One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 155: Advance the sixth floor of the city

Lei Che looked at Lei Che who had directly turned into a skill, and Roja showed a satisfied smile on his face. The number of appearances of this skill in Hokage was very high.Later, it almost became the exclusive skill of Er Zhuzi, and Lei Che was very easy to play.

As for the shortcomings of this technique, it may be a difficult problem to solve in the Naruto World. Without writing round eyes, it is impossible to accurately capture the body of the enemy.

But for Luo Ya, seeing and hearing the color is domineering, it is more effective than writing round eyes, predicting the opponent's movements in advance, or three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, every hit is accurate.

As for the chakras used in this technique, based on the experience of using Bamen Dunjia, the system will naturally extract the energy from the body's cells to satisfy Rachel's consumption.

Except for the cold wind of the fifth layer of the extremely cold hell, which is hard ice and dead trees, it is obviously not a suitable place to test the power of the moves. If it attracts the attention of the jailer, it will be a big trouble.

Finding a hidden cave, Roja took out the Black Sword Interpreter 200, and dug up the hole, although it will undoubtedly be much faster if it is burned with the sun fruit, and it can easily burn through the two floors. The ground, but it will also leave obvious traces, and you can easily know who caused the ghost after checking.

Since it is here to divert the attention of the navy, Roja doesn't want to be identified by the navy. It's good to do the big boos quietly behind the scenes. In order to save a little effort, it will be a big loss.

The ground between the fifth and sixth floors is the thickest in the entire prison. In order to prevent the murderous people on the sixth floor from breaking through the ground and escaping, the navy has made five or six floors thick. In the original work, Ivankov Being caught in, is to build a five to five level in this ground.

When Roja's knowledge and color were able to detect the situation of the lower level, he immediately slowed down the speed of digging, and carefully used his knowledge and color to perceive the situation of the sixth floor.

On the dark sixth floor, most of the prisons were empty, and the pirates who were once invincible were all tortured quite miserably.

You know, although the current bdfa does not have the existence of the little Sati, Yu Zhiliu has not been imprisoned into the sixth floor. There is this murderous madman, the perverted madman, and the inmates of the fifth-layer extreme cold hell. So few people disappear every day, and these people in the six infinite hell are also asked to take a trip to the torture room in two days.

However, compared to the environment on the upper floors, the environment on the sixth floor is surprisingly good. You don’t have to accept inhuman torture all the time. Every day there will be jailers to deliver some food to barely let these prisoners starve to death. .

According to the map, the diamond treasure chest was in a prisoner's cell. When Roja used his sights to detect it, he was discovered by the prisoner and raised his head toward Roja's location.

It is the first time Roya has seen someone who can clearly perceive what others have seen and heard.

Although the strong will feel a little bit about the detection of others, it is limited to the detection of eyes.

Direct gaze can be felt by anyone with a little strength.Indirect snooping can also be found by the strong and sensitive.Seeing, hearing, color, this kind of intangible matter, even Raleigh couldn't find it.

The ability to make the system refresh the diamond treasure chest beside this person indirectly shows that among the many prisoners on the sixth floor, this person has the absolute highest strength.

I changed my appearance with the disguise technique. It was exactly what Lu Xian looked like on the photo of Peach Rabbit’s pillow. Luo Ya no longer hesitated and covered with his arms, and stomped the remaining obstacles between the fifth and sixth floors. Smashed.

The figure reached the extreme under the instant step, and the people who were already close to the cell in a flash, the armed color opened the door with a click, and Luo Ya once again thanked Leily who taught this top skill. convenient

The villainous king Abalo Pizarroluo broke into the room where he was being held. He waved his arms and opened the chains and shackles. This murderous pirate looked at the sudden appearance of Luo Ya. The time was full of shock.

"Don't him, daze, let everyone out and tear down this broken prison"

With a loud roar, Roja had already appeared at the door of other cells, and Abalo Pizarro, who had reacted, punched the next room with a punch.

The ear-piercing siren had sounded, and the jailer in the surveillance room had clearly seen what happened on the sixth floor through the images sent back by the phone worm, and sounded the highest level alarm in horror.

"Someone has escaped from prison on the sixth floor"

Anyone on the sixth floor is the pirates who used to shock the sea. These pirates are the most terrifying existence for these jailers. You must know that the Golden Lion escaped from prison just a few years ago. The tragic casualties at that time were impossible for the veterans. Forget and that was just a prisoner on the sixth floor

Magellan, who was having diarrhea in the office on the fourth floor, shrank his pupils, and the piercing alarm stopped the rolling belly with interest.

Yu Zhiliu leaned back on the chair, leaned on the desk and smoked a cigar leisurely. Hearing the sound of the alarm sounded, instead of feeling bad, he smiled with interest at the corners of her mouth and picked it up on the desk. The long knife by the side pushed open the office door.

Hannibal, who was asleep, was awakened by the alarm, and he drew the blood suck from the weapon beside him, his teeth began to tremble, and he stumbled towards Magellan's location.

The panicked jailer used the loudspeaker in the surveillance room to spread the incident throughout the jail in an instant. The jailer was frightened, and the prisoners were eager to try, lying on the door of the prison, preparing to pray that the murderers could save their lives.

There are a lot of fruit abilities in the sixth layer, and Roja's armed color unlocking skills have been used to the fullest. After these fruit abilities came out, they spontaneously removed the shackles and chains of the pure body cultivation around them.

Pushing the city is not a good place to break into. Now that the siren has sounded, it is difficult to break out by one person alone.

sIf a monthly pass can feed the author a lot of shit, how many monthly passes are you willing to vote for the mosquitoes? Well, I came to ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month..

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