One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1571: You should be on your way

After speaking, Sheila backhanded the mark with Shangri-La in the dimensional square array. He glanced at the four ghosts of Rakshasa and nodded to each other, and rushed towards Luo Ya at the same time.

More than a dozen people behind the two followed almost at the same time, lined up in a row, the target was directed at Luo Ya, each with a desperate look on their faces, and they directly took out their own moves at the bottom of the box.

Move a step, this kind of condition just heard to them, like a mockery, and also like arrogance and ignorance, but after Xiao showed his hand, everyone did not dare to look down upon it.

After all, the corpse of the alchemist Dotya is still on the ground. Among the top 50 rankings in the world, Dotya is not as high as the black and red eyes, but it is also in the top 25. Being killed so easily, even a fool knew that Luo Yaqiang was out of place.

But sometimes people are such animals, even if the hope is slim, even if they know that the opponent is strong, they want to take a fight, after all, they just move one step and they can be free.

And even if it is as powerful as Esders 13, when they want to deal with the combination of more than a dozen of them, it is impossible to not move at all.

Excluding the dead Doat, Najiexitan and Brand sitting on the ground not ready to move, the crowd moved, but a young man with golden hair and a soft face appeared.

Although this young man had been trapped in the dungeon for a long time, he still maintained a kind of easy-going aura that made people feel close. Luo Ya ignored the fifteen people who had attacked and set his eyes on the young man.

There were a lot of people just now, and this young man deliberately hid himself again, reducing the breath of the whole body. Luo Ya only swept it roughly with his divine mind, but missed it.

"It's kind of interesting." Roja murmured, with a somewhat playful look on his face. No matter how careless he was just now, and the level difference was so big, he could hide himself until then. Let people notice that this young man's abilities are indeed extraordinary.

Putting up a finger, gently blocking the attack of the spine in front of him, his fingertips slightly moved to eject it, Roja swayed a finger left and right to easily resolve all attacks from all directions.

The young man noticed Luo Ya's comment on his gaze, and his face showed a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, but the cold sweat that fell from the temples already showed how nervous he was.

The leader of An Ning Road, Luo Ya knew well, and had already begun to recall the message of the leader of the Rao Shizi.

According to the little bit of memory in his mind, this young man seems to be the leader of An Ningdao, possesses a high personality charm, and is born with the ability to heal wounds and predict the future, and can even see through people's hearts.

The memory is very strong, and he can remember the name and number of each believer. The body seems to be a mixture of dangerous species and humans, which is a special case.

"Dangerous species, the dangerous species I surrendered seems to be hungry in the capital." Luo Ya retracted his gaze, rubbing his chin with his left hand, and shaking his right hand seemingly inadvertently, easily blocking all the surrounding attacks.

"My lord, are you distracting?" Leo Nai touched the red pupil on one side with his elbow, with a somewhat unbelievable expression on his face, and couldn't help but wipe his eyes with his hand.

"It looks like it is." Although the expression on Chitong's face seemed calm, the hand holding the hilt of the sword betrayed her mood at this time.

Changing places, if she was facing this attack at this time, she would have begun to dodge in embarrassment, and even died, but Luo Ya walked away and easily dealt with it.

Even the whole process, he only used one finger, and the black gun that he saw earlier was not taken out at all, and it was so strong that it made Chi-pu feel difficult to breathe.

"Acridine, my lord is so strong, so powerful, my lord, cheer, cheer" The appearance looked like a black pupil who was fixed in the fourteen-year-old. Seeing that Roja was so strong, he shouted to cheer for him.

Will held his forehead helplessly, staring at Kosmia and Linglu firmly, hoping that they could die early, otherwise if Roya couldn’t think about it and marry them to him, then he really committed suicide. The heart is gone.

At this time, Luo Ya was completely outside of mystery. These people, no matter their talents, no matter what abilities they have, to him, they are inferior to ants, and they are really uninteresting.

Divine consciousness diverged, and seeing the super dangerous species squatting obediently in the royal capital, Luo Ya directly conveyed the order to come over to eat with divine consciousness.


When the super dangerous species heard Roya's command, its eyes released a bright light. It was hungry long ago and pressed its back. Hearing this sentence at this time, it was not hesitating to hear the sound of nature.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Super Dangerous Species spread its kilometer-long wings, and after a long roar from the sky, it followed its location and flew over in an instant.

The defensive guard who had guarded the super dangerous species fell to the ground, saw the super dangerous species landed in the palace, and quickly went back to report.

"It's a big bird." Mayin shook the romantic fort pumpkin in the handshake, compared the strength gap between the two, said sourly, turned his head aside, and put down the imperial equipment in his hand. .

This level of dangerous species, standing to shoot her, she may not be able to kill it, unless at the last moment, the romantic fort fires at zero 157 range, fighting to self-destruct, then there is such a possibility.

Many people who had just walked out of the prison had no idea when the imperial capital came to such a terrifying super dangerous species, their pupils shrank sharply, and even the pace of the attack was paused.

"My temporary mount is here to eat, so you should be on the road." Roja saw the super dangerous species standing behind him quite consciously. He couldn't order, he didn't dare to move at all, with a smile on his face, facing him. More than a dozen people in front of them spoke.

"Eat and eat" Sheila's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instantly understood what Roja was talking about. It's not that he has never seen a cruel person, but he has never seen it. Some people regard dangerous species as pets and even feed them. Human

The emperor in his hand moved repeatedly, flashing to the very beginning and the farthest away. Sheila’s cheeks were sweating coldly, and those prisoners who could not stop the car under their feet and were still rushing forward, were also full of heart. Uncontrollable goose bumps.

Bang bang bang bang

A series of blood blossoms exploded, and the 14 people who were still attacking, almost at the same time, their heads exploded into blood mist. These 14 people did not have a good bird, Roja would not show the slightest mercy when he started. With cold sweat, he subconsciously ran far away.

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