One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1590: The Changes of Women

Esters wants pure gold and a thousand-year-old vermilion fruit, just to let the red pupil, black pupil and others prolong their lives and stay young.

Although the map of Zhan Crimson Eye World is not as broad as the Pirate World, it is also half a catty to the Hokage World. Such a vast area will inevitably require manual management.

Ten years or eight years may be nothing, but over time, the people under them will become old, which will inevitably cause a round of replacement between the old and the new. Whether the newcomers can maintain sufficient loyalty is another question.

Instead of this, it is better to directly make the lifespan of the red pupil, black pupil, Leo Nai and others longer, which can be considered once and for all.

After leaving a piece of pure gold the size of a thumb and more than ten thousand-year-old vermilion fruits, Roja bid farewell to Esdes, directly used the world's right to travel in the palace, and returned to the world of Journey to the West.

Tsunade and others are still visiting "Three One Zero" at this time. After a while, it will not be too late for him to remove the authority of the followers of that world. Although the three worlds form spatial channels, they are still in the system's judgment. , The world follower authority is still occupied.

In a flash, I returned to the outside of Shu Mountain. Luo Ya's thoughts were swept away, and he already saw the great changes in Shu Mountain. The hall that had been cold and cold now has become lively, although it is not like other schools, it is always up. Thousands of people, but there are already more than a hundred people.

These people except Ao Cunxin, Chai Miaoling and other women, as well as the second batch of maids sent from Qingqiu Mountain by the Long Live Fox King. These maids are all of the fox family. At this time, whether it is to change a utility tool or clean the door, it is of low rank. The disciples all cook in order.

These people accounted for most of them. At this time, the disciples who were paid on the mountain of Shu, in Luo Ya’s spirit, there were actually forty-five people.

You must know that Shushan accepts disciples, not as loosely as other sects. Anyone who enters the door will be able to set foot on the sixth level at the least, and the qualifications are enough to become the existence of golden immortals.

Forty-five golden immortals, no matter which force in the Three Realms, would not dare to take it lightly. You must know that even if it was that Zha, he was a great god of the Three Altars of the Sea, and received incense from the world, he was just a golden immortal.

Although at this time forty-five people have different cultivation bases, Luo Ya is already very satisfied with the disciples who can possess so many such aptitudes. Don’t you see that there is only one family in the sky and the earth that the twelve golden immortals were blowing at the time. When his disciple grew up, he immediately dumped the twelve golden immortals.

"Not bad, not bad." He sighed and sighed, Roja lowered his figure from the air, glanced at the still many apprentice team at the door, and his smile widened.

The three realms are far more extensive than the other worlds, that is, the world of Slashing Red Eyes, the World of Naruto, and the World of Pirates are less than one-third of the total. Only the four continents are too big.

In one month, the enthusiasm for apprenticeship has not faded, but it has just risen. After all, it will take a lot of time for people with cultivation skills to arrive here even in the southern province of Buzhou.

The guardian formation of Shu Mountain opened automatically, and Luo Ya descended from the air, attracting the attention of many people. To worship the ancestor statue is an indispensable part of worshipping the mountain gate. At this moment, he recognized his identity.

"Meet the teacher"

Although the number of people was small, there were a lot of voices. Those who saw the deity of Roya for the first time were a little unsteady with excitement, and all of them were full of excitement.

Chai Miaoling is temporarily in charge of teaching introductory disciples. With his admiration for his own man, he is naturally rare in the Three Realms. Every disciple is fascinated by him and he is naturally very in awe.

Journey to the West has a lot of etiquette, such as outer disciples and inner disciples, who can only be called the teacher orally, that is, the disciple who can be called master.

Ao Cunxin heard the voices of many disciples, but there was a divine thought, saying that it was inconvenient to welcome him at the critical moment of his cultivation, so there was no more text.

The four of Yang Chan, Leng Jing, Nie Xiaoqian, and Xiaowei had already reached the breakthrough point in Luo Ya’s mind, and they had no time for him. Before they left, they had reached the peak of their respective realms, and they were almost in sync. Making a breakthrough.

Chai Miaoling, Hu Yuer, and Hong Shao heard their voices, and they put aside the things at hand and came out to greet them. Recently, Chai Miaoling has been teaching his disciples, and Hong Shao has been listening.

Originally, he had practiced exclusively for the Yacha clan. Later, he modified the Buddhism practice. At this time, he switched to the Shushan practice again, and most of the immortal power in his body now turned into the special immortal power of Qinglian Art.

Although Hu Yu'er had reached the time when he could break through, the ninth tail had not yet grown, and he had been suppressing his cultivation recently, hoping to take the opportunity to complete the final transformation of his blood.

Unable to practice, this girl directly took over the internal affairs of Yiying, and directed the many maids from Qingqiu on the Shu Mountain how to arrange daily tasks.

"Meet the head." The three of them bowed slightly and made a blessing to Roya. The name directly caused his cheeks to twitch. To be honest, he himself has not yet been used to this change of identity.

The other disciples and maids who were with the three of them also called the teacher at this time, and saluted again, all of them looked very reverent.

"You don't need to be polite, on the mountain of Shu, it's not a grand ceremony, just make a bow, don't need to kneel down." Luo Ya has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze in the Hokage World and the Pirate World. The crowd lifted up.

"The disciples obey the orders of the teacher." When many disciples heard Luo Ya's words, they bowed and responded. Seeing that the teacher was as friendly as a rumor, they looked at each other with a little smile on their faces.

"You guys come to my room later." Luo Ya said to Chai Miaoling, Hu Yuer and Hong Shao, and turned back to the Supreme Immortal Mansion. Although he had already scanned the situation of Mount Shu with his spiritual thoughts, But for many detailed things, you still need to hear someone report it.

59 After Chai Miaoling, Hong Shao, and Hu Yuer instructed the surrounding disciples and maids to do their own things, they almost took them into the Supreme Immortal Mansion. During this time, there were more and more people on the Shu Mountain, and they also had obvious changes.

For example, Chai Miaoling, because he has always been a role model for others and is responsible for teaching many disciples, he has lost a bit of his original stubbornness and looked a little more easy-going.

Hong Shao's body was always cold and cold, and it seemed that strangers should not enter, but this breath is also much less at this time, but the headache is that it has accumulated killing intent for an unknown number of years, and it has not been completely restrained. .

But Hu Yuer, this girl was originally a soft temper. After more than a month of training, she obviously looked a bit more assertive. After all, she was in charge of nearly a hundred maids, and there was always some change..

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