One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1626: Jun Tu Li Ming Wang Seal

No matter how strong the cultivator is, he will appear insignificant when facing the original power of a world. Although he does not understand why the five spirit orbs can possess such power, Roja knows the horror of such power. The hand put it into the system warehouse.

"Can I open my eyes?" Zhao Ling'er, a silly girl, closed her eyes obediently throughout the whole process. She didn't even take a peek. At this time, there was no movement around her, and she asked quietly.

"Sneezing" Luo Ya's original uncomfortable mood by the Scarlet Ghost King was disturbed by the silly girl Zhao Linger, and suddenly disappeared, and couldn't help but laugh.

People are divided into two polarities, there are good and evil. Although he is not a saint, let alone the kind of benevolence that can help the world, when he meets it, he can only take care of it.

There are always people who will make people feel suffocated, and there will always be people who will make people feel warm, and see more things that are worthy of happiness around them. In the future, they will not make people feel sad.

"Laugh at me again." Zhao Ling'er wrinkled her little nose, with a little bit of discomfort on her face, opened her eyes and looked at Luo Ya who was pulling herself.

13 "I'm a kind smile." With a smirk on Luo Ya's face, he flicked his finger on Zhao Linger's forehead.

"It's a lie, it's obviously unkind." Zhao Ling'er pouted and touched the place on her forehead with one hand. She was pulled by Roya the whole time, but she didn't feel anything wrong.

During the laughter, Roja mobilized his instantaneous ability, and out of the General Tomb, the surrounding area became a place of beautiful scenery. However, because of the long-term entrenchment of the Red Ghost King and the general zombies, Faintly with a trace of gloom.

Divine Mind swept the surroundings, and in many villages, people had already left the building empty. The few villages were also lifeless, and the living people were plagued by corpse poison.

"I am the immortal Roya of the upper realm. I will eradicate the demon repair and the corpse king here today. After a cup of tea, rain will be rained to cure corpse poison. Those who are in corpse poison will bathe in spiritual rain and clean up the dirt for a moment. Immediately."

Luo Ya's spiritual consciousness saw those civilians who were tossing and turning under the corpse poison, their skin was black, and the pain was unbearable. He sighed in his heart and spoke loudly. Under the amplitude of the immortal power, it spread over hundreds of miles.

Wu Hundreds of surnames were taken aback when they heard the sound, and they looked at each other, with unbelievable expressions in their eyes. Zombies are a disaster here. Many cultivators have already seen them, but they never relapse.

And there are only a few people with a high level of cultivation. After returning, they shook their heads and sighed, persuading them to evacuate as soon as possible.


A strong wind blew around a hundred miles away, which was different from the cloud and rain caused by ordinary wind and rain, because it was full of wood attribute spiritual energy and vitality, this cloud and rain showed the color of blue clouds.

Roya flipped his palm and took out two detoxification pills from the system warehouse. This kind of detoxification pills refined through Taiqing alchemy, although the name is a bit o, but the plague god Lu Yue's plague can be easily removed , There is no difficulty in dealing with the corpse poison spreading among mortals.

Crushed two pills and threw them into the sky. Xianli rolled the powder of the pill and mixed with the clouds and rain. After a while, when the power of the medicine dissipated, Luo Yaxian's force moved, and the sky began to rise. Light rain.

The rain fell to the ground, the vegetation flourished, and the filthy and gloomy breath disappeared without a trace. Countless mortals bathed in the rain, and those who were tortured by the corpse poison gradually returned to their normal state.

"Can you teach me this?" Zhao Ling'er is now a monk at the Divine Realm, using a half-baked divine mind, and able to detect a range of tens of miles, seeing the mortals returning to normal one by one, but there is a happy face on his face. Smile.

"It’s a bit troublesome. You have to learn a lot of things, from the wind and rain spells, to the wood attribute spells, to the moments when the magical power flowers bloom. The pill is even more difficult. You need to be proficient in alchemy. Are you willing to learn?

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Ling'er beside him. Everyone has their own reasons to work hard for them. Some are to protect the people around them, some are to catch up with someone, and some are to Ambition.

Although Zhao Linger's childhood memories are vague, in her impression, most of the spells are used for fighting, so in essence, there is not much pursuit of cultivation.

And when she came out with Roja, she saw a lot of misunderstandings in the past. Spells can not only be used to fight, but also to save people.

She is kind in nature, and always wants to lend a helping hand to people who face difficulties, but at this time, without the power of magic, she seems helpless.

This spirit rain technique is naturally not that troublesome. Luo Ya just used it casually, saying this deliberately, it was nothing more than to arouse Zhao Linger's interest in practicing immortality.

"Study." Zhao Linger nodded, her slightly immature face with a bit of determination. If you want to help others, you must have the power to help others. Although it sounds like a long road, she hopes that one day, When she sees similar situations alone, she can also help these people.

"Go hard." Luo Ya smiled and saw that the residents in a radius of hundreds of miles had been freed from the corpse poison, threw out a fairy force, and continued to supply the needs of Lingyu.

These people have been suffering for too long, but they need a rain to wash the haze in their hearts.

Looking at the Taiyi treasure chest in the 190 library of the system warehouse, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows slightly and directly ordered the system in his heart.

Although the treasure chest of the Taiyi level is somewhat low for him today, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. It is better to have one than none.

"System, open the Taiyi treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Taiyi Treasure Box and obtaining the Seal of the Jun Tali Ming King."

The seal of the King Jundali comes from the world of the legend of the sword and the heroes. It is the hand-held seal of the King Jundali in the ancient times. It is shaped like a flat bottle with a thick bottom. It can emit endless Buddha light, wash away the air of various evils, and can also be transformed into dozens It can be used as an attack, and a drop of nectar can be generated in the bottle every month. This nectar can see the mind, dispel demons, and also contains powerful vitality. It can be used as an elixir.

Well, it’s good.

Roya saw the introduction of the system and rolled his eyes reluctantly. This dog day's system completely mimics the introduction of the Jiyue Jinxiu clothing before, blowing a thing that is the best magic weapon to the sky. There is nothing on the ground.

It looks like a bottle, but the length, width, and height are almost equal. In the name of seal, it can be used to smash people. Even if it is used for multiple purposes, it is not such a thrifty method.

However, the nectar in this one is a good thing. Although the effect is not as good as some spiritual pills, it is also good as a primary healing medicine..

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