One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1636: Go to Nanzhao Kingdom

Luo Ya's frowned. There is no magic weapon of space in this fairy sword and chivalrous world. That Shushan demon lock tower is exactly one, but that thing is something that connects the demon world and the human world, so it can't be easily moved.

Fortunately, this world will be his place in the future. If the Demon Locking Tower is moved, another magic weapon will have to be found to replace it, which is not appropriate.

"Madan, the lock demon tower was bestowed by the God Realm, right? It's really uncertain whether this realm has a refining method." Luo Ya muttered inwardly, with a painful expression on his face.

Refining this kind of thing needs to be a self-contained world, and it cannot be involved in the Journey to the West. That is to say, it cannot be refined by him, nor can it be refined by the refining method of the Journey to the West. It is really a bit troublesome.

"Damn, at that time, we can only let the guys from Shushan find a way." Luo Ya shook his head helplessly, but in his heart was the person who decided to hand over this task to Shushan.

The magic weapon he needs doesn't need to be as versatile as a demon lock tower, nor does it need much high-level refining skills, just need its own space.

After that, with the skills of Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi, the space can be expanded countless times in minutes, moving stars and battles, moving mountains to create springs, adding five elements, shrinking mountains, creating spiritual fields, and planting spiritual roots.

But simply opening up space can stump many people. After all, this thing is not the Xumi formation in the Xumi Ring, but the space that truly forms its own world.

"Brother Luo, what are you thinking?" Zhao Ling'er played with the spirit beast ring in his hand, recruited the fire unicorn and golden winged phoenix, and put it in. After a long while, the two beasts almost rolled their eyes dizzy before giving up.

"Well Linger, do you want to go to Nanzhao Country?" Luo Ya didn't tell what he was worried about, but instead moved to another matter and asked.

"Can Nanzhao go to worship the next mother?" Zhao Linger's mood was slightly lowered. The Jiang family had already told her many things before, and she naturally knew what Nanzhao Kingdom meant.

"Your mother still has a trace of true spirit in the Nuwa Temple. Although it has been a long time and cannot be used for resurrection, you can probably chat with her."

Luo Ya thought for a while and replied, that Lin Qing'er's trace of true spirit is stored in the Nuwa Temple, and Zhao Ling'er can still have a love for mother and daughter.

"Mother" Zhao Linger's eyes burst into a strong joy. From what Jiang said to her, her mother was already dead in order to seal the water monster. At this time, I heard that I could see my mother again.

In this limit of heaven and earth, there can only be one Nüwa descendant in the world. After the next generation is born, the descendants of the previous generation Nüwa only have ten years to cultivate descendants in the world, and then they will die away.

Although Luo Ya can also bring it back to Journey to the West and resurrect his body after reshaping his body, he has lost the body of Nuwa and is still married, which really makes people unable to raise that mind.

"Brother Luo, let's go quickly." With joy, Zhao Linger took the initiative to hold Luo Ya's hand for the first time, with an expression of expectation on her face.

The mother and daughter have joined their hearts, and they have not seen each other for nearly ten years. Zhao Linger's longings have long been overwhelming, and even when he dreams back at midnight, he can still think of his mother.

"Yeah." Luo Ya smiled, held Zhao Ling'er's jade hand back, opened the system map, aimed at the location of the Taiyi treasure chest of Nanzhao Kingdom, and directly urged it to disappear in the same place instantly.

At this time, on Mount Shu, the hanging mountain, with the return of the Jiujian fairy Situ Zhong, the elder courtyard of the Houshan Mountain exploded. The head Dugu Yuyun frowned, while the remaining two elders rushed to express With their own opinions.

The five elders of Shushan in the last dynasty have all fallen because of the evil sword immortal. However, these two elders were newly selected in recent years, and Daoxing is much worse than the original five.

These two people are called Jishu and Canglan, but they are not anyone remembered by Luo Ya in his previous life, and they are not the Seven Sages of Shushan in the future.

"A school of nonsense, a school of nonsense, Situ Zhong. You can believe such things. You have been walking in this world for many years. The patriarch of our school is too halal. With the canopy sword, I created my Shushan school. A ghost, something made up by wanting to do something wrong"

Jishu is the same as its Taoist name. It speaks and speaks very fast. It does not have the style of a cultivator. As the elder of Shushan, it is more like the emptiness inside Shushan, which is pulled out to make up the number.

The younger disciples of Shushan had not yet grown up at this time, like the Seven Sages of Shushan who appeared in the Five Immortal Sword.

"Asshole, offend my Shushan majesty. When it comes, I will make it look good." Another elder, Cang Lan, was also filled with righteous indignation and didn't even notice the key point of this incident.

"Hey" Dugu Yuyun sighed. He was disappointed with the two newly promoted elders. It doesn't matter how bad the way is, but this short-sighted and defiant temperament is a big problem. Now he is extremely eager for the younger disciples to grow up as soon as possible. stand up.

"Brother head, when you took over as head, you should have used the world to listen to it." Situ Zhong still held the jar of Firefox wine in his arms, rubbing his palms on the wine jar, tenderly as if he treated his lover. .


"The connection between the God Realm and the Human Realm has been completely cut off since the Evil Sword and Immortal Rebellion. The world is watching and listening, but it's just a cutscene." Dugu Yuyun frowned and answered.

He also didn't think that what Roja said was true, but it was also a fact that he had no connection with the God Realm anymore, and the most important thing at the moment was that powerful strength.

You must know that Situ Zhong has already said that the man's skill is unfathomable, and it is hard to expect him

Dugu Yuyun is Senior Brother Situ Zhong, who naturally understands the temperament of this Junior Brother. At the beginning, the two of them had teamed up to kill the demon clan in Taiyi Realm. Although Situ Zhong had stagnated at the peak of the true fairy due to alcoholism and gluttony in these years, his skill was stagnant. Taiyi Zhenxian couldn't help his swordsmanship.

The person who can make it feel unfathomable is probably at least the peak of Taiyi True Immortal, and even, it is possible that it is a person like that demon respect building.

Now that Shushan is in continuous turmoil, he has not yet recovered his vitality. Facing such a character, is there a chance to resist, even if it opens the big formation, there is a chance of victory?

"I don't know anything else, but he has never shown malicious intent to me, and this wine is not something from the human world. I am afraid that I can't find the demon world and the demon world. After only one third of it, I feel that I am going to break through. .".

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