One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Chest System 153: Advance the diamond treasure chest in the city

Ships escorting prisoners generally do not have high-level officers, because of these prisoners, those with strong physical skills have their hands and hamstrings broken and pierced the bones of the pipa, and those with strong fruit abilities are handcuffed by sea tower stones.Those with relatively strong abilities would be miserable, like a golden lion's feet on the floor stone, wearing a pipa bone and fixing it on the wall.

Now there are obviously no heavyweight prisoners on this ship. The prisoner was escorted by a navy with the strength of a major general. It was late at night and he had already fallen asleep in the cabin.With the super effect of Shunbu, Roja sneaked into the prisoner without knowing it.

There is no screaming or screaming as imagined. The prisoners who know their fate are completely desperate. There will be no saying that they will be released after serving their sentence and will stay inside until death.

A total of four prisoners, three were pierced through the bones of the pipa, due to excessive blood loss and other reasons, drowsy on the boat, there is also a demon fruit ability is just handcuffed, to this kind of people who have little resistance, Luo Ya Of course it was done by hand, without any accidents.


One person rewarded a hand-knife on his neck, and the four fainted without saying a word. The demon fruit ability was pointed on the temple by Roya, and he lost his life unknowingly.

The corpse was put into the system warehouse, and the ragged clothes were taken off and replaced. The Hailou stone was handcuffed to the bone shrinking ability attached to Roya's disfigurement, and was put on the wrist. The appearance of his face has changed 90% of that of the prisoner. Similar, even people who know each other are stupid and unclear.

This Devil Fruit Ability person is quite famous in this sea. The Fear Fruit Ability person Nightmare Guluji, offers a reward of 150 million Baileys. The Fear Fruit can remind people of fearful things. This kind of fruit is good for that. A person with a weak temperament is naturally victorious in all battles, and a person with firm will and fearlessness is a waste.

Roja thinks that this ability is quite funny. If it is used for people like Usopp, it is estimated that the opponent will scare him to death.If it is used for the nervous Luffy, he has to ask you whether the fruit power is used.

This ancient road base obviously paid too much attention to the power of the Devil Fruit. Bai was 1.8 meters long, with no flesh and dry appearance, and looked very scary.

Roja estimated that such a bounty would look like the fourth or fifth floor. The sixth floor was impossible. There was no reward of five or six billion in that place, and the strength was less than Qiwuhai level, so he would not be locked in.

Whether it is a four-layer hot hell or a five-layer extreme cold hell is very convenient for Roja, at least even if he can't use the power of the sun fruit, but the attached physique is not afraid of extreme cold or scorching heat.

It didn't take long to wait. The naval ship's speed was not slow. Almost an hour later, the yawning major general got up from the bed with difficulty, handed the customs clearance documents to his deputy, and stood at the bow of the ship.

After many hurdles and the soldiers checked the documents over and over again, the warship entered the range of advancing the city center.

In the sights, the sea kings who are hundreds of meters below the sea are small, and the big ones are thousands of meters. They are terrifying. Whoever wants to escape from the sea or get close to here, no matter how strong they are, they have to be treated as snacks.

After the warship docked, the deputy director Hannibal stood in the harbor with a person to take care of the handover of prisoners. Roja, who was carrying the sea stone, was taken out of the cabin.

After simply checking the identity of the prisoner again, Hannibal took the jailer and escorted the four Roja in, without saying a word with the Rear Admiral.

Sitting on the giant elevator, Roja is the first time he has experienced this kind of elevator in the Pirate World.

"Hahaha Pirates, welcome to my deep sea prison, I'm Director Hannibal, uh, oh, it's exposed."

Roja rolled his eyes and looked at this topless, dressed-up guy who was like Pharaoh and was helpless.He was stupid, talkative, and lacking strength. I really don't know how this guy became the deputy director.

"Next you will be in my scorching hell, accept the warm water baptism of hell, haha ​​boil one hundred degrees of hot water, enjoy it."

Pretending to be unresistible, he was pushed into the boiling iron pan, pretending to be screaming a few times, Roja felt that his name was too fake, he was pregnant with the sun fruit that could reach ten thousand degrees, and the magma could take a bath. Boiling water is useful.

"The prisoner Guluji escorted the fifth floor of the extremely cold hell."

"The prisoner Osaidong escorted the third hunger hell."

The four were assigned to their respective levels and cells. Roja pretended to be physically weak, and was assisted by two jailers, one on the left and the other, and walked towards the fifth floor.

The body is so thin and has lost the ability to fruit, and can't live on the fifth floor at all. These jailers have already regarded Luo Ya as a dead person. Naturally, they will not bother to go directly to the cell, open the prison door and let Roya throw it in, and close the door. Turned around and left in a hurry.

There are a large number of army wolves on the fifth floor, but if it weren’t for the four-story jailer beast cow monster Minotaur, they wouldn’t have the courage to come here. The extremely cold hell that even phone worms can’t survive would be dead. No one knows.

During this period of Advance City, two famous beauties, Satie and Domino, have not yet come on duty. After all, for their age, I am afraid they are not in the Naval Academy or have not joined the Navy at all.

Gee, the process is surprisingly smooth

Roja was secretly proud of himself, as expected, human wisdom is infinite. As long as he is willing to think of a way, there is nothing that cannot be done. Isn’t it all in the city that claims to be the most tightly defended city?

You know that Pushing City is a big treasure. The treasure chests on the first floor are almost blinding Roya’s dog eyes. There is a two-tier three-tier bronze treasure chest, a four-tier silver treasure chest, a five-tier gold treasure chest and a six-tier diamond treasure chest.

Although the diamond treasure chest that has never been obtained is in the deepest sixth floor, Roja’s main purpose is to release the sixth floor prisoners. Each of these prisoners is a famous person. Only these people can break the navy. The current situation.

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