One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1645: Remove Water Monster

The Jinxian's initial stage was not necessarily the strength of the water monster in its heyday. After all, it had encountered the seal of Nuwa in the past. It cannot be said that it was much stronger in the ancient times than it is now.

The water monster occupies the position of one of the Primordial Five Elements Monsters. This position is like the heaven and earth five-party beasts in the prehistoric world, but the difference is that the heaven and earth five-party beasts in the prehistoric world have their missions, and this world is even in ancient times. , It is still incomplete, the five elements of Warcraft, no responsibilities at all.

This is also the cause. A fierce beast that lacks intelligence like a water monster has become one of the five-element monsters, and has endangered the world for an unknown number of years.

If it weren't for the existence of Nuwa descendants, I'm afraid this world would have become a vast ocean long ago, how could there be a peaceful and prosperous age now.

The fierce "two, two, three" beasts, which are not wise and powerful, also existed in the ancient times of the Journey to the West. They are different from ordinary monsters, fierce beasts, and sacred beasts. They have an exclusive name.

In the ancient times, these wild beasts were stationed in the land of Hezhou, Xiniu, and slaughtered each other. Later, after the demon ancestor Luohu controlled a large number of wild beasts, Hongjun had to stand up and invite the digital powers of the ancient times. Deploy Zhuxian Sword Array to join forces against the enemy.

After that time, the laws of heaven evolved, and the wild beasts were basically extinct, and the remaining wild beasts gradually became thinner and withdrew from the prehistoric stage of history.

"Roar" After Roja appeared, the water monster let out a deafening roar, and the eyes of the eight heads flashed with raging murderous aura.

The eight heads are in the same body, and the consciousness of each other is also one. Between the roars, countless black and blue water vapors began to gather quickly, facing the sudden appearance of the creatures, the wild beast's mouth began to drool and wantonly.

It has not tasted the taste of flesh and blood for many years. If it is not for its special physique, it can survive forever by absorbing the water element between the heavens and the earth, and in a disguised form it has gained the ability to live forever. I am afraid this water monster has already starved to death here.

"It doesn't matter if you look ugly, you don't have any intelligence. What can you do?" Roja looked at the savage roar, his eyes were greedy and murderous, but because of the instinct of the beast, he dared not attack for a while. , Said silently, several real fires on the Jingshi lotus robe began to raging and spread.

Invisible, water can overcome fire, but in the same way, when the power of fire surpasses the power of water, it can also form absolute restraint.

Water monsters have a special physique, and they will be born when they encounter water. According to reason, the best way to deal with water monsters is to use the earth attribute spells of the power of the earth, and the wood attribute magic spells can also form absolute restraint.

However, although Roja had already mastered the spirit of the five element spells, he didn't have any earth-attribute spells in his hand, and the use of the wood-attributed magical powers was too troublesome. He just gave it up after a thought.

Ghost fire, bone spirit cold fire, samadhi real fire, earth center green lotus fire, sun real fire, nether ghost fire, Tousi purple fire, Liuding divine fire, and several real fires began to raging ragingly. Water monsters saw this surging flame. , Could not help taking a step back.

Luo Yashang used it for the first time after getting the Touzi Zihuo and Liuding Shenhuo. He saw the water monster that had taken a step back, with a smile on his face, but he was ready to experiment.

Although the water monster has no intelligence, but seeing this smile, it still feels that it is underestimated by the prey. Among the eight heads, a terrible roar is issued again. In this sealed land, countless water attributes begin to Pouring into the hole in the seal.

"Dousi Zihuo, go" Luo Ya pinched the tactic with one hand, pointed forward with one hand, and Duzi Zihuo surging out, and the purple flames spread all over the sealed land instantly, with a surge of fire.

"Roar" the water monster roared again, its eight heads danced, and the turbulent water wave was thrown out with its mouth open. This water wave was much heavier than ordinary water waves. As the water attribute monster of the five element monster, it was passively generated in its body. Power can make the water-attribute spells that it sprays become like one yuan heavy water.

This water is extremely thick and dense. Although it is not comparable to the real one-yuan water, if it is released to the outside world, it is enough to transform into a vast ocean.

"Yes, it's enough to try it out." Luo Ya muttered, and Dou Li Zi Huo had already touched the water wave. With countless water vapor rising and the smoke lingering, the fire wave began to slowly move this. The water waves evaporate.

In the Nuwa Temple, when Luo Ya entered the Sealed Land, Lin Qing'er felt a little bit. After all, the seal was because she had exhausted her life and used her body to condense. Most of the souls even merged into it. In the seal, become part of the seal

"How come?" Lin Qing'er had a little bit of astonishment in her eyes. She could feel that for many years, the Lord of Moon Worship had been watching to break her seal, and even recently the speed of breaking it has accelerated, at most for another year. The water monster will escape.

But even with the hard work of the Lord of the Moon Worship, he has never been able to enter the seal. How did the man with her daughter get in?

"Mother, what's wrong with you" Zhao Linger's tears were still falling, but seeing the solemn expression in Lin Qinger's eyes, he still asked.

"Ling'er, where is the man who came with you, can you trust it?"

"My mother asked why Brother Luo is a good person. Although she often wants to bully Ling'er, she is very good to Ling'er, um, very, very good."

Zhao Ling'er flushed her cheeks as she spoke, with a hint of shyness in her eyes, thinking of the conversation between Yien on his forehead and Anu, that emotional appearance, looks very cute.

"Really, do you know what he did in the Sealed Lands of Water Monsters?" Lin Qinger, as a person who came over 06, after seeing her daughter talk about Loya, she forgot to cry, even with a faint smile, how could she not understand this? The thoughts of the little daughter's house.

But the question is still to be asked, this cultivator knows that her cultivation level is not low just by just condensing her true spirit. If carrying water monsters harms the creatures of this world, I am afraid that no one can stop it.

"Brother Luo wants to get rid of it." Zhao Ling'er's tone was somewhat convincing. Although Luo Ya didn't tell her clearly, after what her mother said, she could conclude that she went to the place where the water monster was. In order to remove it.

"Water monsters are extremely powerful, and they will be born in water"

"Mother, if it's Brother Luo, it's okay." Zhao Linger had a certain expression in her eyes, and softly interrupted her mother. She had absolute trust in Luo Ya..

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