One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1580: Long Farewell Reunion

"There is always a feeling of bullying." Luo Ya twisted his eyebrows, and folded his hands slightly toward the center, and the tightly-sealed earth wall instantly fell toward the center.

In the eyes of the remnants of the revolutionary army, such a method really exceeded their understanding, and this kind of scene that seemed like the sky was falling, they had no hope of survival at all.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and there was no living thing in the radius of a thousand meters. Luo Ya's spiritual thought swept away, his fingers twitched, and the remaining three imperial tools that were deeply buried in the ground flew into his hands.

Although he doesn’t like this kind of thing, it’s better not to be left outside. Just go back and throw it into the Treasury of Asdes, or a few years later, someone who is lucky enough to pick it up. A trouble.

"Congratulations to the host for killing Yax the Servant, and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Chest Broken "Two Six Seven" pieces x1."

After a pause of a few seconds, the guy buried deep in the ground completely died, and the system's prompt sound came over.

The 28 pieces of Supreme Treasure Box fragments before, plus the two pieces just obtained, have now collected 30 pieces of Treasure Box fragments, and Luo Ya directly ordered the system in his heart.

"System, synthesize supreme treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for synthesizing the Crimson Eye World Advanced Supreme Treasure Box, plus five world followers."

"Open the high-level supreme treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Supreme Treasure Box, gaining the power of the world's advanced origin of the Crimson Eye, and adding five additional world followers."

The world’s advanced origin power of Crimson Eye Slasher can use various imperial tools at will in the Crimson Eye Slash world to strengthen or invalidate the emperor’s abilities. You can control various levels of dangerous species at will, and you can control the earth, fire, and cold of the world. Natural elements such as ice, thunder and water.

World follower 020 can follow the host through the endless world, and can be summoned at will in any realm, repatriated at will, and followers can be replaced freely.

Roja saw the high-level source power he obtained after opening the Supreme Treasure Chest, and disdainfully dismissed Zui. This level of world power, placed in this world, is already invincible, but for him, there is no What a role.

He didn't look down on the thing itself, even if it was the strongest existence among them, it couldn't compare to a middle-grade magic weapon, and the difference in level was too great.

The ability to control dangerous species is also rubbish. Even if the dangerous species in this world attack together, there is no slight threat to him, and they can be killed in minutes.

But think about it, before and after he gained this source of power for less than eight days, Roja was relieved, now with this thing, his own purpose is not to be invincible in this world, but to be able to complement the sky after returning. Tao, get the gift of replenishing heaven, it doesn't matter whether it is strong or not.

After getting the power of the source, Loya's purpose to cut the red pupil world is considered to be half of the completion. The current practice of Esdes is basically on the right track. The rest is to look at the Pirate World and the Hokage World. The situation of the ladies.

With a move in his heart, he immediately returned to the training room. Seeing that Esdes was still in the training room, Roja turned and walked into the huge room next to the training room.

I've always thought about summoning the pirates and the women of the Naruto World, but due to the rules of the Journey to the West, once you go there, with everyone's cultivation base, I am afraid that you will have to overcome the catastrophe in minutes.

And without his guidance, God knows how the girls in the two worlds are practicing. If it is due to some small mistakes, unstable foundation, or other reasons, the potential is greatly reduced, it is always a very troublesome thing.

At this moment in the world of Slashing the Red Eyes, there is no such worry, there is no heaven here, and it is Esdes alone who has the final say, summoning the girls to come over, while solving the worries, while sympathizing, it is always But a worry.

"System, using the quota of world followers, summon Tsunade, Yuhihong, Uzuki Yuga, Red Bean, Xiaogu, Kushina, Aroma Phosphorus, Terumi Mei, Yukijin, Mai Shiranui, Hinata, Izumi Uchiha , Xiaonan, Mebis, Bufeng, Li Zi, Fenghua Xiaoxue, Linen, Samui."

Roja swallowed, hesitated, and directly summoned nineteen people. Except for Mebis and Mai Shiranui, the others are native to the world of Naruto, and these nineteen people live together in Konoha , They should be the most familiar to each other, and there is no hindrance to summoning together

Summoning formations with a diameter of more than two meters appeared in the room. Unfortunately, the room was spacious and empty, otherwise there would be no room for 19 people to be summoned next time.

The people who were summoned had different expressions, and they were all the same. It was the first time that they were summoned by the followers of this world, and they were completely dumbfounded.

After seeing Roja in front of him, the women who were temporarily unable to move showed different expressions. Tsunade was holding a volume of documents in his hand, obviously still dealing with official duties. At this time, he saw the face of the man he had not seen for a long time. With a sneer, he was ready to settle accounts with him.

The gentle faces of Yurihong, Hinata, Uzuki Yuyan, etc. were pleasantly surprised. The two more cheerful ones, Xiaogu and Hongdou, were full of excitement. Kushina pinched his waist with both hands, and his faces were also unkind. Terumi Ming's smile on her face, as if she was too surprised, she was about to faint at any time.

Shiranui Mai hugged her arms and looked at the daughters who appeared with her, sending Roya a look that you are finished, while Uchiha Izumi and Mebis looked around curiously.

Xianglin pushed his glasses and looked at him wearing a swimsuit in front of him. He could still see Li Zi, Dufeng, Fenghua Xiaoxue beside him, thinking to himself that the clothes he might be wearing were not suitable.

Azabuyi, Samyi, and the two Yumu men looked at each other. After the formation disappeared, they quietly retreated 49 distances, obviously vacating the battlefield for everyone.

"Mebis, how long has this guy been away?" Tsunade squinted his eyes, pulled off his coat directly, revealing a short dress, and asked Mebis to the side.

"Er thirteen years and one hundred and thirty-nine days." Mebis's original brilliant smile froze, and he hurriedly answered Tsunade, and said in his heart, this gloomy tone, I am afraid something is going to happen.

"Thirteen years and a hundred, don't you think you should give an explanation after walking for so long?" Tsuna moved his feet and instantly rushed towards Luo Ya, the sturdy momentum was undoubtedly revealed.

"I rub" Luo Ya Haoxuan did not hold back the urge to turn around and run, and directly opened his arms to meet him, clinging Tsunade firmly in his arms, making it impossible to move at all..

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