One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1529: Three Flowers Gathering

This kind of heavenly resonance, personally rectifying the name, has never happened since ancient times, and countless monks were shocked, and their hearts were filled with fear.

In the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of Styx looked at Moro, whose realm was badly damaged beside him, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly. When Moro returned, Zeng Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti were both guests at Killing Monster Mountain. After nine deaths, he just escaped from the two Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian's men.

Originally, the ancestor of the Styx was half-believing this, but in his heart he decided to go to Demon Killing Mountain and his party later to capture Luo Ya, but at this moment, seeing such a scene, he had to weigh again, such a person, Can it move?

In the land of Luzhou in North Ju, in the Demon Master’s Palace, Demon Master Kunpeng frowned, waved his hand and threw out a divine thought, which split into two and entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the two. For the Taiyi Sanxian realm, the other is the Daluojinxian realm. After receiving this divine order, he brought a few young children from the bereaved clan and came quietly towards Xiniu Hezhou.

In the realm of the Western Heavenly Buddha, the Tathagata thought for a while, repeated countless calculations in his hands, and pondered for a long time, frowning. This move of Roja actually had a great influence on his plan to travel to the west. This influence even him for a while. Can't figure it out clearly.

I couldn't think of it, but the Tathagata had great supernatural powers, and granted his decree to several Buddhists, and these people also started to act.

The jade emperor above the nine heavens is like sitting on pins and needles, with a few jade decree in his hand, but he is still unconscious. He only paces back and forth in the hall. After a while, he invites Taibai Jinxing and orders him to hold a jade edict and take it from the emperor’s treasury. There are countless treasures, going to Shushan.

The movements of the cultivators in the Three Realms were different. Countless cultivators were shocked at what the Yuanying Avenue was. Many mortals who were interested in pursuing the Immortal Dao heard the title of the Shu Mountain, and quickly remembered it in their hearts, immediately packed their bags and headed to the Shu Mountain.

On the Huaguo Mountain, the stone monkey who was frolicking heard the words spread across the Three Realms, and his face was filled with joy like a treasure. After asking the old monkey in the mountain where the Xiniu Hezhou is located, he actually started to make a bamboo raft. Pai, it seems that there is a posture of going out to find immortals and visit Taoism three hundred years in advance.

"Roya, isn't this the guy that's hard to handle?" A girl in a purple shirt, riding an alien animal that looks like a donkey, was walking on Nanzhan Buzhou, pouting, with a look of difficulty on her face. .

This kind of major repair, she wanted revenge, it was too difficult, even as difficult as climbing, but the body was seen, if she didn't take revenge, she only felt that she could not sleep well.

Before walking on a beautiful and delicate place, the girl in purple shirt stopped and saw the centipede who was blocking the road and cutting the path. With a wave of the small whip in her hand, she wore a slightly malicious smile on her face.

It just happened that she was in a bad mood, and someone came out to find something. Isn’t she going to be a punching bag?

In just a few moments, the centipede essence was shot out of the prototype, begging for mercy again and again, even in exchange for life, actively offering many treasures collected over the millennium.

Among the green hills, Bai Ji dragged his fragrant cheeks, looking at the direction of Shu Mountain, with a silly smile on her face. She knew in her heart that her lord was about to begin a drastic conquest of this world.

Pig Gangna, who was gnawing wild fruits in the mountains, raised his head, the originally sweet wild fruits in his hands became dull, clapped his hands, looked for a direction, and started wandering on his own, but his figure became more stubborn. .

Sitting on the lonely mountain, the Yasha Hongshao in a red gauze skirt could hear Loya's voice, her pupils shrank sharply, and she almost subconsciously decided that this was the person she had been looking for, patted the floor and got up and rushed to the west. Niu Hezhou away from Shushan

On Lunar Star, Chang'e was holding on to Moon Rabbit’s little hoofs, and she was not allowed to escape. Just now this Nizi was so excited when she heard Roya’s voice, if it weren’t for Chang'e to move fast, I’m afraid it’s already Slipped out of the bounds.

The entire Shu Mountain was shining with golden light, and under the resonance of the heavens, what Luo Ya said just now was reflected in nine days, and a radius of a million miles was clearly visible.

Roya nodded secretly in his heart, seeing the merits on the Shu Mountain slowly introverted, excited, and painful. If all these merits can be integrated into his body, then he might be able to open hundreds of merit boxes.

It was just that after all of them were scattered on Mount Shu, there was no one in his body. Looking at the merit number of 2.02 million on the system, he took a deep breath.

"I'm the late Golden Fairy, I'm the late Golden Fairy" after a long while, Luo Ya finally put that uncomfortable behind.

Ask for flowers

From the early stage of the Golden Immortal, one step to the later stage of the Golden Immortal, although there is no such thing as the first-rate master of the heavens, he directly became a saint, but it also saved Roya's unknowingly long hardship.

It is not easy to condense the three flowers, especially the three flowers of Loya, which also has Taoist rhyme manifested on it. It is not easy to practice the Dao Dao. It is an unexpected joy to be able to reach such a situation in one step.

The artificial flower is pure white, the ground flower is green, the ceiling is gold, and the three flowers are of different colors, but the powerful Tao fruit flower is spinning endlessly in the sea of ​​Loya consciousness, constantly increasing the strength of its body.

Luo Ya felt it a little, and the corner of his eyes was finally filled with satisfaction. Sanhua is the collection of his body's energy and spirit. Now Dao Yun is manifested on it. As long as this Dao Yun is consummated, he can advance to the golden level. Xian Dingfeng, try to hit the realm of Da Luo Jinxian

The gathering of the three flowers is the realm that so many monks dream of, and Luo Ya has never imagined that when he shouted a word through the voice of heaven and earth, heaven and earth actually gave so many benefits.

Between the wave of hands, the Voice of Heaven and Earth, which had always been suspended in front of you, was collected into the system warehouse. This thing had just come down with a single sentence, and there were already quite a few cracks. It was obviously overwhelmed. It would burst when it was created. It would be embarrassing to open it and become a residue.

"System, exchange two merit boxes." Converging his mind, Luo Ya directly started to order the system. Two million merit boxes are also merits. Two merit boxes are already quite a lot.

"The merit box has been stored in the system warehouse, please check it by the host."

"Open it directly." Without any delay, Luo Ya directly ordered the system to open. He just announced to the Three Realms, and I'm afraid many people will come to congratulate.

It is not a trivial matter to establish a school and pass down the orthodoxy. With such a movement, even the Jade Emperor who is at odds with Luo Ya will send someone to give gifts.

Except for the Jade Emperor, I'm afraid that people who have something to do with him will come. Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti will definitely not be absent, and the old mother Lishan will definitely come.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Merit Treasure Box x2 and obtaining Merit Golden Wheel Cohesion Card, Merit Golden Lotus Seed.".

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