One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1691: Assault on Styx

"Walk" Zhen Yuanzi let out a low yell, and stepped into the space channel first, using his overbearing mana to instantly open the space channel in a place separated by tens of thousands of miles, although for the ancestor of the river, it was caught off guard. The surprise attack, but for Zhen Yuanzi, it also has a lot of burden.

Subhuti and Loya did not dare to delay, and they had already begun brewing the most powerful attack. Since it was a surprise attack, then this trick meant that the ancestor of Styx had no chance to react.

"The Styx takes fate" Subhuti took out the space channel, and took out a verdant green vine in his hand. The green vine was shining brightly, but it was a bit similar to the Qibao Tree on the West Tianling Mountain, the quasi-said Taoist. .

This green vine is the treasure of Subudi’s life, and it is also his body. Subhuti vine is a first-class spiritual root between heaven and earth. Although it is not famous, it has not been listed in the ten innate spiritual roots, but it is powerful. Nothing inferior to the magic weapon of the saint.

There is a string of Bodhi seeds on the vine knot. Each of these Bodhi seeds shines with a different halo, and they also have different magical powers inscribed.

A bodhi represents a kind of magical magic. The vines of Bodhi are all magical magic that Subhuti is proficient in. Once it is performed, the vine flashes with thousands of light points, and the power is like the sky.

"Fuck, it's cruel." Luo Ya noticed Subudi's movements, and his heart was slightly startled. This guy actually used all his strength when he came up. It seems that he hated the ancestor Styx to the extreme.

Originally, when Roja was preparing to attack, he was mainly seeking to interrupt the blood refining of the ancestors of the Styx, so that he would backfire himself, and at the worst, he would not have a good breath, and slowly accumulate his own advantage.

But seeing Subudi's movements, I knew that this guy was going to fight hard and not give the ancestors of Styx a chance.

At this critical juncture, the most feared thing is that the hearts of the people are not uniform. His original offensive was to converge, and the Heaven Penalty Wheel in his body moved synchronously with the Jing Shi Lian Robe, and he was also prepared to use his hidden trump card.

"Xianjie" uttered a low drink, and the Jingshi lotus robe on Roya's body glowed with golden light of merit, and the endless real fire was raging.

The golden fine wheel in the body buzzed constantly, and flew directly in front of Luo Ya, moving synchronously, golden light radiated, and divine thunder burst, two treasures of acquired merit, combined into one in Jinguang

"Zhanxian" whispered in his heart, and amidst the bright golden light, a long and narrow knife shot out. This long knife was like gilt. On the surface of the knife, there were many lotus flowers in full bloom. A little bit of sparks, various real fires intertwined, exuding a very terrifying aura.

The thunder converges on the blade, reflecting the electric arc. At first glance, it looks silvery white, but when you look closely, the blade is completely formed by thunder converging, and it is extremely pure.

As soon as this Immortal Jie Zhanpaku Sword appeared, Tian Dao responded. Tian Dao's will descended on the blade, and its power suddenly began to surge.

After the Xianjie, the Zan Po Dao flew out in the sky, and its breath was terrifying, almost not weaker than the life treasure in Subhuti's hands. The real fire burst out, and another layer of thunder formed on the Zan Po Dao's appearance. The light and shadow formed by the real fire converged, beheaded at the location of the ancestor of the river Styx.

The blade contains thousands of merits. The Xianjie Zanpaku knife inherits the characteristics of two acquired merits and does not kill cause and effect. Even if the opponent has karma, it will add a lot of merits.

"Molo, do you dare to betray me" The ancestor of Styx is at the critical moment of blood refining, but this kind of movement, he can't feel this kind of movement, he just barely pulled out his mind, he saw the protective formation around him Dharma has fallen apart before it ever came into contact with the two treasures in the sky

The surrounding protective formations are based on the four confidants of the ancestor Styx. These four confidants are all in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

Even after the undead demon infant seized the house, Moro, who had fallen wildly in realm, was now back to the realm of Daluo Jinxian with the help of the ancestors of Styx, but now he is still in the early days of Daluo Jinxian.

"I ran away, do you dare to ask me" Moro yelled from the mouth of the undead demon infant seizing the house, without any slowness under his feet, using the magical powers of escape, he quickly withdrew not a short distance.

As early as when he sent a message from the communication jade slip, he has been paying attention to the surrounding movements, the blood sea has changed, according to his guess, it is Luo Ya doing it in all probability, since it has the beginning, it is impossible to miss it. Good opportunity.

Ask for flowers

As an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, the Immortal Demon Infant knew in his heart that it existed like the old ancestor of the Styx, and it was not comparable to him in a short time. If it was even affected by Chiyu, it would likely die directly.

Originally, this protective formation was jointly deployed by four Da Luo Jinxians. Although all four were in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, it was still possible to resist one or two attacks from Da Luo Jinxian.

But at this time, with the sudden withdrawal of the Undead Demon Infant Moro, this formation collapsed, and there was no more defensive force. Even the other three frantically urged formations, who wanted to block one block, were all affected at this time. Not a light backlash.

"Well done, this Undead Demon Venerable seemed to be a slippery head at the beginning." Luo Ya's eyes lit up, and the immortal power in his body rushed out, and he kept injecting towards the Xianjie Zhanpei Dao


Everything was slow, but in fact it only happened in the blink of an eye. Subhuti's attack landed on the vein where the ancestor of the Styx was, and Loya's attack also fell shortly thereafter.

The bodhi seeds glowed brightly, just like small nuclear bombs. The power that burst out together directly deformed mountains and rivers, displaced soil and rock, and even rippled out in the space.

Roja’s subsequent attacks may not cover Subhuti as much as possible, but in terms of penetrability, it is stronger than that, breaking through numerous aftermaths, and the terrifying vigor formed by the real fire god thunder condenses directly. The penetrating attack on the cheeks of the ancestor Styx made him, who was already injured, had no choice but to force his true essence again.


The aftermath of the mighty momentum just started to spread at this time, Zhen Yuanzi's hands repeatedly pinched the tactics, and finally at the last moment of the spread, he managed to release a huge space enchantment, dividing a radius of five hundred miles.

"Fortunately, the poor way is not slow." Zhenyuanzi's face is a little distracted and lingering. He is really afraid that the aftermath of the two attacks will spread tens of thousands of miles. Then after this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, they All have to carry infinite karma.

Kaka boom

Countless landslides broke up, turned into bits of dust under the scattered aftermath of supernatural powers, spreading the surrounding aftermath, causing the ground to level down by nearly a hundred meters..

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