One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1564: For Treasure Box Fragments

Roja's strength is obvious to all. The super dangerous species is more obedient than the puppies. If you let it squat in place, the super dangerous species is still lying there.

And now it is obvious that it released its own weapons and directly killed the sss-level and ss-level wanted criminals of the empire from far away. Those two wanted criminals were notorious in the empire.

I just got a piece of imperial equipment, and instantly aroused secret skills that he hadn't shown originally. You must know that it is not a day or two for the red pupil to get this blow and kill Cura Yu, but I have never heard of any secret skills. .

When he walked to the training ground in the backyard of the bedroom, Roja raised his eyebrows when he looked at the luxurious training ground. You don’t need to guess that it’s the training ground used by Esders. It’s just the messy scene around it. People are awkward.

The fire is burning, the ice is frozen, half ice, half fire, the ground is full of lava rolling, and then it is instantly frozen, and the surrounding pits and pits can only vaguely see the original appearance.

"Come here." Roja shook his head. Just by looking at the traces on the ground, I knew that Esthers usually trains quite hard, but because his training method is still the low-level method of Pirate World, so The increase in strength is not large.

"Yes, sir." Chi Tong nodded. She is the captain of the palace guard, naturally knowing the existence of this place, and after responding respectfully, she has obvious expectations on her face.

"Most of the imperial tools are alive, especially the first batch of imperial tools, such as evil spirits, romantic fort, village rain, evil spirits, etc., even have their own thoughts."

Luo Ya's first words made Chitong stunned in place. The idea that Tegu is alive really made her unable to understand. Looking at the village rain in her hand, her eyes were full of horror.

"Living" Chitong murmured to herself, tightening the Murasame in her hand. She had heard that the so-called knife is alive and Teigu has a soul, but it was the first time someone said straightforwardly. , Digu is alive.

But surprisingly, she didn't doubt Loya's words. One was that the identity of the other party was there, and there was no need to tease her. The other was the feeling that Mura Yu showed just now, it really seemed to have life.

"Yes, alive, if you want to completely surrender a piece of imperial furniture, there are two ways, one is to get the approval of the imperial furniture, and the other is to use a powerful force to make the emperor directly surrender."

Roja looked at the expression of the red pupil and talked about his theory again. The imperial equipment of the empire is actually far more than the ones on the surface, but there are very few people who can use it.

It is too difficult to get Teigu's approval. In the final analysis, it is necessary for Tegu to be able to see the users.

Just like the biological emperor with a hundred-armed giant Xiaobi in the original work, it was also because he fell in love with Seleuubiquitas, so he awakened, released the idea of ​​surrender, and even blew himself up for Seleu.

"Identity, surrender, did the adult just use the second type?" Chi Tong couldn't help but ask, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

If she surrendered, it was fine, but if she agreed, then she, a person who had used Murakami for more than ten years, would have failed a little too much.

"Well, using the forehead of the primordial spirit to force the consciousness of Emperor Gu to make it fear, and thus choose to surrender. This method has a disadvantage, that is, if you don't pay attention, it is very likely that the Emperor will go back."

Luo Ya understood Chitong's emotions and explained the method he used just now. Facing a black, long and straight beauty, who was the number one heroine in the world of Chitong, he still somewhat missed it.

However, because I have seen so many beauties, and there are celestial beauties from various worlds around me, this thought is not so strong.

"Sir Spiritual Mind, what should I do." When Chi pupil heard Luo Ya's words, he was relieved, but frowned. As the owner of Mura Yu, she really wanted to awaken her secret skills.

"Fight first, fight with my clone. When you win the clone, you will know how to do it." A smile appeared on Roja's face and he directly used the velvet clone.

"The clone is, sir." Chi pupil saw the figure condensed beside Luo Ya, and only regarded it as the unknown emperor's ability, and respectfully responded.

"Come on, I'm very optimistic about you." Luo Ya said, turning around and walking towards the door of the training room. It would be nice to hand it over to the clone. Haolai is a piece of the supreme treasure chest, so it's not easy to catch it. Then just hit it directly.

Ask for flowers

"My lord, I'm offended." After Roya left, Chi Tong said to the clone. Knowing that it was a clone, without extra care, she rushed up with the village rain.

Bang bang bang

The clone only used the power as strong as Chitong's, and with the rich combat experience, the simple and extremely concise moves made Chitong tired and sweaty during the training.

After all, Crimson Eye lost to the avatar, and was stunned by a hand knife in a short time, and the avatar did not cause any damage in the whole process.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the garrison captain Chitong, and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment."

Roja heard that the third Supreme Treasure Chest had arrived, but there were no other hints, and there was a trace of doubt on his face. At any rate, he was the first female protagonist in this world. Isn't it too simple?

"The power of the world has been transferred to Esters, please keep the host's efforts."

System, I can tell your sister

Roja couldn't help but cursed inwardly, returned to the room, and looked at Esdes who was sleeping, with a weird expression on his face.

I just had sex for a day, and Esdes did not beg for mercy during the whole process, and he was not fainted by the sex.

"For the treasure chest fragments, it seems that I really have to do it again." Roja thought about the arrogant queen temperament of Asdes, shook his head, and put away the clothes directly.

It would be extremely difficult to make Esdes surrender verbally. Instead of doing that, it would be better to work harder to make it straightforward.

"Well, I'll sleep for a while." The sleeping Esdes felt a pair of big hands messing up on his body, opened his blurred eyes, hugged Roja's neck, muttered a word, and fell asleep again.

It was just this muttering that directly ignited Roja's anger, turned over and pressed it under him, and directly began to attack the city, and for a moment, the intoxicating low noise was remembered in the room..

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