One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1587: Meeting of the Three Realms

Early the next morning, Sabo took his assistant Ivankov out of the space channel, along with dragons and two hundred UN soldiers. Almost all of these soldiers were people with artificial devil fruit ability, and the weakest breath was. Higher than the Da Zuo level.

And at almost the same time, Shishui and Itachi also walked out of the space channel with Two Hundred Ninjas, the breath of these 200shang Ninjas was even stronger than that of UN soldiers.

Na Jiexitan has led more than a thousand soldiers to wait for a long time. Will, Crimson Eye, Mayin, Leo Nai and others are all in the line. This kind of battle, except that Esders did not come, is equivalent to basic Has come up with the strongest lineup.

Standing above the sky, Roya saw the crowd appear, and pointed out four insignificant divine thoughts, which were directly transmitted to the minds of Shishui, Itachi, Sabo, and Dragon.

The four of them stared at each other for a moment, with a somewhat helpless expression on their faces. This divine sense transmitted voice, but it was for them to unite and conquer Najiexitan.

"Where the master is, there really is a beautiful woman." Sabo murmured, scratching the back of his head, thinking about what to do for a while.

"Fifth-generation Hokage-sama's order, Itachi, I think you are more suitable." Zhishui's cheeks twitched, and he turned to look at Itachi on one side. He is not a good acting person. This task is better for him. Level tasks are dozens of times more difficult.

"Well, I'll come." Itachi responded after thinking about it. Although his facial paralysis attributes are already full, it is precisely this facial paralysis that makes people incomprehensible. Although acting or something is stiff, it will not show. What a flaw.

Standing high in the sky, Roya saw that everyone had begun initial contact with a smile on his face. This matter has been arranged so far, and he does not need to worry about the rest.

Negotiations on various things in the three worlds cannot be completed in a day or two. From trade to technology, to resource exchange and energy sharing, the twists and turns are enough to make ordinary people heads like a fight.

Fortunately, there is the path taken by Pirate World and Naruto World. For many things, Sabo and Itachi are trying their best to move closer to the original agreement.

It's just that the scope involved is too wide, and it is impossible to finish it without ten days and a half months.

On the second day when Sabo and others arrived, Robin, Hancock, Nami, Bonnie, Shari, baby5, Ain, White Star, Tina, Kerra, Mackinaw, Monet, Perona, Xinduoli, Guina, Weiwei, Taotu, and Lei Jiu were transported by Sonda Sonia to the floating fruit directly to the palace.

Unlike before, Tsunade and others are summoned through the world follower quota, and they can immediately appear in front of them no matter where they are.

Robin, Hancock and others are distributed over the vast waters of Pirate World. It is extremely difficult to gather all of them. This is still very convenient for Sanda Sonia’s ability, and Ace’s son Naz is also there. Help out, otherwise this time will only be longer.

Just like when Roja returned to Pirate World for the first time, the girls spent a lot of time just to reach the island. Even the peach rabbit was on the empty island and held important positions. In the end, he went to himself. of.

Now it has been more than ten years since the last time. Although the faces of the girls remain unchanged, they always occupy the top positions, and they always arouse criticism, and most of them retreat behind the scenes.

Of course, retreating behind the scenes does not matter. The power of the Pirate World is still in the hands of everyone, but unlike the original, they have more free time.

The ship controlled by Sundar Sonia had just arrived at the top of the palace. Hancock saw Roja standing outside the main hall of the palace and jumped into the sky.

"My husband and my concubine miss you so much." Before anyone heard it, Hancock's voice was full of eagerness and excitement, and he had no intention of slowing down Moonwalk at all.

"Eh" Roja's cheeks faintly twitched. This is not the case. Hancock is always so excited every time. After seeing him, there is nothing else in his eyes.

With a wave of one hand, a trace of auspicious clouds gathered around Hancock, and the use of the clouds and fog made Hancock stunned for a moment. After slowly landing, he still rushed without stopping.

"Husband, do you not love your concubine anymore, or why don't you catch your concubine" Hancock's voice was already crying. As long as Roja dared to say a word, she would definitely cry to death on the spot.

"Why, I was just afraid of your injury." Luo Ya's eyes twitched faintly, holding Hancock's body, his heart was full of helplessness, he just jumped off at a height of more than 7,000 meters, and fell with inertia. It's so terrifying.

He was able to catch it. Hancock is now worthy of entering the true immortal's cultivation base. If he uses skillful energy, he will not be injured, but starting today, the palace of Asdes will be overthrown and rebuilt.

The flying ship slowly descended to a height. When it was still 100 meters away from the ground, it stopped. Robin and the others jumped off when they moved. This height is not at all difficult for them now.

"Hankuk, you're lying to what we said before is not like this." Monet was a little helpless on her face, denounced Hancock, but she was not slow at all, obviously ready to seize the opportunity.

"Perona, Guina, if you don't rush, you really have no place." Nami hugged her hands, raised her eyebrows at the two women beside her, her words were full of teasing.

This little thief cat, seeing the scene of the women fighting, obviously has some plan in his mind, and now he has begun to instigate the two people around him.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go if you don't go." Before Perona and Guina moved, Vivi rushed over with the skirt. At this time, the obvious hands are almost slow.

"Bai Xing, aren't you going over?" Xia Li lit her blue lip gloss in one hand and looked at Bai Xing with her neck shrinking on her side, with a somewhat funny expression on her face.

"I, I, I'll forget it," Bai Xing said timidly, his shy character at a glance.

"If you are not moving, then I will help you. Remember to thank me when you look back." Xin Duoli saw that everyone was not standing forward, and Luo Ya was obviously already clumsy at the left and right, and said Later, he pressed his hands on the ground.

The fruit sliding ability was activated, and under the support of Xin Duoli's first entry into the Sanxian cultivation base at this time, the effect had obviously undergone a qualitative change, forming a existence similar to magical magical powers, and everyone could not restrain themselves sliding towards Loya.

I saw Xin Duoli smirking a long time ago, and the Taotu who hid in advance moved under the feet, and instantly appeared beside Asides on one side..

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