One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1552: Six Reincarnations by the Forgotten River

After a close interaction with Ao Cunxin, Luo Ya left Shushan again after talking to the women again. He could only go out for more than a month, and for the cultivator, more than a month would not be long.

Roja’s first destination was the Nine Nether Palace. The ten temples of Yama said that the Houtu manifested spirits. He hoped that he could go there. He who had thoughts before, early Can't wait.

The light and shadow in front of me moved 500,000 li at a time, from the mortal world to the Nine Nether Lands, but it was only a moment of time.

The space moved slightly, and Roja was already standing in front of the ten halls of the underworld. In front of the huge underworld, there were a lot of underworld soldiers. Originally, when someone appeared suddenly, these underworld soldiers entered a state of combat readiness instantly, but they could see clearly. After he was who he was, he hit Ji Ling fiercely and hurriedly put down his weapon and knelt on the ground.

"See the Immortal"

When Tou Ming Soldier hurriedly shouted, the Ming Soldiers who were not far away also hurriedly knelt on one knee. More than a thousand Ming Soldiers knelt together in a circle. This treatment was completely the same as when they came last time.

"No need to be polite." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, waved his hand slightly, and looked directly at the Yan Luo Temple in front of him. The Ten Palace Mingjun had already sensed his arrival at this time, put down the things at hand, and hurried to come.

"See Shangxian." It was just a moment before Shidian Mingjun appeared in front of him, bowing to him together, with a little humility in his eyes.

Shushan’s Open Mountain Hall, a simple banquet, let Ten Temple Mingjun from the bottom of his heart, dare not raise any ghost thoughts on Luo Ya, after all, it is the Tathagata Subdhi, who is also sitting under it, and there is only one person in the main hall.

Although it was the beginning of the mountain at that time, Luo Ya should be the most noble person at that time, but the identity of the Tathagata and others is that they are the upper seat when they go to the palace of the sky, and they will sit next.

The invisibly prominent status and status made Ten Palace Mingjun fear from the bottom of his heart, and the words of Ancestral Witch Houtu made their hearts tremble even more.

"How to see the true spirit of the Hou Tu?" Luo Ya waved his hand, immortal power surged, and slightly helped ten people, somehow he held the power of the underworld, he must not rely on coercion to use this underworld in the future. It doesn't hurt.

"Return to Shangxian, the true spirit of the ancestor witch is hidden in the six reincarnations, and the Shangxian is invited to move to Wangchuanhe." King Qin Guang bowed again and replied respectfully.

It is not easy for them to summon the true spirits of the ancestral witches. If the ancestral witches hadn't appeared on their own, they would need to gather the blood of the thousands of witches. The last time they were summoned, many of the witches who were turned into underworld soldiers had suffered a loss, but they could not use The second method is called.

"Lead the way." Luo Ya nodded slightly, and he was also curious about the legendary Wangchuan River.

In my previous life, it was said that on the Wangchuan River, but by the bridge, Meng Po brought the soup to the forefront. Many stories seem to have happened on the Wangchuan River.

"Yes." The Ten Halls of Yama bowed again, soaring clouds, and leading the way to the depths of the darkness. The three realms of the prefecture were reincarnated and reincarnated. The area was so large that they could become one term. There is a long distance.

As he went deep into this nether land, Luo Ya's eyes were full of souls waiting for reincarnation. These souls were either humans or beasts. Some of them showed sadness while walking, and some looked forward.

What's more, the incompleteness, the whole body was covered with scars, and the soul that seemed to be annihilated by the faint candlelight was escorted from the depths of the underworld to the land of six reincarnations.

These souls are all sins in previous lives. After being punished in the depths of the underworld, they escaped from the sea of ​​bitterness. The souls ready to reincarnate, go to hell at the underworld, and get rid of the karma at the mouth of reincarnation. The whole underworld is like a precision machine. Real-time operation endlessly.

After flying for a long while, past the tens of millions of souls who were about to reincarnate, Ten Temple Yama descended and landed on the bridge of Naihe, Meng Po saw that the Ten Temple Mingjun returned, put down the soup bowl in his hand, and led a group of underworld soldiers. welcome.

There are tens of millions of souls reborn every day. There are people, animals, demons, immortals, moths, asuras, green grasses, and fishes. It is impossible for Meng Po alone to come here busy. The underworld soldiers are no less than the ten palaces.

"I have seen the immortal, I have seen all the Mingjun." Po Meng took the lead in saluting, and directly placed Luo Ya in front of the ten temple Mingjun. The old woman's figure bowed slightly, and it was necessary to be supported by the person next to him. Kowtow.

"You don't need to be polite, you can do it yourself." Luo Ya saw this Meng Po's rickety figure, and a celestial force waved out, preventing him from kneeling, and cried in his heart to make the old man kneel. I really don't want to bear it.

With a little gratitude in her eyes, Po Meng bowed back to the side, and commanded the underworld soldiers not to let the underworld run in their section. They have a heavy responsibility. If they delay for a while, countless creatures will be affected.

Upon seeing this, Lord Shidian Mingjun gratefully bowed to Luo Ya, hurriedly stepped forward, faced the entrance of the six reincarnations, formed an ancient witch seal in his hand, and said something in his mouth.

Luo Ya had seen this handprint last time, and it was the mark of the blood of the Witch clan, and the piles of babbles in his mouth were in the language of the Witch clan.

On the mouths of the six reincarnations, there are several heavenly words, which are shining with different halos. Each entrance is a hundred meters in size. The power of the six paths is daunting.

This powerful force was exerted by the Dao of Heaven, even if it was Da Luo Jinxian, he dared not touch it a little, and if he wanted to slightly affect its operation, he had to Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

It is precisely because of this that the falling fairy well in the heavenly court is extremely precious. After all, the ability to reincarnate the immortal into a human without being affected by karma and the movement of the heavens is extremely powerful.


The six reincarnations trembled, and Zhao, who had dispersed between the halo, issued a strong six-dimensional power. Seeing this, Shidian Mingjun quickly hammered his breath and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Seeing these few mouthfuls of blood, Roya rolled his eyes speechlessly in his heart. The blood of the practitioners was precious and unusual. Every time the blood of the Witch Clan was lost, it would take a long time to make up.

It's still more than ten years since the last time, these Mingjun vomiting blood like this, don't know how long it will take to recover.

Under the guidance of the trembling light and shadow, these blood slowly gathered together, and merged with the trace of true spirit surging out of the six realms, and turned into the appearance of the earth.

It's just that compared to the image formed by the last fusion, the shape of the earth is obviously a bit more dull this time. After all, the blood of the witches gathered a lot last time. The amount alone is huge. gap.

Roja frowned, seeing the weak true spirit, secretly glad that he came early..

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