One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1682: Innate Merit Treasure Box

I’ll take it, Pangu’s exercises are all out, the flesh becomes holy, the exercises of top-level practitioners

Luo Ya's face was a bit stunned, and even more unexpected. The gold medals of good fortune that were gathered by Hongjun's preaching have all exploded. At this time, it must be a more powerful technique. The worst should be evenly matched.

Among the Three Realms, since ancient times, the only one who can surpass Hongjun is Pangu. The demon ancestor Luohu was stronger than Hongjun at the beginning. Hongjun invited colleagues and laid the Zhuxian sword formation to punish him.

Later, Hongjun's achievements undoubtedly surpassed Luohu, so Luohu's practice should not be better than Hongjun's golden medal of good fortune.

Yang Mei, the ancestor of space, was also a great power in the world. Although he had already escaped without a trace, he did not even die in a place outside the chaotic world, but at best he was just like the Hongjun who later joined the Dao.

There is no one in the ten innate gods and demons. In the true sense, Pangu was the only one who completely suppressed Hongjun. This immortal treasure chest revealed Pangu's exercises, and it seemed reasonable.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya couldn't help but wonder, this time even Pangu's exercises broke out, then next time you advance to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, what kind of exercises should the Immortal 137 Magic Treasure Box show?

Roja shook his head, with a smile on his face. No matter what the technique is, the system has never let himself down. Journey to the West is stronger than it is, but there is no world that can surpass it. Since the system's treasure chest dares In this way, there must be stronger exercises.

Putting away the wild thoughts in his heart, Luo Ya looked at the Pangu Nine-turn Profound Yuan Kung in the system warehouse. Just the beginning of the story made him feel profound and inexplicable.

The beginning of the article is the general outline of the Pangu Nine Revolution Xuanyuan Gong, but it is the general outline of the road to the power to prove the Tao.

After all, the golden chapter of good fortune is an outline of the heavenly path. It is about the path contained in the heavenly path. It contains thousands of things, whether it is the path of the pather, the path of the enlightened person, the door, the Buddhist door, and the side door.

However, Pangu Nine Turns Xuanyuan Gong records the way to prove Dao with force or the way to prove Dao. The narrative of the road to prove Dao with force naturally exceeds the previous golden chapter of good fortune.

Roja knew that this exercise was not something that could be understood in a moment and a half, so he put his mind away, and placed this exercise recorded on an unknown animal skin in a conspicuous place in the system warehouse. .

After reading the exercises, Luo Ya looked at the system redemption page. This look made him swallow fiercely and couldn't help covering his heart with one hand.

It's really exciting, it really stimulated him to open this merit exchange interface. It has not been a day or two. It's the first time to see so many merits.

"I'm going to post it." Luo Ya looked at the entire 9.1 million merits on the system interface, and his heart really couldn't bear it.

Merit treasure chests have always been able to open good things, such as the previous Zhetian stick, Hedao jade, and the best immortal palace, etc., are all opened from the merit treasure chest.

This time, I have directly obtained more than nine million merits, which means that there are nine merit chests, nine merit chests, this is not nine Chinese cabbage, it is special, it is destined to fly into the sky.

"You want to send, you want to send, I want to send, the system, the exchange of merit boxes, all have been exchanged for me." Luo Ya couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and continued to speak to the system.

"Reminder, the host has opened ten merit boxes, which consumes 2 million merit exchange points, and can open the innate merit box to redeem. Will the host continue to redeem."

"Worri, stop for me." When Roya heard the system's prompt, he was not calm in an instant. The merit box was already good enough, and there was actually an innate merit box on it.

As we all know, no matter what the word contaminates with Xiantian, it is a strong bdef, and the gap between acquired and Xiantian, like Porsche and Wuling Hongguang, is a god car, but a representative He is tall, rich and handsome, and one represents the poor.

Luo Yamo rubbed his chin, even though he knew that what this innate merit treasure box opened was definitely much stronger than the ordinary merit treasure box, but just throwing out two million merits in this way was still a little painful.

"System, you have broken your studies. You haven't been so damaged in the past. I know my brother I can't bear it." Luo Ya scratched his cheek, it was a tangled.

Now there are 9.1 million merits in his hands, two million is less than a quarter of it, but this thing is not easy to come by, throwing it out for nothing, I am afraid that everyone will feel distressed.

"Excuse me, is the host activated." The system said again, and the unchanging electronically synthesized sound made Luo Ya helplessly cover his face.

"Activate, activate for me, shit, Zhou Bapi" said cursingly, and Luo Ya directly ordered the system.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Innate Merit Treasure Box redemption item." The system prompt sounded, and a message was also passed into Luo Ya's mind. The information about this Innate Merit Treasure Box was not beyond his expectation.

The Innate Merit Treasure Box system produces high-level merit treasure boxes. Innate and above items and magic treasures will inevitably be opened. The opened items must contain merits, and there is a chance that they will contain heaven and earth luck. The exchange requires five million merits.

"Five million is okay, okay, not ten million." Luo Ya patted his heart and comforted himself. In fact, he felt so painful that he wanted to jump directly from the starry sky.

After working hard for a long time and calming the restless emotions in his heart, Luo Ya just looked at the exchange system and ordered the system in a deep voice.

"System, redeem innate merit treasure box."

"The Innate Merit Treasure Box x1 has been stored in the system warehouse, please check it by the host." The system prompt sounded, and there was already an extra golden Innate Merit Treasure box in the system warehouse.

This innate merit treasure chest is obviously much larger than the ordinary merit treasure chest, at least the volume of the appearance has been tripled directly, and the magnificent patterns on it are also more mysterious.

Not once did the remaining two million merits be exchanged for ordinary merit treasure chests, but Luo Ya wanted to decide how to deal with the remaining two million merits based on the strength of the things that this innate merit treasure chest opened.

If the innate merit treasure box contains an astonishing amount of gold, then save the two million and save up to five million before starting. If it is not much different from the merit treasure box, then directly exchange it for use.

After all, he continues to grow stronger now, and things like merit exchange values ​​are still more cost-effective to convert into combat power. Even if it is something like a fading golden pool, it is not a small increase for Shu Shan..

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