One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 104: Because the concubine body is so beautiful [seeking monthly pas

As soon as the steel steam ship docked, the welcoming team on Daughter Island had already shouted neat slogans.

"Warmly welcome the emperor side by side to Daughters Island"

"Welcome Emperor Yan to the Amazon Lily Kingdom"

Those two sentences on the banner, read over and over again, seemed to be where the leaders went to the countryside to check, but the all-female voice made Roya a little enthralled, man heaven.

In other words, Daughter Island is good. Nima is an open-minded folklore. At first glance, it looks like hosting the Bikini contest. The shiny little triangle and one more piece of cloth feel so luxurious. Will Daughter Island be beaten by the cloth seller? died

The most worn by the crowd, except for the last generation of Queen Zaha, who is actually Hancock short oil, our sweetheart is indeed a queen fan.

Standing on the boat, Roja's saliva almost flowed out. Monet hurriedly tugged Roja's sleeves to remind his men that the image of going out is still very important. It has to be a bit aura


With a dry cough, Roya, who is wandering beyond the sky, now has big long legs lingering in his head, and hardly put away the pig-like smile, trying to pretend to be a gentleman.At any rate, I didn’t get embarrassed on this occasion. Roja couldn’t help thinking in his heart that if the Demon Chef of the Straw Hat Pirates came, I’m afraid he would have lost too much blood before getting off the boat, and he couldn’t be saved.

Fifty steps and a hundred steps, just smile, and you lose if you are serious.

Step down the small steel bubble deck, the upper body is a big red shirt with gold trim, the lower body is the same big red gold trim trousers, shiny leather shoes, the red is like the sun in the sky, the same color is on the red dog The remaining man exudes light that belongs to him only on Roja.

"Brother Luoya, my concubine has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Ah, eh."

This kind of occasion, the ghost knows what to say, is it possible to wave a hand and say "comrades have worked hard" with the female warriors of Daughter Island who has experienced this kind of scene.

If Roja has a claw machine in his hands, he has to post it directly and post it online.

"Wow, then Yandi? Although it's different from us, it looks so beautiful."

"Beauty is used to describe women. Emperor Yan is handsome."

"Those who have never been to the sea have no say, I know, Emperor Yan is called handsome among men."

Roya's ears are very clever. He almost grinned at the corners of his mouth after hearing this. It was really hard to endure.

Hancock, the arrogant little woman, raised her velvety chin proudly when she heard the comments of her subjects, and walked to Roya's side, just like declaring sovereignty, holding Roya's. Arms.

I haven’t seen Hancock for two years, and his height is 185 meters high. Although he doesn’t have the effect of the 1.91 meter in the future, he has seven or eight centimeters of big red high heels. It is an excellent stunner.

"Brother Luoya, my concubine has already prepared a banquet in the palace. I haven't seen my brother for a long time. Isn't it okay for my brother to tell the concubine a story tonight."

"Uh, please tell me"

The old-fashioned, severely shrinking Granny Zha obviously heard Hancock's words, and she rushed out in front of Hancock with a scream.

"No, you can't be with a man until the queen becomes king"

Before Granny Za's words were finished, she was kicked into the sky by Hancock, turning into a bright star, and her screams were terrifying.

"Hankuk, how about treating Granny Za like this"

"No matter what the concubine does, he will be forgiven, because the concubine is so beautiful."

The subjects of Daughter Island screamed in surprise. Hancock not only looked beautiful, but also used the sweet fruit superbly. Even the eyes of the little maid and Monet turned into love peaches.

Roja, with a domineering look, felt a trance, he recovered in an instant, and he blew his brain on Hancock's smooth forehead.

"I will respect the elderly in the future, you know"

Seeing that Roya was unaffected, Hancock flashed a shy blush on his face, admiring that Brother Roya was really different from other stinky men, and couldn't help holding his arms tighter.

"Well, my concubine will respect the old man in the future."

"That's right."

Well, the surrounding subjects fry the pot again. You must know that even the empress who took office can't stop the charm of Hancock. The appearance of Roja undoubtedly broke the myth.

The guards opened the door of the banquet hall respectfully. The cadres of the Nine Snake Pirates and the ministers of the Amazon Lily Kingdom took their seats in an orderly manner. Everyone felt awkward and panicked after eating. At first glance, most of them were not used to the atmosphere.

How can a country that exists as a pirate living in such a banquet scene? I looked at Hancock next to me and knew that this girl must have given the order to die. Roja can imagine that everyone has a meal now. It's no different from chewing wax.

"Can you sing the wine of Binks?"

Hearing the answers from everyone, Roja nodded in satisfaction. As a pirate, there really is no one who doesn't know this song.

"Then, baby5, let's do a dance for everyone. I still prefer the atmosphere of the Pirate Party."

The melodious music flew from the musicians to everyone's ears. Looking at the approachable Roya, the people on Daughter Island smiled and sang loudly. Hancock Sweet Zhao snuggled on Roya's shoulders.

"Guests from the guests, facing the wind, rain and huge waves, under the clear sky, there is my favorite flag flying, looking at the distance together, that picture is much yearning, in the sky, birds circling in pursuit of the sunset"

The dull atmosphere dissipated, and Monet joined in the fun to come up with a few super cute snowmen, clumsily jumped up with baby5, and the clumsy movements made these people laugh.

Singing, dancing, toasting, boxing, and lively appearance made Roya sing along. What kind of aristocratic demeanor and majestic things Roya can't do. No matter how strong he is, he is still an individual. Laugh presumptuously, if a person is alive and unhappy after eating, it’s so boring

s Ask for a monthly pass, and by the way, I will announce the next 564026298, you know.

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