One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1559: Super Dangerous Species

"Go in that direction." Luo Ya pointed his finger at the location of the imperial capital on the system map, and Divine Mind said to the dangerous species.

The size of this gadget is a bit too big, and it has exceeded the space contained in the pet space ring in the hand. If you want to study its abilities, you can only take it to the imperial capital.

The imperial capital is more than 20,000 miles away from this place. This equidistant distance, placed on the earth in the previous life, is already equivalent to twice the distance from the southernmost point to the northernmost point of China.

For Roja’s moment, it is naturally possible to arrive in an instant, but a god knows if the sudden appearance of this dangerous species will startle the people in the imperial capital, and second, he just put his spiritual mind to the maximum distance, He knew what had happened to Esdes.

Because of his appearance, that girl has become disheartened and behaved strangely.He really wanted to know what he would do for himself afterwards.

This kind of man's careful thinking made him choose to use dangerous species for transportation. Anyway, he just happened to study his abilities, which was the most appropriate.

"Woo" Dangerous species showed a struggling expression on his face. After a little hesitation, he incited the wings that looked like a devil fish into the air and moved towards the direction of the imperial capital.

At this time in the imperial capital, Asides had entered the spacious bath, accompanied by more than a dozen maids costumes, and Chelsea was among the maids.

Like Esdes, he drew a lot of attention, and gently wiped his back behind him, with a look of envy on his face.

She had heard of the so-called king countless times in Esther's mouth earlier. Although this matter had never been known to the ministers, as a personal maid, she had known it very well.

It’s just that at the beginning, Chelsea only thought of it as a character made up by Esther. After all, Esther is already so strong, is there a man stronger than him?

Crystal skin, glowing in the water, after eating the fruits of the sun, Esthers has been able to complete elementalization long ago. There is no dust in the body. This process of bathing is more of a psychological comfort.

"Chelsea is approaching. At the current speed, it will arrive in about an hour and a half." Esters closed her eyes slightly, with a shy expression on her face. She could clearly perceive Roja through the summoning card. Is coming to her quickly.

The flying speed of the dangerous species is not slow, it has definitely exceeded the speed of sound, even if it is 20,000 miles apart, it does not take long to reach it.

Knowing that people who are thinking day and night are approaching, this feeling of anxiety is the first time for Esthers to realize that the so-called close to nostalgia, and vice versa.

Holding his reddish cheeks, Asides buried his body entirely in the water. The slightly hot temperature not only did not cool his mood, but made his restless mood worse.

Standing up from the water, shook his long hair straight to his waist, Asides clutched his heart and tried to calm himself down. The anxiety caused Chelsea's eyes to be a little confused.

The aura of the queen of Esdès is simply a killer of men and women, especially now that she is caught in the kind of little woman in love, it makes Chelsea, who are used to Esdès's majesty, feel a little dazed.

"My Queen, how did you and the king met" Chelsea was really curious about what kind of character he was able to subdue the most powerful queen in history.

"Acquaintance is that the one he called me was badly injured when he first met, and he looked like he was about to die at any time, but it didn't take long for the injury to completely heal the power of the sun, which was originally his power. He gave it to me and let me use it to protect myself"

Esdes began to tell the hidden stories in his heart, the original words, the image of Roja, and the infinite greatness described by him, all said that Xi Shi was in the eyes of the lover, even the queen of Esdes was no exception.

The story was told for more than an hour, Chelsea listened carefully, Esders was also willing to tell the story to others, but the two did not notice the passage of time.

"Reported to Lady Queen that the invading destination of military intelligence super dangerous species went straight to the royal capital. Now the distance is less than a thousand miles."

Just as Esdes was talking about Roja’s various abilities, there was a report from the door of this luxurious bathroom. Although the voice was a female voice, the coldness in it was not inferior to the former Ai. Steads.

Ask for flowers

"The super dangerous species dare to come at this time? Are you impatient to live? The red pupil ordered the king to enter full alert" Esdes was interrupted, and his voice suddenly became murderous.

Now that Roja is coming here at extreme speed, the super dangerous species dare to join in the fun at this time. What she says today is to kill the super dangerous species into dregs.

Wait for the super dangerous species, a thousand miles, fast approach

"Crimson Eye, wait a minute, line up to inform everyone in the royal capital, all line up to welcome" Asides just finished speaking, and instantly found something wrong, and hurriedly ordered Red Eye to the door again.

"Uh, yes." In a black short dress, holding a sword with a sword in his hand, Murami Chitoshi was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand what the situation was like when this lineup welcomed the super dangerous species, but she was completely loyal to the new empire and did not hesitate. Agreed.

After Esdes returned to this world and destroyed the alien races in the north, he directly became independent mercenaries and used the name of the revolutionary army.

Because of the heavy forces in hand, this revolutionary army is much stronger than the genuine revolutionary army in the original book. Because of the plot that Roja told, the assassination of the army that night was attacked, and it was taken the first step.

Under the weird order of Queen Esthers, the huge kings moved quickly and lined up to welcome the super dangerous species. This is the first time in a long history.

Esdes wore the uniform that he wore when they first met, long tall white boots, white top and black military cap, black sleeves covering a pair of lotus arms, holding in his hands This is the three-piece penalty set given by Roja.

Either because of the anxiety in his heart, or because of a little bit of other thoughts, Asides put on his original clothes again, restoring the once cold as a knife, with the slightest evil aura.

A slightly painful beast roar came, and the entire king saw that super dangerous species was so large that it was suffocating. The invisible pressure made them even hard to breathe..

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