One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1613: Li Xiaoyao

The Legend of the Sword and the Fairy Back then was so popular that Hu Ge's image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Luo Ya had never seen the fairy sword in the TV series, but he had played a game once in his youth. It looks so similar.

Shennian scanned a thousand miles around, a small county called Yuhang County, and Shennian was reflected. There are dozens of small fishing villages around the county.

"Yuhang County, a small fishing village, Hu Ge is paralyzed, I am going to kill the protagonist as soon as I show up?" Luo Ya scratched the tip of his nose, with a somewhat jealous expression on his face.

Seeing that the young man’s bones are unique and his cultivation qualifications are good, he already has nine points in his heart. This is the protagonist of Xianjian Yi, Li Xiaoyao.

Save or not save

After a little hesitation in his heart, Luo Ya still decided to save him. It was because of his sudden appearance that he was severely injured. If it is not saved, it is somewhat unreasonable.

And now Li Xiaoyao, judging from his bone age, it seems that he is only seventeen years old. The story of the fairy sword seems to have started at the age of eighteen. Nothing has happened yet. Naturally, many things in his memory do not need to be concerned.

Turning his hand to take out a complex body pill 793, Luo Ya cut off a small layer of peonies, and with a fingertip, it bounced into Li Xiaoyao's mouth. This pill has extraordinary power. Jinxian can eat it. Quickly recover, if Li Xiaoyao is served by a mortal, he might explode and die in minutes.

At the entrance of Danpi, Li Xiaoyao's body was filled with rich fairy power, and the wound on his forehead healed extremely quickly, just in the blink of an eye, it was as good as ever.

If it weren't for the large traces of blood remaining on the body, I'm afraid that everything just happened will be regarded as never happened.

"Well" Li Xiaoyao said very loudly. He was awakened by the spirit of the fairy, as if he was awake from a big dream, rubbed his eyes and sat up from the ground.

Looking around, he saw Luo Ya standing less than three meters away from him. Li Xiaoyao frowned and patted his head lightly, but suddenly remembered what happened before the coma. Looking at his bloody clothes, Li Xiaoyao frowned. But he understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Being able to be blessed by the luck of a world and become the protagonist, this Li Xiaoyao is also very intelligent. After understanding what happened, his eyes looked at Luo Ya with unconcealable brilliance.

In this world, the sword immortal figures are not hidden from the world. The Shushan disciples take the slashing of demons and demons as their own responsibility, and they have always been the existence that mortals admire.

Li Xiaoyao grew up listening to those heroes in the inn telling the story of the sword immortal when he was a child. At this moment, his heart moved, and without a word, he crawled to Roya's feet.

"Sword fairy gods and immortals please accept me as a disciple. You see my bones are peculiar, talented, and I respect the teacher. I will definitely not fall into the prestige of my teacher. You always want me to go east. Xi, what do you mean, oh, also, I am a well-known filial son from all over the world, and I will definitely serve your old man."

Li Xiaoyao opened his mouth and said one set after another. He knocked his head nine times on the ground. The banging sound, the dentition of the person listening, and the mortal womb of the flesh is such a slap, I am afraid that his just forehead, for a while Must crack again.

This guy was originally a gangster on the street. He was pulled by his aunt's shit and urine. He naturally carried the stigma of a stock market. Even the words of apprenticeship are like a rash man. .

"It's true that your bones are strange. In my school, it is estimated that you can rank upstream. However, you said that you are a filial son, but I reckon that you should have died of both parents long ago."

With a playful look on Luo Ya's face, he deliberately teased Li Xiaoyao in front of him, the protagonist of a world, who had such a rascal temperament, which was so interesting.

"Eh, what? The disciple was raised by an aunt since he was a child, and treats her aunt as a mother, respecting him in every possible way. Naturally, he can be regarded as a filial son." Li Xiaoyao's forehead sweat came down, his brain turned sharply, looking for a bad reason.

"My parents are here, and I will not travel far. Since you regard your aunt like a mother, you should be by her side to fulfill her filial piety and enter the fairy gate, then there is no chance of fulfilling her filial piety."

Luo Yasi didn't give Li Xiaoyao any time to rest, and then blocked his words back. Seeing the sweat on one of his foreheads, the playful expression on his face became more obvious.

"My aunt, my aunt" Ren is Li Xiaoyao slick, with that slick temperament on his body. At this time, he can't think of a good reason, but he can't say anything.

After a long while, Li Xiaoyao sat on the ground with a look of helplessness on his face. Even though he yearned for the first-class fairy sword, he liked the life of a horseman, but his aunt Li Feng was indeed an existence he couldn't let go of.

Luo Ya looked funny. This Li Xiaoyao's temperament was really superb. On the surface, he was cynical, with a little slippery head, and a bit of a ghost, but he was righteous in his heart, and he was a good candidate for a disciple.

"Not ready to apprentice"

"I don't know, but my aunt is very important. Thank you Shangxian for saving my life." Li Xiaoyao heard Luo Ya's question and calmed down his heart. After answering one sentence, he respectfully bowed and thanked him for the kindness of life.

"Very good, Zhien Illustrated, don't forget the righteousness in your heart, you can be my fifth disciple." With a smile on his face, Luo Ya said to Li Xiaoyao.

"Ah ah ah" When did Li Xiaoyao experience such a big turn of 180 degrees, he couldn't react at all for a while, that dazed expression looked very interesting.

After a daze, Li Xiaoyao had a tangled expression on his face, but he was still thinking about the aunt of the Fairy Sword Inn, and his love and righteous character was undoubtedly revealed.

"Oh, my mother, what do I do?" With some southern slang words, Li Xiaoyao struggled inwardly. He was 100% sure that this was definitely a great god in front of him.

But his aunt's bondage really made him a little bit at a loss as to what to do. There are many causes and effects. If he enters the immortal gate, he will cut off the affection, but he will never bear it.

"Let's go, go to your aunt's place." Luo Ya had a smile on his face, and the stars in his eyes revolved, and the power of space directly enveloped Li Xiaoyao, urging him for a moment, and came to a place that was not short. In front of the inn.

Although it was only a small fishing village, it was noon in the day. There were no few pedestrians outside the door of the inn. Seeing two large living people suddenly appeared, the pedestrians on the side were so scared that they collapsed to the ground instantly.

"I'm back" Li Xiaoyao looked at the familiar scenes around him, with horror in his eyes and an incredible expression on his face..

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