One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1593: Shake the Sky

Shushan is now too popular in the Three Realms, and countless creatures are now talking about the situation of Shushan, and there are still many creatures on their way here.

And now that Luo Ya, as the head of the mountain of Shu, cannot find a second person in the three realms. In this case, attracting the attention of others too much is harmful.

As the saying goes, Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy him, make a temporary alliance with the Taoist Big Three, and set a disciple experience with the Heavenly Court to work for the Heavenly Court. Now it can only be said that the various forces have barely maintained the surface peace.

Zhunti and Jiuying couldn't watch him grow bigger, even if the Tathagata came when the martial art started, after the two of them instructed, he would start to arrange corresponding countermeasures.

Not to mention the current strength of Shushan, it is Luo Ya himself, and he is still able to deal with Da Luo Jinxian. After all, he has a lot of hole cards in his hand, but if you really encounter a Hunyuan-level power, then you will be anxious.

Now that most of Buddhism's mind is still planning the journey to the west, working hard to develop oneself and growing fast is the most important thing to do.

The heavens are shaking, even if they can guess who did it, they try to avoid being seen. Without that seeing is believing, they will have more doubts after all.

Luo Ya had nine days on it, and directly instructed the system in the heart 167 to use Bu Tian Quan, Tian Dao was slightly shaken, Dao Yun rushed down, just in less than a breath, he copied the original power of the world of Crimson Eyes. .

A piece of merit mingled with the blessings of the heavens, since the long river of heaven descended, Luo Ya just put it into his body, and promptly left the place.

This time, whether it was the vibration amplitude of the Heavenly Dao, or the merits of the feedback, it was more than that in the Ghost Girl Ghost World, and the gap was clearly visible.

Although the saint felt it, Roya had already moved out of millions of miles at this time. Under the continuous urging moment, he himself was not in the operation of the heavenly way, even a saint could not count.

Having made a circle from above the nine heavens and returned to the Shu Mountain, Luo Ya sighed and lay directly on the soft couch.

Now his cultivation base is spurred for a moment, and he can jump nearly a million miles in a single thought. At such a terrifying speed, Da Luo Jinxian can't even think of being able to catch up.

And even the divine mind of a saint is not omnipotent. Ten consecutive moments are already tens of thousands of miles, and there are so many lives in thousands of miles. Even the saints have their heads numb.

"Hey, it's okay to look at those grandchildren who like to look around, please take a good look." With a smile on his face, Luo Ya turned over and sat up on the soft couch and started to practice.

After just a few breaths, three gazes swept over him. You don't need to guess to know that those people must have suspected him.

But so what, now he is cultivating in Shushan, even if he is skeptical, it is just suspicion. He has tolerated so many things before, he doesn't believe it, these people will do nothing more because of a little doubt.

This gaze disappeared directly after swiping, Luo Ya did not stop practicing, but directly focused on two purposes, seeing what he had gained.

There are 1.03 million merits in the system. Although it is several times less than the previous few times, it is even more incomparable with the number obtained in A Chinese Ghost Story, but it is also a merit treasure box.

The cultivation base has risen to the point where it is close to the peak of the Golden Immortal. This kind of improvement is already terrifying. If you know Nezha, it was only a few days ago that he was able to step into the middle stage of the Golden Immortal with a barrier-breaking pill gifted by Ao Cunxin and Enlightenment Tea. , And he has only reached the late Golden Immortal for a month, and now he has jumped directly to the top.

It's just that now this peak is still a long way from being able to break through to Da Luo. After all, it is only a small world, and even its power level is not as good as Naruto World. To have such a harvest, Luo Ya is already very satisfied.

"Golden Celestial Peak, it should come like this when you open it." I sighed in my heart, thinking about the painstaking practice of hundreds of millions of creatures, they may not be able to break through a small realm, even in the bdac practice, Luo Ya Still a little smile.

It's not that there are no alien species with extraordinary talents in the Three Realms, and even the strength of the body is not low. However, the more powerful the alien beast, the longer the growth period, which can be thousands of years.

Like the three-legged Wu Peng, although he has practiced for thousands of years, according to his race, I am afraid that at this time, he is only equivalent to the appearance of a human being eighteen years old.

Since coming to Journey to the West, Roja's strength has been increasing rapidly, ranging from a year to a month, and there must be a major or minor breakthrough.

For example, the reason why Subudi is so optimistic about him, even condescending and condescending to be with him a long time ago, is that he has taken a fancy to his potential.

Obtaining the power of replenishment from the highest-level luxury treasure chest in the exchange system has accelerated its pace of becoming stronger. Roja's speed in Journey to the West this time directly surpasses the previous improvements in Pirates and Hokage. speed.

"System, redeem the merit box." While Roja was satisfied with his speed of improvement, he didn't bother to think about so many messy things. What he paid most attention to was what he got during his trip.

At the time of Crimson Eye World, the whole world was full of bronze treasure chests, silver treasure chests, and gold treasure chests. There were only one or two gold treasure chests. Opening the only diamond treasure chest made him have no expectations of low-level treasure chests.

The strength reached Jinxian, something that was originally extremely powerful for ordinary people, has become rubbish in Luo Ya's eyes, and even those imperial tools are not as easy to use as the magic weapons he easily refined.

"The merit box has been placed in the system warehouse, please check it by the host." The system's voice has always been punctual. After the order was given, there was an extra treasure box braving the golden light of merit in the system warehouse.

"turn on."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Merit Treasure Box and getting the Sky Shading Stick."

The sky-shielding rod comes from the prehistoric world. It is the great god Hehe, blends the essence of stars, and the blue river god sand. It is refined with the demon sky pillar as the main body. It contains the demon aura. , The disturbance time depends on the user's cultivation level. The disturbance can be up to one minute, and within one minute, the saint cannot detect it.

This thing is really exploding

Roya looked a little bit dumbfounded when he saw what was opened out of the Merit Treasure Box. He hadn't heard of anything that was so awesome in the Three Realms, but this function is really awesome.

Disturbing the secrets, non-Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, don't want to do it at all, and even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian makes a move, it can only be counted as a monk of the same realm.

There is no need to repeat the power of the saints' supernatural powers, unless it is a group of saints who calculate each other and repeatedly interfere with the way of heaven, otherwise their perception cannot be blocked at all..

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