One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1650: Lin Qinger reborn

"Well, there happens to be a magic weapon that suits you well." Luo Ya blinked at Zhao Ling'er, flipped his hands and took out the Jinyu Dragon and Phoenix shoes from the system warehouse, and put them on for Zhao Ling'er himself.

In ancient times, men were inferior to women. Some gentlemen said that men would wear shoes and shoes for women. It was unthinkable. There was a great disharmony over ethics.

However, the people of Miao Jiang have always been unrestrained. For this behavior, they just saw Luo Ya's love and concern for Zhao Ling'er. Whether it was Lin Qing'er, Saint Aunt, Anu, there was a little smile in his eyes.

"Brother Luo in the future, wherever you go, Linger will follow you." Zhao Linger's face was a little dizzy, and regardless of his mother's watching in a pan, he hooked Luoya's neck and held it in his ears. Bian whispered.

He grew up in the land of the Han people, and his awareness of the "2000" of ethics is one point higher than that of Lin Qinger.

As a fairy from the immortal world, Luo Ya is so powerful that she can wear shoes for her personally, which really moved this little girl.

In the land of the Han people, men give women shoes, which means that they will go with them, which means that they will be ordered for life. In Miaojiang, shoes are only given to each other between unmarried couples.

"Um. Good." Luo Ya was stunned for a moment. Just now, he was completely subconscious, and he hadn't considered any etiquette or the like.

After all, as a man, he always loves his own women. It's just a trivial matter. It's not a matter of going up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire. What kind of etiquette is really suitable for husband and wife.

In ancient times, husbands and wives were respectful as guests, and there were many rules between gestures, but for those rules, he never cared about them. Nima, you should bow to salute and invite each other when you have a meal. You are not tired.

And don’t you have to talk to each other before you start having sex when you have sex at night?

In ancient times, ethics had many merits, but because of the environment where men were inferior to women, there were also a lot of dross. Regarding those dross, Luo Ya simply ignored them.

Zhao Ling'er wants to fully control the immortal power in his body, it will take eight days to say nothing, and the blood awakening has been completed, Lin Qing'er can be regarded as relieved of the burden on his body, and he can leave without worry.

There is just one more thing that makes Lin Qing'er worried. When he was fighting the water monster, a wooden figure appeared after his death, and her remaining true spirit was condensed into a stone statue. Only then did she now have the god Nuwa. temple.

As far as the wooden man said, it was more than nine years later that she used the technique of inheritance to send back to that time and space. It was the wooden man who helped Zhao Linger and her maid Jiang to escape from southern Xinjiang. Now that Zhao Ling'er appeared, she still hadn't seen the wooden man.

The theory of time-space causality is too mysterious, and Lin Qing'er can't help being a little worried. If the wooden man hasn't appeared before the tenth year, the cause and effect involved in the past will change the future that has finally settled down.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Qing'er couldn't help it, and told Luo Ya. After all, in his heart, he is the immortal of the immortal world, with great magical powers, and he should have an understanding of the cause and effect of this time and space.

After listening to Lin Qing'er's narration, "Wooden" Luo Ya couldn't help scratching his cheek, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a plot in the original book, but Li Xiaoyao went back to the past.

But what the hell is the wooden man? Is there such a wooden man in Xianjian I?

After thinking for a moment, Luo Ya's heart shuddered slightly, and he whispered to himself, this wooden man, is it not his unfinished wooden clone method?

The vellus clone is easy to use, but this clone has two drawbacks. One drawback is that it inherits the shortcomings of the shadow clone technique, which can be broken when touched and can be dissipated with a slight attack. The other drawback is repeated every time. Pull a hair.

If he were a monkey, he would have hair all over his body, and he couldn’t finish it, but the problem is that he is not.

In the future, the realm of cultivation is getting higher and higher. Even a single hair is precious. Sooner or later, this vellus hair clone will withdraw from the common sequence. But in order to ensure this cultivation bug, there must be something that can be replaced, so he secretly studied the wooden clone. The law.

"If you are casting a spell now, can you send me back to the past?" Luo Ya frowned, and in order to confirm the guess in his heart, he asked Lin Qing'er.

"No, I only have a strand of true spirit now. Even with the help of three inheritance artifacts, at most I will send people in the realm of true immortals back, and this person cannot carry any magic weapons with excessive immortal power."

"Sure enough." Luo Ya nodded secretly, affirming his guess in his heart, forming a handprint with one hand, and a seedling grew on the ground in the temple, which turned into a human appearance in the blink of an eye.

This human-like wooden figure is rough in appearance, with only the aura of true immortal level, inheriting the characteristics of being able to pass back memories, but because the strength of the body is too far apart, even taking the enlightenment tea to comprehend things is compared to the vellus hair clone. It's a big difference.

Therefore, in Luo Ya's mind, this spell is completely in an unfinished state, and at least the clone must have one-tenth of the strength of the body, and that understanding can help.

"That's it." Lin Qing'er suddenly saw this wooden figure, and her eyes lit up. The wooden figure back then was delicate in thinking, safe in work, and even real immortal level cultivation. She had never thought that it would actually be one. Avatar.

With the help of the wooden man, Lin Qing'er also completed the final mission. After the return of the wooden man, Luo Ya received the memory passed back, and a smile appeared on his face. Everything is fine. In the current fairy sword world, he only It needs to be stable.

Lin Qinger's technique of returning to the soul fairy dream has already made her true spirit extremely weak. Even with the soul-raising wood token, if you don't immediately reincarnate and rebirth with the power of the six reincarnations, I am afraid that the final result will be the soul flying away.

After bidding farewell to Zhao 11 Ling'er, Shenggu, and Anu, Luo Ya used his celestial power. After Lin Qing'er drank the Mengpo soup, he forcibly carried the world’s reincarnation backlash and sent him directly to the humanity. in.

Compared with Journey to the West, the six reincarnations in this world are undoubtedly weaker than the others. The so-called Ten Temple Yama is only a person who has attained Taoism among the people. There is not even a monk in the Taiyi realm. Cultivation, so it can only be forced.

"Humph." Luo Ya sent Lin Qing'er into reincarnation, the power of the backlash made him a little confused, and the blood in his body was agitated. Fortunately, the foundation was stable, and there was no problem with adjusting his breath.

"Mother will remember me in the future?"

"After drinking Meng Po Tang, I will forget the things in my previous life, and I should forget it, but being able to reincarnate and experience the life of ordinary people is what your mother hopes for."

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