One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1540: Zhu Xian Sword Array

People's education, interpretation education, and interception education belong to the Golden Core Avenue. Because of their different doctrines, they can't fight each other and have constant friction. Will it be the same situation with Yuanying Avenue in the future?

The gift of the three saints, in a sense, can be said to be a temptation. After all, there is Buddhism watching from the side, and they don't want to engage in a three-legged situation in the future.

At that time, Luo Ya returned to a teaching etiquette and directly stated to the three saints that Yuan Ying Dadao was also Taoist orthodox, which was regarded as a relief for the three saints and as a win over allies.

Nuwa said afterwards, but did not show the slightest mention and reference, but also because of this Taoist etiquette, the two old guys were definitely not at peace at this time.

After all, what Luo Ya showed on the bright side really had to make them jealous. On the one hand, in the two people’s conjecture, his "two six three" to some extent represented the will of the Taoist ancestor, on the other hand, the blessing of heaven. It was beyond expectation.

The continuous vibrations of the Heavenly Dao were all caused by him. In a short period of time, he gained tens of millions of merits, and then condensed the golden wheel of merit, and even the golden wheel of merit was combined with the magic weapon of life.

The two treasures of merit, this kind of treatment, even Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti, who have been enlightened for hundreds of millions of years, do not have it. No matter what they think, Zhunti and Jiyin cannot take it lightly.

Roja knows that his strength is still not strong enough at this time. Although the saints are jealous, their strength is a flaw. If you want to fight the saints head-on, at least he has to reach the Hunyuan Daluojinxian, maybe there is a possibility. .

After all, he is a real cultivator of the Great Dao, innately taking advantage of the saints of the Heavenly Dao, but now in the late Jinxian stage, there is a big Luojinxian realm in the middle, and he still has a long way to go from the Hunyuan realm.

At this time, it is necessary to choose to stand in a team. Standing on the side of the Taoist door, working hard to develop one's own power, improve one's own strength, and wait for it to become strong, even if Sanqing Yang is allowed to breathe and survive, Sanqing dare not say anything.

After standing in line, there was a gathering of the immortals this time. Presumably, within a short period of time, no monk should dare to come to Shushan to get bad. After all, the saints have given gold scrolls. Two hundred and five in the mind, after all, are only a few.

Luo Ya shook his head, threw out the distracting thoughts in his heart, and looked at the gift box presented by the three saints. On the gift box, the rhyme of Taoism flows, and there is a small formation on the lock.

This formation is a perceptual formation. With Luo Ya's current formation, it is already possible to see it clearly. Each small formation requires special immortal power and aura to be able to release it without damage.

Although violence is easy, even a cultivator of the level of Xiaobailong can open it without any effort, but anyone with a bit of a brain can guess this kind of thing. This is another trial of Sanqing.

"Three old folks, this suspicion is really heavy." Luo Ya had a sneer of disdain on his face, before turning his hands, first took out the gift box with the word truncated on it, and slowly took out the Shangqing Tongtian Magic Technique. The cultivated Xianli explored the past.

This perception formation, after sensing the breath of the pure cut teaching technique, the small walnut-sized formation on it slowly dissipated, and the gift box opened automatically.

A piece of golden silk was exposed from the gift box. Roya saw the golden silk, and a strange feeling rose in his heart. What's more, how could this be so similar to opening a treasure box?

Shaking his head and throwing out distracting thoughts, looking at a piece of gold silk, Luo Ya couldn't help scratching his cheek when he could see the four characters on it. While cursing the Lord Tongtian as a stingy guy, he treated him like a treasure. Hold it up.

The four characters written on the golden silk are the four characters of Zhuxianjian array, but this golden silk is not the legendary Zhuxian sword array. This thing is purely paper used to record the formation. Although it contains spiritual energy, it can It's just normal.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation can be said to shine in the battle of Fengshen. According to legend, it is the first killing formation of the heavens since the opening of Hongmeng, and it is the unsurpassed formation that dominates the killing of the heavens.

And that Zhu Xianjian formation is also the treasure of the cultivating education and the great formation of the apologetics. A saint arranges the formation, but not four saints can join forces.

The sword formation is mysterious and intriguing, murderous, and dangerous. It is not a saint of heaven, even if it is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it will be wiped out as soon as it enters this formation.

The killing formation is still the first killing formation of the heavenly path. There is no doubt about the power of this thing. As the treasure of the established education and the protection of education, its power naturally does not need to be said.

As for the various formations that Roja currently masters, absolutely none can surpass the power of this Zhuxian Sword Formation, but in the same way, this thing is also very tasteless.

Without the Heavenly Dao's first murder weapon, Zhuxian's Four Swords, and without the Heavenly Dao's first murder weapon, the Zhuxian Sword array, it would be difficult for the power of the Zhuxian sword array to be displayed.

Roja can refine treasures, and it is not difficult to refine that killing weapon, and even the subsequent rebirth can force it to survive, but the power is determined to be unable to reach the level laid down by the Lord Tongtian.

Collecting the four swords of Zhuxian, plus the array of Zhuxian swords, the four sages must be unbreakable, and he can only think about the power of such fascinating power.

"Madan, Tongtian, this bastard thing, isn't it making people respond?" Luo Ya cursed inwardly. It is undeniable that this thing is precious, even if it is arranged with his refined magic weapon, it is extremely powerful, but it is not beyond the original. Always let his heart feel aggrieved, even secretly guessing whether this Tongtian has a deep meaning.

The power is beyond the original version, does it mean that you should never surpass him, or that Shushan should never surpass the scale that he once taught, or warn him about something

Luo Ya, who had just fought a gang of old foxes for a few days, couldn’t help but think of other places. He didn’t know. After the battle of the Lord Tongtian, he suffered a great loss. If you have something to do, you can only use this Zhuxianjian to form an array.

We must know that as a large array of apologetics that once intercepted the teachings, its significance is extraordinary. If Tongtian didn't have any stock in his hands, where would he be willing to take it out.

After seeing the first gift, Luo Ya thought and thought about it, stuffing it directly in the front of his shirt, ready to take a look at it for the first time after dealing with all kinds of things.

"Madan, if the rest is this stuff, I will have to let the three guys pick up soap from each other in the future." Luo Ya muttered angrily in his heart, but looked at the remaining two gift boxes.

Turning over the palm of his hand, the gift box of Li Er, a sage of the Taiqing Dynasty, appeared on his palm, showing the same perceptual array, exuding the unique atmosphere of human education..

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