One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1652: Zen Master’s Death

"Nima, die." Luo Ya cursed in his heart, and the divine light of Yin and Yang burst out of his eyes. If Zen Master Qianye was targeting him, then he might not be very annoyed, but he came up to target Zhao Ling'er. Totally looking for death

The divine light of yin and yang hits the bowl-shaped magic weapon in the hands of Zen Master Qianye, and the strong power of the yin and the sun burst out in an instant. The ice and anxiety coexist, the power of horror, and the terrible aura of devouring people.

When Zen Master Qianye shot his hand, he was already prepared, and immediately threw down the magic weapon in his hand, and dodged aside, but the trace of the power of the lunar yin still made ice scum all over his body. .

The yin and yang divine light is used as Zhoutian's star pupil's ultimate skill. Luo Ya has always rarely used it, but the power of this divine light is undoubtedly. In his current realm, even if Da Luo Jinxian is hit head-on, I am afraid it will be uncomfortable. .

This Qianye Zen master was just the peak of Taiyi True Immortal. Just now, the power of the Taiyin passed by him, almost freezing his bloodline directly. As for the pot-shaped magic weapon, it has long since turned into powder and does not exist in the world.

Zhou Tian's stars turned endlessly in his eyes, Luo Ya did not have the slightest expression on his face, and his eyes were full of coldness when he looked at Zen Master Qianye. Since he dared to make a shot at Zhao Ling'er, the time for this guy's death was also coming.

"Come and help me with the head of Dugu. Although the girl next to this person doesn't know her race, she is clearly an evildoer." Zen Master Chiba felt that the golden core relics in his body were still running under the power of the lunar yin, and he hurriedly asked for help.

"Shangxian can you explain the identity of the person next to you." With a solemn expression on Dugu Yuyun's face, he secretly gestured to the elder and disciple behind him, and stepped up to stand beside Zen Master Qianye with one hand. On his body, the power of secret luck helps him to dissolve the power of the lunar yin in his body.

The move just now really went beyond Dugu Yuyun's expectations. One did not expect Zen Master Qianye to attack at this time, and the other did not expect that Luo Ya rushed to strike, and the power was so terrifying.

At first, he just ordered that Zen Master Qianye used one of the six magical powers of Buddhism to observe the identities of several people in secret. How could he have thought that Zen Master Qianye was more excited than him, and he would expose the identities of several people on the spot.

Although his heart was dignified, Zen Master Qianye was invited by him to help out. If he ignored him, Shu Shan had no face, so even if he didn't want to, he still had to stand up.

"Senior Brother" Jiujian Immortal Situ Zhong frowned, his face was also solemn, and instinctively told him that what happened next would probably be harmful to Shushan.

"Brother Luo" Zhao Linger had a sudden change at first sight, with a look of palpitations on her face. Although the golden light never hit her, she was still shocked.

But Zhao Linger was extremely wronged by the people, and Anu beside her was also filled with righteous indignation. How can the noble blood of her own princess allow others to defile

"You have eyes but no beads, are you the head of Shushan like this?" Luo Ya squinted slightly, looking at Dugu Yuyun standing next to Zen Master Qianye.

Fortunately, Dugu Yuyun had a past with Lin Qing'er, so he didn’t even know the identity of the descendants of the Nuwa clan. It was completely useless.

And that Zen Master Qianye is obviously not a good thing, and Dugu Yuyun also regards him as a personal friend, whether he has eyes or no beads.

"Shangxian, the export slanders others, the actions of people who are not righteous, I am the head of Shushan, and I am not at the same time as the evildoer. If the Shangxian can't explain the identity of the people around me, I am afraid that I am Shushan today, and I will not welcome the introduction Up."

Dugu Yuyun is used to being aloof in the mountains of Shu. When he was said to have eyes and no beads, this kind of insult made him really suffocated in his heart, and he was no longer polite.

"You are the leader, you have done it today." With a sneer of disdain on Roya's face, he said a few polite words. This Dugu Yuyun really regards himself as a person.

The head of Shushan didn't have to be him, he just changed the wine sword immortal Situ Zhong, and Shushan was still Shushan. Since he was ignorant, there was nothing to say.

The stars in his eyes are turning, and the surrounding space has already begun to twist, the stars above the nine heavens vibrate, and the power of Lunar and the power of the sun around Roya overlap

"All the disciples ordered the Seven Palaces to guard and open the Seven Stars Volunteer Array to report quickly to the former head patriarch." Dugu Yuyun yelled, with a deep shock on his face. The power that Luo Ya showed was really too great. It’s horrible, this horrible power is even worse than the Demon Respect Building

"Brother" Jiu Jian Xian Situ Zhong's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect it at all. As soon as they met, things developed to this point. When they met each other, the two must be injured.

In his mind, 80% of Roja's identity is true, and the probability of Shushan failure is almost 90%.

"Brother Luo" Zhao Linger whispered. She had never seen Luo Ya look so cold, and she couldn't help but blame herself. If she didn't follow, I'm afraid these things would not happen.

"Go to heaven and earth, three thousand worlds, with me, no one can deceive you." Luo Ya turned his head and smiled at Zhao Ling'er. His woman was scolded. If he didn't respond, he would be too much of a man. .

"Yeah." Zhao Ling'er shook a pink fist with a happy expression on her face. Even if she is an enemy of the world, she must be protected by herself. This kind of thing, even if it is a woman, will be tempted.

"Master Qianye, right? Have you ever heard of ghost fire." Luo Ya turned to look at Zen Master Qianye, sneered before speaking quietly.

"Although I haven't heard of it, just the name can tell that it is a ghost trick." A golden light flashed in the eyes of Zen Master Chiba, pretending to be decent, and he absolutely couldn't ask for this situation.

The two tigers will be injured in the fight. If Shushan's strength is severely damaged again, even hurting the foundation, maybe he can take advantage of the chaos and complete his ambitions.

"Netherworld ghost fire is the treasure of enlightenment by burning a lamp, the fire in the lamp of the eagle, this fire goes straight to the netherworld, and has the ability to show the life of the deceased. Even if you have never seen this person, you should have heard of it. This fire is his ghost trick, and it just so happens that I will do this ghost trick."

Roja's ridicule is even stronger. The Buddhists, who don't even know the sacred fire of burning the lamp, even call it a ghost trick. Even if the Zen Master Qianye died, he was embarrassed today.

However, what he faced afterwards was more than just shame, ruin, dissipated soul, and completely wiped out the world. It was Luo Ya's preparation for him.

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