One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1675: The Last Treasure Box Fragment

"If you don't faint in advance, the pain you feel will probably be twice that of the person who fainted." Luo Ya casually ridiculed an excuse, beckoned, and signaled Jiang Wan'er to come forward.

Although Jiang Wan'er did not look like a beautiful country, she was still a Xiaojiabiyu, stunned a soft girl or something. Although Luoya hurts, she didn't want to do it for the pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box.

In Jiang Wan'er's slightly worried expression, Luo Ya slapped a hand knife on her neck, and she fainted simply and neatly.

Although Wang Xiaohu and Li Xiaoyao were not very old, they still felt a faint coldness at the back of their necks when they saw this neat hand knife. The force that could knock people out with one blow made them feel uncomfortable.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating Jiang Wan'er and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1." "Two Seven Seven"

After Roya heard the system's prompt sound, he fed the Bone Sculpting Ningsui Pill into Jiang Wan'er's mouth. There was almost a pause of a few seconds, and his mouth burst into hysterical pain.

This kind of pain is rare among the people who can endure it. Before the rebuilding was the metamorphosis of the metamorphosis, Luo Ya even doubted whether it was painless.

"You two come together too, anyway, you will have this trip sooner or later." Roja saw the expressions of the two and said, making their expressions even more ugly.

"Master, we are still young, this" Li Xiaoyao took a step back. It seemed that Jiang Wan'er was knocked out, and she was already panicked. At this time, seeing his non-human cry, he was directly scared. It's choking.

"Brother, Master has already said it, sooner or later." Although Wang Xiaohu was young, he said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Hearing Luo Ya's words, he knew that dead dogs can't spare skin. Take a step forward, a gesture that is ready.

"Sooner or later" Li Xiaoyao's cheeks twitched. It was his slick and tired temperament. He would never want to sit when he could lie down, and he would never want to try.

But in this situation, there was no opportunity for him to choose at all. Wang Xiaohu, who was several years younger than him, stepped forward. No matter how hard he was, he was a little bit outrageous.

Seeing the two of them standing in front of him, Luo Ya didn't have any mercy when he started. He knocked them out with two bangs and threw out two bone-shaping pills, accompanied by the essence of Nine Spirits, and let them start. The ghost cries and the wolf howls.

Li Xiaohu was a little better. Although he was young, he had a tough temper and was able to endure hardship far beyond ordinary people. He tried his best to suppress his screaming.

In comparison, what Li Xiaoyao called was a heart-wrenching, heart-piercing one. If Luo Ya hadn't seen the opportunity early and set up a soundproof formation, I am afraid that most of the mountains of Shu could hear his wolf howling.

Seeing the two slowly turning into blood masses, Luo Ya slapped Zui, this scene has been seen a lot, and he doesn't think there is anything anymore, anyway, he came here in the same way.

What made him a little bit painful was that he was going to go back tomorrow when the Jiujian Immortal Situ Zhong was married, but the Supreme Treasure Box fragment was still missing.

The piece was close to him, it was on Zhao Ling'er, but this piece really made him feel that it was even more difficult than the previous treasure chest pieces combined.

Zhao Ling'er is her own woman. If she stuns her, Luo Ya will really feel a little uncomfortable, but she's slapped right now, which is obviously inappropriate.

And I fainted it for the first time. It was a bit too much to think about. It’s not the first time I didn’t leave a perfect memory, but it was not fear when I remembered it again.

"Brother Luo, your name is so permeable here." While Luo Ya was thinking, Zhao Linger's voice came from the door. At any rate, he was a monk at the peak of Taiyi True Immortal. Even with this soundproofing formation, Divine Mind A scan will also be able to understand the situation here.

"Why are you here?" Luo Ya saw Zhao Ling'er appear, put away the little thoughts in his heart, and said, seeing him approaching, he pulled him into his arms.

"Anu went to accompany her Saint-Aunt Master, and you called Wan'er away again. I stayed alone with my grandma. It always feels weird." Zhao Ling'er said in an agitated voice, and the girl separated for a moment. She will miss her sweetheart, but this little girl has a thin face. Although she dares to love and hate in her bones, she can't say the kind of straightforward words.

"Oh, blame me for saying that." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and gently tickled Zhao Ling'er's waist. This little girl missed him if he missed him, she was embarrassed to say.

"Blame you" Zhao Ling'er was scratched and couldn't help but laugh. This kind of squabbling between intimate lovers made this little girl happy.

"It's the opposite, let's see how I teach you." Luo Ya saw Zhao Ling'er smile while still talking, but his big hands were scratching back and forth on the itchy flesh of his waist, letting him roll and not let go.

The three people who have turned into a blood group didn't even notice the fight between the two. People in love often subconsciously ignore the surrounding scenes.

During the fight, Zhao Linger laughed out of breath, trying hard to get out of Roya's big hand, but during the fight, he couldn't use Xianli. This little girl, where is Roya's opponent, just smiled. Lean forward and close together.

"Luo Luo, brother Luo Luo, let Ling'er go, Ling'er Ling'er knows it's wrong, Ling'er surrendered, can't Linger give up?

A breathless beg for mercy came from Zhao Linger's mouth. This Nizi was inherently ticklish, and being scratched by her sweetheart like this, it seemed that her whole body was covered with tickle bugs, and her laughing belly hurts.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating Zhao Ling'er and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

Ri Laozi scratched out a piece of supreme treasure chest

Luo Ya heard the system's prompt sound and couldn't help but become stagnant. Zhao Ling'er got out of her body, lying on her knees with a big mouthful of breath, with an unstoppable blush on her face.

"Brother Luo 37 Ling'er is not working anymore." Zhao Ling'er still couldn't slow down. Now I am afraid that as long as Luo Ya makes a little movement, even if she doesn't touch her body, she will laugh and close.

"My Linger is really empathetic." Luo Ya was delighted, took Zhao Linger's head, and kissed him hard on the cheek, leaving a small red mark.

"Hey" Zhao Linger was stunned for a moment, and she didn't understand the relationship between the two people's squabbles and empathy, but the girl's mind made her instantly focus on being kissed on the cheek by her lover, and her expression became more See shy.

"System, Synthesize Supreme Treasure Box"

"Congratulations to the host's synthesis of the Legend of the Sword and the Fairy, the world's advanced supreme treasure chest."

The notification sound of the system came, which also meant that Luoya's trip to the fairy sword world was completely complete..

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