One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1596: Six-eared Macaque

When Luo Ya returned yesterday, all the disciples of the sect had finished their cultivation and hurried out to see the ceremony, but the six-eared macaque did not dare to be driven out again.

In the time that I don't know how many years, by virtue of his talent for listening to foreign objects, he has only learned a little bit of fur, piecemeal techniques, and even failed to help him achieve immortality.

Roya sighed for no apparent reason when he saw the look of the six-eared macaque. Although these six-eared monkeys were born early, their luck is not very good, and they are not even as good as Yuan Hong, who died in the battle of Fengshen.

As one of the four monkeys in the mixed world, the six-eared macaque is probably the worst one. Although Yuan Hong, the gibbous ape, died a bit miserable, a true spirit entered the list of gods and became four waste stars. Be regarded as entering the Shinto.

In addition, he performed extraordinary in the battle of the Conferred Gods, and under his various magical powers, even if he is now hidden from the world, he still has a lot of prestige, and the idle generation dare not despise it.

The Akajiri Horse Monkey knows yin and yang, knows people, is good at getting in and out, avoiding death and prolonging life. He has learned 13 skills from nowhere. In the ancient times, he turned into an unsupported Qi, and almost failed when he was disturbed by the great Yu.

After that, it should be considered that the four monkeys in the mixed world had a lot of hardships. Taking advantage of the trend, Dayu and the gods were sealed at the foot of Huaiyin Guishan. Although he was not free, he was not in danger of death.

This is the six-eared macaque, who finally learned a lot of abilities, but in the end he was subdued by the Tathagata, and the monkey was knocked to death by a stick. I have to say that it was extremely sad.

The monkey is the Lingming stone monkey. In the end, it became Xitiandou and defeated the Buddha. After all, this six-eared macaque was really dead and could not die.

In Journey to the West, the Lingming stone monkey Sun Wukong ate countless elixir, drank countless jade dew, gnawed a flat peach in the peach garden, and even the old man used the gossip furnace to help him refine the medicine.

According to Luo Ya's current vision, it should be at the lowest level of the golden immortal peak. After five hundred years of infusion of copper and iron, suppressing his cultivation base, it should almost still have the combat power of the golden immortal's early stage.

The six-eared macaques are also practitioners, and in the original work they beat the monkeys after being suppressed, which proves that they were only the early days of the Golden Fairy.

But now the six-eared macaque has not yet become immortal. It is a golden immortal for eight hundred years. For these creatures, it is not difficult at all, but who taught him

Luo Ya's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of a lot of things, thinking about the few Xitian who didn't do good things all day long, they knew what was calculated, and she sneered in her heart.

In order to be able to introduce Buddhism to Nanzhan Tribe and take up more of the human fortune, it can be said that the six-eared macaques taught them, and after teaching them, they let Monkey King kill them.

Whether it's Heavenly Court or Taoism, Buddhism Journey to the West has been counted all over. The Tathagata, thick-skinned and dark-hearted, is a representative of unscrupulous means.

For eight hundred years, Luo Ya pondered slightly and chuckled. In eight hundred years, he not only wanted to let Buddhism’s abacus be completely frustrated, but even more so, he wanted to directly seize the position of the ruler of the world.

"You said you want to cultivate." Luo Ya withdrew his thoughts, his expression on his face did not show the slightest, and he looked at the six-eared macaque kneeling on the ground.

This six-eared macaque is born with six ears, and both ears are exactly the same as those of ordinary monkeys. The other four ears are arranged on the upper and lower sides of the main ear, with a little mysterious pattern on them.

The six-eared macaque is good at listening, able to perceive, know before and after, everything is clear, and its talents can hear the sound of mosquitoes and flies millions of miles away, even if it is isolated by a guardian array, it cannot stop it.

Apart from this talent for listening, the six-eared macaque was able to distinguish between good and evil. It was not Chai Miaoling or Xiao Bailong, he did not feel the slightest malice.

Even after he reached the eighth level of the ninth level of Sendai, he received a lot of care, but at this time, he could not feel the slightest likes and dislikes from Luoya, and he could not be worried.

"It's the disciple who wants to cultivate, and I beg the teacher not to drive the disciple out of the mountain gate" The six-eared macaque's eyes fell with puffy tears.

It was the first time that he was so close to becoming a celestial being. He didn’t want to fail anymore. He had suffered countless blindfolds in his time, because he had offended an unknown number of people because he had learned the exercises secretly. Just want to cultivate.

"Under my sect, there are three personal disciples now, the eldest disciple Yang Chan, the second disciple Yan Chixia, and the third disciple Hong Yu, you are willing to be the fourth one."

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and saw the look of the six-eared macaque. With a slight movement of the little finger of his left hand, the favorability detection ring was already aimed at him.

The "fourth disciple" descended from the sky and directly smashed the six-eared macaque on the spot, muttering to himself, the teardrops surged like a wave.

The disciples all around looked at this husky with envy. It was not a secret in Shushan that he had reached the eighth level. Under Liu Er's identity, many of them were speculating whether he would be accepted as a direct disciple. .

"The disciples and disciples are willing to be willing to visit Master and see Master Wu Wu" The six-eared macaque returned to his senses, and continued to prostrate himself.

Amid the banging prostrations, the six-eared macaque had blood on his forehead, and his tears were mixed with that blood. With constant gratitude and deep crying, the many Shushan disciples behind him also felt 167 Wuwei Chen Za in their hearts.

"Get up, stand aside and wait with your brother." Luo Ya waved slightly, and the six-eared macaque was raised from the ground by an immortal force. The ground was paved with masonry refined from the stars. Knock, I am afraid that he would die here before he became an immortal.

Just after the six-eared macaque came back to his senses, the feedback feedback had already soared to a full 100 points. This kind of loyalty had no possibility of betrayal at all.

For countless years and countless times, the six-eared macaque may cherish this hard-won opportunity more than anyone else. In the future, I am afraid that Roja wants him to commit suicide, and he will execute it without hesitation.

After Luo Ya had processed the six-eared macaque, he concealed his favorability detector to a group of disciples. Excluding Hongyu and Liu Er, the remaining 43 disciples had a high or low degree of affection for him.

The high person already has ninety-six points because of the green bamboo, and most of the remaining disciples stay at around seven or eighty points. After all, they have just worshipped the mountain gate, and no matter how high a sense of belonging is, it needs time to accumulate.

Of the forty-three disciples, four of them have a special degree of favorability. Two of them are directly negative. One is a green lion spirit, who already has the cultivation base of the mirror, and the other is the orthodox human race with a cultivation base. But only to accept the gods..

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