One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1634: Concoct Fire Kylin

"It seems that you are going to try to resist." A smile appeared on Luo Ya's face, and he put away his murderous aura and the aura of exasperation, and said with a smile.

Just now, the golden winged phoenix was throwing too fast, and he didn't even say a few words. It really made Roya's heart awkward, but at this time, the attitude of the fire unicorn made him find such a feeling of surrendering to the world. .

This kind of incomprehensible change made Huo Qilin's heart chill, without hesitation, he turned his body shape, and his four hooves suddenly exerted force.

The earth's surface burst under the force of the fire unicorn, and ordinary monks are beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

And with the force of this leap, he instantly leaped up with the magical power of escape, stepped on the fire cloud under his four hooves, trampled on the sky, and went straight to Qingming, and ran out for dozens of miles in the blink of an eye.

"It runs very fast." Luo Ya murmured, urging momentarily, and came directly to the front of Huo Qilin, without using immortal power, directly relying on his physical body, he flew and kicked at Huo Qilin's head. .

The fast-flying body of the fire unicorn flew out directly, and all kinds of smashed on the ground less than a kilometer away from Zhao Ling'er, the flying earth and rocks splashed around, and countless trees were crushed and collapsed by the rolling body of the fire unicorn.

After rolling hundreds of meters, Huo Qilin stood up from the ground in a daze, chose a direction at will, and then started running wildly, obviously beating his head faint.

Roja urged the Moment again. Just when Huo Qilin was in the air, his right foot made a forceful split and kicked Huo Qilin's head hard.

Fire Qilin's body hit the ground again, but this time he didn't give him any room to relieve his strength. When he rolled his eyes, he was stunned by this force.

The scales on the head collapsed and the blood was dripping. It was obvious that the bones were slightly sunken. Without being kicked to death, it was Luo Ya who had taken his strength.

Golden Winged Phoenix The Golden Phoenix twitched her cheeks while holding the phoenix egg. She had just felt an unmatched feeling from Roja's aura, but she never expected that the Fire Qilin, who is similar to her realm, would be so unbearable in front of her. hit.

Zhao Ling'er's mouth opened into an o-shape, and the strange beasts of heaven and earth were so embarrassed at this time, but it was the first time that she realized the power of Luo Ya.

Earlier on, she saw what it did. Except for a pawnshop, she stunned a businessman. At other times, she used the power of magic. She never thought that humans could actually beat the world and the beasts with their fists. lie.

"Made, I'm dizzy again" Luo Ya muttered, flipped his hand and took out a awakening god pill, wrapped it in Xianli, and threw it directly into Huo Qilin's mouth.

The entrance of the elixir melted, and the fire Qilin's soul was cleared, and he was awake in an instant. Seeing Luo Ya in front of him, he subconsciously fled in the air. In those big eyes, he was full of heart palpitations.

Bang bang bang

With the medicinal strength of the Xing Shen Dan, he was kicked three times this time, and Huo Qilin fainted with his head tilted. Luo Ya still didn't mean to let him go and fed the Xing Shen Dan again.

The golden winged phoenix on the side looked at the scene in front of her. Although it was not her who was kicked in the head, she still felt a faint pain in her head, and she was extremely grateful. Fortunately, she knew the current affairs before, otherwise she was so tossed, even if she was immortal. Also lose half of his life.

As soon as Huo Qilin woke up, he subconsciously began to flee, but as soon as he took a step, his body froze in place, not daring to move at all.

Being so tossed, he really couldn't help it. Even the hardest bones, in the face of endless torture, I am afraid it will look like it.

"Don't run." With a sneer on his face, Luo Ya went directly to Huo Qilin and looked at his slightly dodging eyes, knowing that he was already afraid of being kicked.

"Don't run anymore" Huo Qilin urn replied in a huff, and when he opened his mouth, it caused the injury on his head, and he was grinning again.

"You don't have enough spine." Luo Ya shook his head, and said in a slightly regretful tone, thinking of the three-legged Wu Peng method in his heart.

At that time, the three-legged Wupeng Wuhuan had all broken bones, and he didn't find a good piece of meat on his body. In comparison, the fire unicorn had just been kicked a few feet.

"The second child can't stand the method of going to the immortal, and I am willing to use the power of the dog and horse for the immortal." This fire unicorn is not young, but it has lived for thousands of years, and can't escape or run, so he simply said Words of allegiance.

Ask for flowers

The gurgling unicorn blood on his forehead made him look a little bit miserable, but there was a trace of cunning flashing in his eyes, and he was obviously ready to escape again if he had a chance in the future.

Roya had a bit of disdain on his face, not to mention that he had already seen that trace of cunning, even if he hadn't seen it, he had heard something wrong from the fire Qilin's words.

The golden winged phoenix, the golden phoenix, swears directly to the sky before. This old guy is obviously playing tricks. He just said something like a dog and horse, not a ghost in his heart or something.

"Go." Flip his hand and took out five best magic weapon-level imperial beast rings from the system warehouse. Luo Ya gave a light voice, the fifth ring flew towards the fire unicorn in the air, and the fourth ring beard became dozens of times larger. He buckled Huo Qilin's four hooves, and a ring was put under his head and put on his neck.

"Ah" Huo Qilin suddenly felt bad, but now he was obviously looking for abuse, and when he didn't dare to resist, he could only comfort him for the time being to lie to him for the future.

"Would you like to try?" Luo Ya glanced at the fire unicorn, with a bit of joking on his face, and said, this kind of guy, if he does not let him realize the power of the beast ring, I am afraid he will have to Jump out to add chaos.

"Ehou, Shangxian, forgive me, Shangxian, forgive me" Huo Qilin was waiting to say not dare, Luo Ya had begun to silently recite the formula of the Royal Beast Ring before he waited for its words.


Kuishui Yin thunder flickered, and the beast ring continued to shrink, Huo Qilin repeatedly begged for mercy, lying on the ground and rolling all over.

This Kui Shui Yin Lei is different from other divine thunders. It has great damage to the divine soul. Under the action of the beast ring, it directly enters the divine soul, and it is raging in it. No matter how strong the will is, I am afraid it will die in pain.

"Put away your little thoughts and work hard, you will get things you didn't even dare to think about before, if not, hum." Luo Ya warned the fire unicorn and turned back to Zhao Ling'er in front of the cave. .

Zhao Linger's eyes were a bit unbearable at this time. Everything was living. Seeing the fire Qilin rolling around complacently and dying in pain, he felt a little uncomfortable..

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