One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1554: I like to see you smile

Entrusted by Hou Tu to take care of the descendants of the Witch tribe, if it were someone else, I am afraid that they would have agreed to it. After all, taking care of the descendants of the Witch tribe is indirectly equivalent to controlling the six reincarnations.

What's more, after this article, Houtu also gave corresponding rewards, pooling the blood of thousands of Wu clan, and casting the true body of the Wu clan and the blood of the father god.

The Father God of Houtu is naturally Pangu undoubtedly. Although Luo Ya didn't know how this Pangu essence was condensed, he would not say anything that was uncertain.

Relying on the bones of the great witch in his body, cultivating the ancestral witch's body-building exercises, relying on Pangu essence and blood, the worst, the flesh will be comparable to the ancestral witch in the future.

This kind of temptation is really not something ordinary people can refuse. If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely agree to it with one bite, but Roja doesn't feel cold at all when he hears such words.

The power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is certainly good. If he takes over, it is a good choice whether it is to clamp down on Buddhism or to clamp down on the heavens. Even the Daoist and the side gates will have to be in favor of him.

But this thing is also a hot potato. It's okay that everyone can't interfere with the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If someone suddenly appears to interfere, other forces will definitely have to move some thoughts they shouldn't have.

Bright guns are easy to dodge and dark arrows are hard to guard. Luo Ya has finally finally stabilized the situation in Shushan temporarily, and then taking over the six reincarnations is obviously not the right time.

Besides, it is clear that there is a better choice, why should he take over the six realms of reincarnation. If he can use the land for his own use, he has the final say.

As for the so-called Pangu essence and blood and the body of the Witch Clan, Luo Ya really didn't have the slightest idea. He now jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the five elements, and engaged in the so-called Pangu essence and blood, but he was directly under the jurisdiction of Heaven.

This world of heaven and earth was transformed by Pangu’s true body, and the way of heaven was born in response to this world of heaven and earth. He was born to manage this world. With the blood of the ancestor witch, he has a weakness that can be pinched by many saints. .

Besides, he will lose to Pangu in the future. How can the top cultivation base of the saint of Dadao have a systematic existence, and he will be destined to be much more noble than Pangu in the future.

Engaging in that Pangu essence and blood and the body of the Witch Clan is beneficial in the short term, but it will do more harm than good in the long term. After all, the body is still good for him. This has always been something Luo Ya has always insisted on.

"I refuse." After Luo Ya was silent for a while, he looked directly into the eyes of Houtu and directly refused the other party's words. His prospects can be said to be unlimited. At this time, he does not want to take a short-term article for a Pangu essence. Advantages and long-term disadvantages.

"Is it because my reward is not enough?" A look of disappointment appeared on the surface of the earth, all of which were expressed on the face, and the purity of the heart was evident.

"It has nothing to do with remuneration, but, Wu Clan, you should take care of yourself." Luo Ya saw Hou Tu's expression with a little helplessness on his face.

This girl has an unparalleled horror affinity on her body, and people can't help but want to feel pity. This kind of perfect and pure person, with a smile, frown and zui, can always touch people's hearts.

"I will take care of myself" Houtu blinked, with a bit of doubt on his face. Luo Ya had asked her how long she could last. It was obvious that her true spirit was weak and almost disappeared. Why did she say this again? if

"Take care of yourself." Luo Ya nodded, and a divine thought came out, but he passed his plans and ideas into the sea of ​​knowledge in Houtu.

Although the true spirit of Houtu is very fragile, but this weakness is only relative, if the power of the six reincarnations, if an ordinary true immortal cultivator is affected, it will be ground into dregs in an instant.

There were not many information recorded in this divine mind. After that, the true spiritual strength of the earth would have been read all in a moment. Although there were many things she could not understand, she also roughly understood the content of the plan.

This kind of behavior of taking advantage of the heavens, let alone being learned by the monks, is the heavens, and Luo Ya didn't want to know it. After all, Houtu was very connected, and even affected the direction of many major forces. If it spreads out, it will inevitably cause huge shocks.

"Why do you help me like this?" Houtu bit Chun, frowned slightly, turned his face to the side, and asked softly.

What Roya said, she somehow did not doubt its authenticity at all, but at the same time, she did not understand why the other party was willing to help her in this way.

I just met once, said a few words, and only asked for a result that both of them were satisfied with.

Ask for flowers

She wanted to entrust the Witch Clan to Roya because the other party had a feeling that she couldn't help but want to believe, and she seemed to know that the other party would not harm her at all.

But the other party, on the other hand, was so sincere to replace her, and he couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. After all, this method seemed safe, but the risk was really unpredictable.

Taking a person to escape from the restraints of Heaven's Dao, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in Tian Dao's view. If Tian Dao discovers the clues, given the particularity of her identity, I am afraid that thousands of thunder will be imminent, and Tian Dao will inevitably send a terrible thunder penalty.

She didn’t care, she was a mortal. There was no big difference between dying by thunder and dying by the power of six reincarnations, but why did Roja take such a risk to help her?

"I like to watch you smile." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, leaned against the back of the chair, and said something cynically.

The free and easy breath on that body caused Hou Tu to be taken aback, a shame flashed in his eyes, and he twisted his cheek aside, and Luo Ya grinned and laughed.

He simply has a good opinion of Hou Tu, and those who use it as a combat power, or slap various powers, are all based on this good feeling.

If it's someone he doesn't like, no matter how strong it is, don't want him to look at it straight, let alone such a big help.

"Thank you" Houtu said softly, a little cramped, it didn't look like the great god who survived the ancients.

Even if you live for hundreds of millions of years, many things in your bones will not change. Kind people are still kind, and the perfect and pure people like Houtu will still be what they are now even after hundreds of millions of years. appearance.

"No." Luo Ya raised a smile on his face. Houtu's words undoubtedly meant that he had agreed to his plan, and things went so smoothly, but he was a little surprised.

After conquering Houtu, the underworld became his master's place, and then the corresponding benefits were enough to make anyone jealous. Such a harvest was just a trip and a few words. It was indeed Make a big profit..

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