One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1609: Six Ears Are Famous

After being enshrined, Sanqing met for the first time because of a preaching by Luo Ya, and began a secret conversation with Thirty-Three Heavens.

At almost the same time, undercurrents surging in the Three Realms, the Western Second Shih began to directly transmit various commands to the Tathagata.

In the Wa Palace, Nu Wa felt very uncomfortable, and urged the three emperors of the Huoyun Cave Heaven and Earth to see each other on the 33rd day.

On the top of Shu Mountain, Luo Ya saw Dao Gang disappear, promptly immediately returned to the room, now he has the Dao mission in his body, and he temporarily put a heavy stone in his heart. Whoever touches him will be unable to cross the Dao, I am afraid The daring monk did not dare to risk the world.

The disciples on the Shu Mountain saw that their teacher had left, but they still bowed respectfully, thanking the preacher for the grace of solving the confusion, and then hurried to the residence. They all understood in their hearts, and at this time they wished to start practicing in retreat immediately.

The four beasts, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Fire Qilin, and Xuan Tortoise, were originally in a state of ignorance of cultivation. Even if the realm came up, many things were half-understood. They were just based on the exercises obtained after obtaining the recognition of the heaven and earth's fruit status. That's it.

At this time, I heard Luo Ya's teachings and gained systematic cognition, and I felt that I was very rewarding. In the Jiuyao Star Tower, I re-read the inheritance techniques in my mind.

The three-legged Wu Peng Wuhuan danced on the eighth floor of the Jiuyao Star Pagoda. After he saw Journey to the West, he repeatedly compared the differences with the Chinese Girl's World. The various differences gave him a rather uncomfortable feeling.

But Luo Ya's talk, starting from the most basic, he has a completely new understanding of this world, and the original many doubts are suddenly understood at this time.

The mystery of Tao makes it hard to get rid of it. This guy is a Taoist. In order to get a glimpse of the magic of a higher realm, he can endure for thousands of years, and his character is evident.

It is certain that after this preaching, everyone on the mountain of Shu will enter a period of rapid eruption in their cultivation base, and all the disciples will be promoted to the gods, and there will be no obstacles to the cultivation before crossing the catastrophe.

"Almost forgot the six ears." Roja had just returned to the room, and he paused in his footsteps. The six eared macaques are now on the verge of crossing the catastrophe. There is no way to cross the catastrophe, and no one knows that they are ready to cross the catastrophe. Tribulation, the second rule, it also has no way to practice after crossing the Tribulation.

Nowadays, the auspiciousness of the preaching over Mount Shu is filled, and the tribulation of the six-eared macaque has been temporarily forced back, but if the auspiciousness dissipates after a few hours, the six-eared macaque will directly face the tribulation.

At any rate, when he was admitted to his sect, Luo Ya naturally couldn't look at his stupid tribulation. He was facing the tribulation at the beginning, but he was really chopped.

After thinking about it, and waving his hand, the guardian formation of Shushan reappeared, guarding the entire Shushan in it, directly shielding the heavenly way of the monk’s perception of crossing the catastrophe, and the divine mind directly transmits the six-eared macaque to his room. .

The Supreme Immortal Mansion is particularly conspicuous in the Shu Mountain. Although many disciples have never set foot in it, they all know where it is. The six-eared macaque received the sound transmission, really overjoyed, using both hands and feet, and rushed here quickly.

"Nima, I'm already in the realm of transforming the gods, why didn't I even learn the method of flying clouds, and blinded those six ears." Luo Ya saw the six-eared macaque running in the mountains with a look on his face. With a speechless expression, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

In fact, the six-eared macaque hasn’t learned the method of flying clouds, it’s just that his method of flying clouds is the magic of cloud flying. Once the clouds are set up, there will be black wind gusts. The faster it is, but it is true. Unsightly.

Haolai is the peak of the God Transformation Realm, a walker on the verge of crossing the catastrophe, and the six-eared macaque is not slow at all. After a while, he came directly to Luoya's door.

This was the first time he saw Roya alone. After he came to the door, he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet. He rubbed his hands, with a somewhat nervous expression on his face, and gently clicked the door.

"Come in." Luo Ya had already seen him come to the door, and when he saw him knocking on the door decently, he couldn't help but chuckle and said something.

"The disciple has seen Master, Master Wan'an." The six-eared macaque entered the door, knowing that his master did not like to kneel and bow, bowed his head, and curbed his frizzy temper.

"Liu Er, do you have a name" Luo Ya sat on the soft couch and saw the formal appearance of the six-ear macaque. He didn't talk about the robbery for the first time, but instead talked about other things.

Ask for flowers

"The disciple has no life, and I also wanted to learn from the mountain head monster clan, with the race as the surname, but after thinking about it for a long time, I never thought of a suitable one." When the six-eared macaque heard his master asking for his name, he scratched his head and brought it along. A somewhat silly smile.

Its innate supernatural power has already been integrated into its bones. Even if it is not activated, it can feel the likes and dislikes of the people around it. With just a word, it has already felt the care of its own master.

This kind of care warmed its heart after seeing countless white eyes, and revealed its truest side. Although it escaped and experienced a lot of things, it did not have the stubbornness of Monkey King, the weather-beaten, and the well-mannered.

"There are four monkeys born in the mixed world, not heaven, land, god, man, or ghost; they are not worms, scales, hairs, feathers, and kuns. They are not included in the ten species. The monkey surname is Yuan Minghong and Chi Shiri horse monkey incarnation has no branch, and Lingming stone monkey has a definite fate. When the surname is grandson, you are a six-eared macaque, how will your surname be Hou from now on?

"Thank you Master for giving your surname, Master, give me another name. It will be convenient for Master to call in the future." The six-eared macaque looked a little bit of joy on his face, bowed and saluted again, and said with a face.

The four monkeys in the mixed world are different. His surname is Hou, and he directly represents the monkey family in the world. He even has the head of the four monkeys. How can he be unhappy.

"You have extraordinary talents, supernatural powers, and everything is clear, so call you Hou Ming, those six ears, you will only be a nickname in the future." Luo Ya frowned, his nameless nature was once again exposed, directly Lazy, named after the talent of six ears.

"Hou Ming Hou Ming thanks Master for giving the name." The six-eared macaque didn't feel that the name was bad at all, and kept chanting, either because it was in line with its own nature, or because it was a name given by Luo Ya. The more he read it, the happier he became.

"It doesn't matter, this time I am calling you, but there is still one business." Luo Ya saw the look of the six-eared macaque Hou Ming, knowing that he really likes the name, and a smile appeared on his face, leading the topic to the topic. On track.

"Dare to ask Master, what is the business?" The six-eared macaque Hou Ming restrained his joy and assumed a posture of sitting upright, but this disciple did a good job of doing his job, and seemed to be quite courteous..

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