One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1643: Assists for small experts

The content projected in the water mirror was presented in front of everyone on the scene. The power of Roja, the monstrous fierce flames of the Lord of the Moon, and the scene of summoning water monsters caused their pupils to shrink, but many people were fundamental. Can't believe the content in the water mirror.

"The demon killed my king's life, and he wanted his statement to be damaged. I, Shimou, fought with you." Elder Shi saw the content in the mirror, with a fierce anger on his face, and without a word he sent his best to Roya. A strong blow.

The blood in the body burned spontaneously, and at the cost of spontaneous life span, the strength of Elder Shi's attack had soared from Sanxian to True Immortal. This kind of cross-border ascension was already regarded as the top method in this world.

With his left hand into a fist, with a fist of blood flame, cutting through the air, and rushing straight with the decisive force of destroying all things, Luo Ya dismissed Zui disdainfully, even if he barely crossed the realm to improve, in his eyes, It's still ants.

With a wave of one hand, Xianli condensed into a huge palm print, and patted the elder Shi. There was a dimensional gap between the two. The elder Shi was like a man's arm as a car, and was directly photographed on the ground.

"Puff" the immortal power dissipated, and Elder Shi's eyes widened, and a mouthful of 150 blood pressed in the abdominal cavity came out, spraying the surroundings, and the surrounding guards backed back again and again with horrified expressions on their faces.

Elder Shi was the veteran of the Black Miao clan from two dynasties, and he was also one of the top masters of the Black Miao clan. He was quite prestigious among the two clan, and he was so easily shot seriously injured. It would be strange if they were not afraid.

"Let me down all my weapons" Saint Aunt had already cried out in her heart when she saw Elder Shi's behavior, but she was only a true immortal. How could she have time to stop her? At this time, she can only order the surrounding guards not to show any hostility, otherwise Today I am afraid there will be even greater damage.

The soldiers around him felt very worried, while he was afraid of the strength of the people in front of him, and he dared not follow the Saint Aunt's instructions. After hesitating for a while, they put down their weapons one after another.

"Daxia Luo, I apologize for the impulse of Elder Shi just now, and please don't blame him." Saint Aunt looked at Luo Ya with a bit of worry on her face, facing this kind of incomprehensible and powerful person. , But she didn't want to be an enemy in her heart.

And Zhao Ling'er, Princess of Nanzhao, was clearly brought back by him. Logically speaking, if they did not do anything to endanger Nanzhao, they would treat him as a benefactor.

It's just that although the Witch King has become faint and weak in recent years, he still has some prestige because he is very good at superficial skills. If this matter is not dealt with properly, I am afraid that Nanzhao will have another chaos.

"Nothing." Luo Ya shook his head and said indifferently. This elder Shi first used a forbidden technique, and then was severely injured by his slap on the viscera, even if he was walking the way of the way. , There are more protective Gu worms on his body, but even if he doesn't die now, I'm afraid it won't be able to survive for two years.

There is a dimensional level difference between the two, just like an elephant would not mind the ants passing by. Roja never took this stone elder to his heart, but was a little girl who didn’t even have a fragment of the Supreme Treasure Box. That's it.

The Bai Miao girl Anu is outgoing and lively, and she is very strange. In just a short time, she learned a lot from Zhao Linger. She took out a red string from her pocket and tied it to Zhao Ling'er's little finger. on.

"Your Royal Highness, if you are in danger in the future, this red string will tell Anu, and Anu will help you no matter where you are."

Anu’s mouth recites the tactics, the red string is fleeting, connecting the two breaths together, Zhao Ling'er has a quiet and peaceful smile on her face, she can clearly feel the girl in front of her, The concern from the bottom of my heart.

There was a smile on the face of Saint Aunt, and she was extremely satisfied with Anu's behavior. Their clan was handed down by the puppet mother-in-law bdae, and their mission was to protect the Nuwa clan.

Luo Ya picked it up, with a trace of memory in his eyes. Back then, he drew this thread from Terumi Mei’s treasure chest to pull the red rope. It was this red rope that kept Terumi Mei in the separation for many years. Never feel alone.

The death of the Witch King is not a trivial matter, and the saint’s just dealing with this matter seems a bit overwhelmed. After all, the line of the Lord of the Moon Worship is deeply rooted, and the Witch King’s loyalties are also many. It is not so simple to eliminate the incident.

After Zhao Ling'er expressed his willingness to worship his mother Lin Qing'er, Saint Aunt had no time for him, so he could only arrange for Anu to lead the two.

"Are you the princess's answer?" Walking on the path leading to the Nuwa Temple, Anu kept looking at Loya with a somewhat curious look on his face.

Achievement is a very intimate name among the Miao nationality. Generally speaking, it means that lovers call each other to answer each other, and this name corresponds to the relationship between two lovers.

"Well, you have to ask your princesses." Luo Ya touched the tip of his nose and said, with a slightly teasing smile on his face, he looked at Zhao Ling'er.

"What is answer reduction?" Zhao Linger only stayed in Miaojiang for a period of time when he was very young. Although Nuwa's bloodline is extraordinary, the maturity period is relatively longer than that of ordinary people. The memory of four or five years old is not profound.

Besides, normal children, four or five-year-olds are just beginning to remember things, and being able to remember their parents and remember some important things is already very smart, so how can they remember these details?

Upon seeing this, Anu blinked his big watery eyes, and instantly understood that the relationship between the two is still in the state of unripe rice and porridge.

"Princess, he is confessing to you in disguise, asking if you are his lover." With a ghostly smile in Anu's eyes, he said to Zhao Ling'er with a grin, and he was very lively.

"Ah, then I" Zhao Linger was choked for a while, with bloodshot cheeks and incoherent speech. He couldn't even speak a complete sentence. He glanced at Luo Ya quietly, and after seeing the slightly nasty smile, he was more tolerant. Can't help but twist his cheek aside and dare not look directly.

"Oh, Lang Youqing concubine intentionally." Anu sat in front of the two and ran towards the Nuwa Temple with a smile. The bells on his wrists and feet brought a crisp sound.

"Ah" Zhao Ling'er heard these words and covered her face in shame. She really didn't dare to look at Luo Ya's eyes again. A snail treasure chest quietly refreshed beside her.

"Southern Xinjiang reappears to assist the little expert." Luo Ya saw the treasure chest, smiled on his face, and couldn't help but mutter..

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