One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 102: Give her a Qiwuhai [seeking flowers]

When Tina's affairs were arranged, Roja had been delayed for almost ten days.Returning to the Revolutionary Army, looking for a suitable position, Long personally arranged the whole set, and the troublesome Roya head became bigger.

For a long time, Roja thought that there were subordinates who didn't call him, and he would do everything himself for that is a fool's thing, but this time he was willing to do anything for Tina, and would rather be a fool.

Fortunately, the revolutionary army is now basically on the right track, and it is developing methodically according to the plan. For the time being, Luo Ya does not need to worry about it anymore.According to this progress, one day the world government can be overthrown, and the group of aloof Tianlong people can be buried.

After dealing with these things, Roja had to worry about Hancock's enthronement.

Hancock Haolai is a king, for a country, it is the supreme existence, a country that has lived on plunder for generations, Roja's identity is not a big problem, as a man with a reward of 1.5 billion yuan, nicknamed Yandi, More or less worthy of Hancock's identity.

13 Can appear as her man at the enthronement ceremony. At the very least, Roja has to present a gift that can hold the ground. Otherwise, a female king in the family will be abducted by you. No one can stand it, you know, Roja is not the only woman Hancock.

Counting the things in his warehouse carefully, Luo Ya also grabbed the back of his head and walked away quickly. The three generations of ghosts are obviously not qualified, if the Supreme Knife Twelve Skills can barely make do.

Weilong Spicy Tiao, I really love the lubricant, and canned Swedish herring. I don’t know who is ugly for sending this stuff.

Don't even think about Chinese tobacco and Moutai. There is no shortage of famous cigarettes and wines in a country.

The thunder fruit and the fluttering fruit in the hands of the devil fruit are good, and the slippery fruit is considered a rare object, at least the beauty-loving girl can't resist it.But Hancock already has it, what's the matter with people ascending to the throne and sending an unusable past?

After much deliberation, Roja took baby5, Monet, and Xia Li straight to the new world. The king, isn’t the so-called responsibility to ensure the safety and happiness of the people? In the original book, Hancock is Qiwuhai, legally plundered. At this moment, the little girl must be under a lot of pressure as soon as she takes the throne, so she will give her a Qiwuhai.

What the most ferocious female pirate, there is no such arrogance as the empress, the only female Qi Wuhai can only be the Tsundere Queen Hancock, the Yandi Empress or something, it is simply a couple's name.

The small steel bubble was driven to its maximum horsepower, and rushed desperately on the sea, people blocking the killing Buddha and blocking the killing of the Buddha, and everything was urgent. All the people on the sea who wanted to block the road and rob were blasted into dregs by a scorching sun. It took three days to cross the fisherman island from the bottom of the sea and reach the new world.

According to the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army, the most ferocious female pirate was on the side of the aunt's territory. She didn't seem to know what deal was made with the aunt. She occupied an island here and conducted some unknown research.

Luo Ya is not interested in any research, he is at most interested in the influence that the name of Qiwuhai and Catalina Depeng gave to Hancock.

The only thing that makes Roya mind is that the pirate, nicknamed Crescent Hunter, is a female.

The thing like a man hitting a woman still makes her feel a little tired. If you say you are a good woman, why can't you be a pirate, you can forget it if you are a good pirate, or a notorious pirate, you can bear the notoriety. , You can look good.

The reason why I brought baby5, Monet and Xia Li this time was because of the identity of each other's women. No matter how ugly they were, they were still women. It was embarrassing for Roja to shoot directly, and the title of hitting a woman fell on the sea.

It’s okay to use your own woman, right? Estimated at Klockdal’s level, weapon fruit long-range firepower support, Xuexuegou natural snow puppet army, the blockade of Aquiya summoned by Shari, plus a fatal blow, two Klocks Dar is not enough for fun.

The fact is also true, rushing to this island called Modi Bansai at super high speed, Xia Li commanded Aquiya to have a super tsunami.

With sufficient preparation time, the research rooms, laboratories and the like on the island were all destroyed, and Catalina Depeng's men were also out of ten.

"Who is the old lady who is going to pluck your skin"

Catalina Depeng, who had obviously been blown up by air, was floating in the air with a move similar to a moon step, her eyes flying in the surrounding sea, the next moment she locked the position of the small steel bubble, and she moved her feet. Come here like this.

Hoo hoo hoo

Several anti-tank missiles were launched from the shoulders of the little maid. Catalina Depeng’s moon step was obviously a half-sail. When she couldn’t dodge in the air, she was bombarded with embarrassment by the little maid. If it weren’t for the protection of the armed and domineering body, I’m afraid of this. At that time, it was time to feed the fish in the 627 Sea.

A huge slash was sent from the feet of Catalina Deppon. Monet stood on the front desk and waved his hand to resort to the blizzard and snow tornado, annihilating the slash in the snow tornado. Under the command of Aquiya, he also used A flood stream swept into the sky to Catalina Depen.

The battle was very fierce, and the three people who were still lacking in fighting experience were fortunately capable of being very strong. With each other's cooperation, a few hours later, the distressed Catalina Depeng was knocked on the back of the head by Aquia with a bottle with both eyes. Turned over, finally fell on the island of Modi Bansai, covered in scars, shaped like evil spirits.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating Qiwuhai Catalina Depeng and refreshing the luck treasure chest randomly."

As long as Roja is on the scene, this defeat is regarded as Roja's credit. He got the treasure chest smoothly, and helped Baby5, Monet and Xia Li, who were so tired that Jiaorui was so tired, back to the small steel bubble.

With a special chain, Catalina Depeng was tied up like rice dumplings, and Modi Bansai became a ruin.The surviving people among the ruins saw the boat carrying the legendary Yandi Luoya go further and further, and began to hurriedly report the matter to the bi pirate group..

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