terrified.

Chris thought

about it and believed that there was no possibility of taking himself out, but this street, including many samurai, knew about Dris's blacksmith shop

, and he sold weapons as a disciple of Driss's personal disciple

, so there was probably no chance to run away, so he could only go one way to the dark

, he glanced at the sluggish Driss, and felt that this master was not very reliable.

Shika looked at the three people with different thoughts and ghosts and turned to leave

, dinner had already been prepared, and it had been in the huge iron pot outside

, since they didn't eat, Shika felt that she couldn't waste food, so she could only do it for her.

Shixiang smelled the aroma emanating from the pot, and was a little familiar.

Picking up the lid

of the pot, Shika said in surprise: "Huh, this is also about Dongxiang?" After

all, Driss is the strength of the blacksmith shop, and he still has some confidence

, and he took the lead in looking back, and he said puzzled when he heard Shika's words: "Oden is a delicacy in Wano Country, isn't it normal here?" Shika

was stunned for a moment, is this so?

She has also eaten it in the West Sea! And the taste is exactly the same.

"Oden is almost impossible to see in the outside world, because Wano Country has always been in a state of isolation.

Driss said as he walked over to Toka.

"But I've eaten it in the West Sea, and it tastes exactly the same.

Toka didn't think it was difficult, but she saw Driss frowning.

"Perhaps, it was the lucky escapees of Wano Country who carried forward the formula. "

Driss thought about it, and it was impossible for Lord Sword God to lie because of such a trivial matter, so it could only be this possibility.

"Don't talk about the oden beforehand, the next few days of the sword god-sama in the flower capital will not be peaceful.

Dries said calmly, but it seemed to be full of meaning.

"It's okay, anyway, I haven't been calm since I left the West Sea. "

Shixiang feels that her ability to resist trouble is already very strong, her mentality is excellent, and the problem is not big.

Driss said again: "Does Lord Sword God want to trouble the Black Charcoal Snake?"

Shixiang picked up the konjac silk and stuffed it into his mouth, quickly wiped his mouth and said

, "I don't have that idea, but if he finds trouble with me, it will be another matter." "

By the way, what's going on with that black charcoal snake?Shouldn't Wano Country be ruled by the Guangyue family?"

Driss said in surprise, "I didn't expect the Sword God Lord to know about this kind of secret ......

." Oh, that's right, Lord Sword God has a long-term vision, and it's definitely not a secret to the older generation.

Shixiang almost choked herself to death with a mouthful of tofu, knowing that a Guangyue family would become an older generation?

Driss looked at this terrifying expression, and he didn't know what he was saying wrong


? Looking

at Shixiang's appearance

, Driss sighed in his heart: Yes

, if you don't care about age, how can you deliberately keep the appearance of a teenager!

Driss remedied: "Hahahahaha, in fact, Lord Sword God is very young, not old at all......"

"Uh...... Calm down, Lord Sword God! I'm ...... I didn't mean that...... "......

." When Jenna and Chris came out, they saw that a large pot of oden had been eaten by Shika alone,

and their father (Master) was hanging from a tree and swaying without saying a word.

Shika wiped her mouth, looked at the two hungry people who came out, and said

, "From today onwards, you two follow me, Driss will let him fend for himself, I heard that there is a man named Kaido in Wano Country, let him touch it."

Jenna and Chris were terrified, and asked the blacksmith to touch Kaido, isn't this looking for death?Jenna

remembered that Toka had said that his father was a samurai, and asked carefully, "How strong is my father?" Shika

tilted her head and thought about

it and said, "Among the people who challenge me, I am talking about the combined stunt of Driss and your mother, if you take it apart, you will be a cannon fodder."

Toka added, "I haven't seen Kaido, but I've seen the Four Emperors with white beards and red hair on the same level as Kaido.

If you compare their strength, it is too late for Driss to run head-on with Kaido

, after all, the ability of the swordsman is very single, and the four emperors may be able to hold up two or three moves with all their strength.

Jenna's original expectations were gone, and Chris didn't think that this cheap master could have much ability.

"Anyway, follow me, and it's no problem to get the meal ready. "

What Shika said is very objective, as long as there is not a big gap between

a swordsman and a swordsman, he can pass a lot of moves, but Kaido is obviously not a swordsman, and he will not have the demeanor of a swordsman.

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