One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1604: The Mother Flat Peach Tree Gets

Luo Ya watched the cave sky wide open, nodded towards the Jade Emperor, and stepped into it. This picture was full of strong congenital aura of water. The moment he entered, it made people feel refreshed.

The congenital renshuipan peach tree is more than three feet tall and bears 36 small fruits on the tree diameter. You can tell at a glance that it is still very early to mature.

Even though these 36 fruits are not yet mature, they are still radiant and full of rich aura. Compared with the ten spiritual root ginseng fruit trees that belong to the same innate, they have a mysterious charm.

"Friends of Daoist is a good opportunity." Luo Ya pretended to praise the Jade Emperor, and walked toward the congenital Renshui Peach Tree, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"Where is the chance of fellow Daoists, I really envy others." The Jade Emperor said modestly, and couldn't help showing a bit of pride in his eyes. With ordinary capital, he ascended to the position of the emperor, the peach tree, the demon mirror, and the Haotian mirror. All kinds of opportunities, others will not be envied even if they are envious.

"Friends of Taoism are humble." Luo Ya sneered in his heart. The Jade Emperor was a mud that couldn't support the wall. If he praised him a little, he thought he was really amazing.

Although I was complaining in my heart, Luo Ya's actions were not slow at all. While talking, he had already walked to the front of the flat peach tree, pretending to rub it lightly, and placed one hand on the trunk of the congenital water flat peach tree. .

"System, use Xiantian Linggen copy card."

"Congratulations to the host, the Xiantian Linggen Copy Card has been successfully used, and the Xiantian Ren Water Flat Peach Mother Tree has been issued to the system warehouse."

Roja's palm was closed as soon as he touched it, and he looked at the exact same flat peach tree in the system warehouse, with a smile on his face.

Originally, the Jade Emperor was prepared to stop him when Luo Ya raised his hand, but remembering his identity and the assurance he had just given, he hesitated for a while and suppressed the words in his heart.

Seeing that it was just a touch, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face. Then he could start collecting spiritual springs and planting the thunder two-pole treasure tree that he had just obtained. Up.

"The ten congenital spiritual roots are really extraordinary and extraordinary." He sighed pretentiously, and Luo Ya turned and walked towards the Jade Emperor. This meant that I told the Jade Emperor directly that I had finished reading it and could withdraw it.

"Friends of Taoism and Yuan Daxian in that town are inextricably linked. I'm afraid I've seen ginseng fruit trees a long time ago, compared with flat peach trees, but it's only among the first ones."

The Jade Emperor played his hypocritical nature, while politely, while walking out of the cave with Luo Ya, he did not expect that the only one in the Three Realms, the treasure he cares most about, now has an extra one.

After getting out of the cave sky, and walking outside Pan Taoyuan, Luo Ya once again saw the seven fairies standing on one side. Among them, the eldest sister Tianshou, after seeing her eyes, led several younger sisters Yingying again to make a fortune.

"Send to the immortal." The seven people sent in unison, and the soft voice made people feel a little bit of lingering. From one to seven, the seven sisters have different styles, and the mature ones have the same, the immature ones. There are, combined together, the charm is multiplied.

"It's a pity that the seven sisters are actually the daughters of the Jade Emperor, otherwise it would be nice to eat a few bites of the peaches of the Seven Sisters." Luo Ya thought a little wretchedly, and after a slight nod, he walked out with the Jade Emperor. Pan Taoyuan.

"Farewell." Luo Ya calculated the time, and the Lower Realm had already passed more than a month. Feeling that the matter of God was too late, he directly arched his hands and said to the Jade Emperor as soon as he left Pan Taoyuan.

"Friends of Taoist walk slowly, and come here often in the future." Yudi's pair of pill phoenix eyes narrowed into a line. This kind of trade that is beneficial to him, he really doesn't want to come a few times.

Roya chuckled in his heart, and immediately disappeared in front of the Jade Emperor. He didn't even leave the main entrance, and walked towards Shu Mountain for nine days.

In the system warehouse, ten nine-thousand-year-old purple-striped flat peach trees and one congenital benjamin water flat peach tree were transferred from the system warehouse to the map of the World Spirit Garden.

Zhirenzhi Ma Doudou suddenly saw the emergence of the flat peach tree, and was shocked to use the first-learning clone technique, and directly planted it in a rush.

The fruit on the innate flat peach tree, calculated according to the normal time, may take nearly ten thousand years to mature, even in the map of the ten thousand world spiritual garden, it also takes a few years.

As for the nine-thousand-year-old purple-stranded flat peach tree, once it enters the World Spirit Garden, it probably only takes a few months to get the first batch of fruits.

Ask for flowers

Loya is not demanding, like a heavenly court, three thousand years old, six thousand years old, nine thousand years old, just plant 1,200 plants first. There are more things, the better, and there is never too much.

With the existence of the mother tree, he is confident that it will not be long before the joke of eating a basket and throwing a basket of flat peaches can become a reality.

Back in the Shu Mountain, Luo Ya hadn’t settled, and saw Ao Cunxin and Yang Chan teaching the Fa to his disciples. It’s not surprising that Yang Chan came out. After all, in Shu Mountain, besides himself, there are only practitioners who are practicing Taoism. Gongfa.

But Ao Cunxin hadn't practiced before, so he came out to teach the Fa, which is a bit strange.

Sweeping his divine thoughts, he saw that Ao Cunxin had already broken through to the Golden Immortal realm, Luo Ya showed a smile on his face. He didn't expect that Ao Cunxin had already become a Golden Immortal just after going to the Heavenly Court.

Once the Dragon Race breaks through the Golden Immortal's level, from then on, the sky is high and the birds fly, and the ocean leapt with fish, and the restraints imposed by the Tao that day no longer exist.

After all, everything has a ray of life, and this is also true of the dragon race. Once a breakthrough, Heavenly Dao acquiesced in its continued cultivation. In terms of Ao Cunxin's blood, the position of a saint cannot be guaranteed, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is definitely appropriate.

The time before and after going up to heaven was actually not that long, but due to the rule of going up and down for one year that day, more than one month had passed in the lower realm.

The many disciples on the mountain of Shu have already taken Bone Sculpting Marrow Pill at this time, and all of them have gained a lot of aptitude, especially the six-eared macaque. Luo Ya looks at the top of the holy light, I am afraid this guy’s Qualification is a big leap.

My disciple Hong Yu, at this time, has already started his cultivation, and his cultivation speed is leaps and bounds. For more than a month, he has already stepped into the second stage of cultivation, and has reached the late stage of the gods.

It is unimaginable for ordinary enlightened people to upgrade to one level in one month. It is necessary to know that enlightened people have difficulty in cultivation and become immortals for thousands of years. They are all existences with extraordinary qualifications.

Counting on the Westward Journey, except for the monkeys who opened up the spiritual path, which one did not live for a long time, this practice speed, I am afraid that the red rain can become immortal in less than a year.

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