One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 166: Karp, go to the new world

After the strong request of Dumas, Roja had to detour the Chambord Islands, avoiding the naval headquarters of Malin Vandor, and heading directly to Murloc Island. Adolescent children are always the most hurt.

At any rate, I’ve helped myself, so I’ll find a girl for this baby. In the future, when Xiao Baixing grows up, when Roja is about to overthrow the world government, the Neptunes are very powerful in a big battle, except for those top wars. Power, the average fleet, who will kneel

Under the strong plea of ​​the younger brothers on the two warships, the great pirate Lucian established his first pirate flag and formed the "Scourge of Thunder" pirate group.

The raging thunder and lightning slashed from the Pirate Flag on the black background. After the thunder beams blasted the laser beam, there was a smiling skull. The eyes of the skull were burning with flames, as if mocking the ignorance of the "Nineteen Seven" world.

Only Roja knows what this Pirate Banner means. The raging fire is hidden under the "disaster", which symbolizes that Emperor Yan uses the divine thunder to hide his figure, flipping the thunder in this world, and carrying out an unknown plan.

The handsome messy Pirate Banner made the younger brothers start the tattoo contest. According to the statement of the boob fruit ability Hua Bukras, the pirate who is dangling on the sea, who does not have a skilled tattoo craft.

The speechless Roja really wanted to tell him, you shit, your captain doesn’t have it

Ten tattooed, nine regretted, and the other broke his leg.

This sentence is not just for fun. How many Xiaosao Nian looked at the tattoo with envy, and regretted it for life after getting the tattoo. Luo Ya didn't want to do that messy things on his body.

Under the transformation of the pirates, the warship has become two of the most advanced pirate ships, sailing mightily on the great waterway under the swaying flag.

Marine Headquarters Marin Vando.

Warring States was sitting behind his desk without saying a word. On the sofa was the yellow ape that was still wrapped around the mummy. The green pheasant pulled down the blindfold to fake sleep soundly, and the general's alternate tea dolphin waited for everyone to speak.

The navy staff crane leaned against the wall and didn't know what to think. The navy hero Karp wrapped his arms in front of him, and his face was rarely laughing.

Taotu carefully flipped through the pages of the sorted documents of the Advance City Incident. The person present here with the name Lu Xian, I am afraid that no one is familiar with her, so brave enough to play with him twice.

The whole story of Pushing City’s prison escape has been speculated by the Navy, but it was still impossible to guess how this person got into Pushing City, and the whole matter was full of doubts.

Abruptly appeared on the fifth floor. The prisoner who was escorted on the fifth floor that day was also imprisoned here, Guluji, a person with fear of fruit ability, and all three of them died in a cell. The corpse of Guluji was verified and it was not a person at all. Things that can be done.



The sound of the soldier's report interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere. A soldier walked into the office tremblingly after hearing the words of the Warring States Period outside the door, reporting the recent situation.

"Report the Marshal, the latest spy, and advance the city's prison escape prisoner Redfield Earl Redfield to form a vampire pirate group, recruit people on a large scale, and prepare to march into the new world."

"Lu Xian, the initiator of the escape, formed the pirate group of the Thunderstorm. It has reached the Chambord Islands. The ship has begun coating and is also preparing to march towards the new world."

"The World Destroyer Bondi Vardi assembled the old ministry in the windless zone to deal with the old hatred before he went to prison. There is no suspicious movement for now."


Piece by piece of news made the Warring States fists clenched, and the veins on his arms violently, suppressing his anger, thinking about how to change the status quo.

Undeniably, the sea is in chaos, and the news of pushing the city to escape from prison cannot be stopped. The culprit, Lucian, is screaming and coating the shampoo.

The navy soldier who finished the report could not bear the atmosphere in the office for a long time, and slowly retreated out, and closed the office door again.


A sigh was uttered from the navy staff. Since the Warring States took office, successive accidents have caused dissatisfaction with the world government.If an effective response is not made to curb the crazy momentum of the pirates, it may not take long before the position of the marshal will change.

"How about the proposed reward order."

In the end, the Warring States spoke first. In this case, even he had no better way.

"It has been drafted and will be issued later."

"Well, Crane, the order has caused the naval branch of the New World to shrink its defenses. I am afraid that it will not take long before they will be attacked by these pirates."


In the dull answer, Crane walked out of the office and completed the task assigned by the Warring States Period.

"Kapu, go to the new world, you are needed there."

"it is good."

Regarding the request of the old comrades-in-arms, even Karp, who doesn't want to worry about too much now, couldn't refuse, got up from his seat and walked out of the office.

It is foreseeable that the re-emergence of Karp, who had chased the One Piece everywhere, will inevitably cause a bloody storm in the new world.

"Green pheasant, Bundy Wald, the world destroyer, must be re-arrested and brought to justice."

"Yes, Marshal."

The blindfold on his head has been removed. At this time, even the lazy green pheasant has to cheer up. The current situation is really not optimistic.

"Cha Dolphin and Taotu, order you two to lead their respective fleets to hunt down scattered fugitives and pirates. In extraordinary times, there is no need to be merciful. The 12 Navy does not need living pirates now."


One by one, the orders were spoken from the Warring States. It's not a big deal, only Warring States is left in the office.

Picking up the phone worm on the table, the 16th lieutenant admiral of the Navy also received their own orders, either strictly guarding the fortress, or waiting for an opportunity to attack. For the first time, the huge navy showed sharp fangs to the world. No more tranquility.

Holding the latest reward order just sent by the navy soldier, the Warring States forces couldn’t help tearing it to pieces.

He gritted his teeth and picked up the pen and paper on the table, and wrote the speech content in the world announcement tomorrow. Every word written must be considered countless times. This time, the matter was so bad that even a lie could not be covered..

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