One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1694: Styx desperately

"Damn, of course I know you need to be careful with this stuff." Luo Ya got a toothache, looked at the Yuantu Abi two swords in front of him, not daring to take the slightest carelessness, the stream of light in the dantian Yuan Zhuan, the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus appeared at his feet. Protect it strictly.

All hole cards are false. Only living is the last word. No matter how many hole cards are left, if they hang up, the fart is useless. Roja sees too many of the ultimate moves before using it, so he just burps the monk. , He didn't want to stumble upon the situation with countless lessons learned.


The two swords of Yuantu and Abi slammed into the shield of the twelfth-rank meritorious golden lotus in no particular order. The slaying treasure was originally suppressed by merit, and the two swords returned without success, but they did not hurt Luo Ya.

The "Twelfth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus" exclaimed from the mouth of Styx, with an unbelievable look on his face. The Merit Golden Lotus was eaten by the Mosquito Daoist to the third-grade during the battle of Conferring God. This is a well-known thing. Where does the current twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus come from

"Hillboy, haven't you seen the baby?" Roya heard Styx's exclaim and said directly. This bastard actually dared to squeeze him as a soft persimmon. He had to take a chance and slaughter him personally. It's impossible.

"Styghe, it seems that you are in the sea of ​​blood. You really don’t hear things outside the window, and you don’t even know about these things." Although Subudi was equally astonished in his heart, he wouldn’t let the opportunity to strike Styghe go directly. Ridicule.

"The world is so big, you should come out and take a look at Styx. If you hold it in one place, it's easy to get moldy and smelly. No one knows about the old and dead country." Luo Ya sneered, echoing Subhuti's words. Obviously, I want to add blockage to the Styx.

"Yes, none of the Asuras have survived today. There is no such thing as an old sea of ​​blood and no one to report funerals. It is really pitiful and sigh." Subhuti opened his mouth and revealed the short, without feeling that the Asuras have been cut off. What does it have to do with him? .

The two of them said each other, and these words were not vicious, they shook the whole body of the ancestor of Styx, and the blood surged up, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"You two, you have such a bad character in such a realm, just like that city’s refugees." The ancestor of the Styx vomited blood, the face of gray and ruined, and the internal organs were severely injured. There is already a tendency to be overwhelming, but The anger in my heart is even worse.

"The word has three mouths, you only have one, it's not easy to say, it's hard to say." Subhuti retracted the Subhuti vine with one hand, with a somewhat relieved expression on his face, no longer anxious to attack.

"We happen to have three mouths at this time, Styx, you have done many unrighteous acts, and you will be punishable." Zhen Yuanzi has already arranged the surrounding space enchantment at this time, completely isolating the 500-mile radius, this kind of barrier, Even if the saint wants to come in, it takes a lot of effort. Today, Styx can’t escape.

"After ten thousand years, Styx is destined to become the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to fall within ten thousand years. Interesting." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and sat on the lotus platform with cold light in his eyes and murderous aura. No more reservations.

Just now he entangled the Styx in order to cooperate with Subhuti, he did not dare to use all means, for fear that this guy suddenly wakes up from the current state of madness. Now that Zhen Yuanzi has arranged the surrounding enchantments, Then there is no scruples.

"Er wait" Styx heard the words of the three of them one by one, with a bit of astonishment on his face. It was only then that the real purpose of the three was to take his life.

It's no wonder that he just woke up at this time, it was a series of blows that left his six senses in dust, and his mind had always stayed above the five great purple qi.

Those who have gained the great purple qi can become a saint. This is an opportunity that countless monks dream of. Faced with this opportunity, a few people actually did not fight for the great purple qi, but instead came to intercept him. In his opinion, this is completely one. An extremely unwise act.

"Competing for hundreds of millions of years, the curtain will come to an end today." Subuti's face was a bit cruel, and his gaze looking at Styx was full of stubbornness.

In the ancient times, there were countless fights, and the hatred between the two could not be said clearly in one or two sentences. If it weren't for each other to help each other and put each other to death, the two might already have only one alive.

"If you want me to die, you guys don't want to live it well." Styx's family knows about his family affairs, and his current state is really terrible. Originally, he had already exhausted all he could to deal with Subhuti and Loya. Coupled with Zhen Yuanzi, I am afraid that he is absolutely unlucky today.

In the face of a fatal crisis, Styx calmed down instead. If the three wanted him to die, then he had to pay enough for the three of them.

The word "Blood Sea Condensation", the long scarlet hair of Styx flew in the air behind her, and the whole body radiated out. The blood sea condensed by Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the blood sea condensed by Moro at the beginning were completely It's a world of difference

Within the space restriction, the bloody breath spread and circulated, and the five hundred li radius was turned into scorched earth, and even the ground underfoot was corroded.

The stinking smell lifted the figure of the ancestor of the Styx from the ground. At this time, he had already put away the twelfth-grade fire red lotus, and only used the northern Xuanyuan control water flag, one of the five innate flags, to protect himself.

At the last desperate moment, the ancestor of Styx did not leave any hands at all. His figure became dry and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the two corpses of good and evil emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge, simultaneously releasing a sea of ​​blood condensed for billions of years. , A radius of five hundred miles, except the places where Subudi, Zhenyuanzi, and Luoya are standing, everything is submerged


The sea of ​​blood congealed and rolled like a tide, constantly launching attacks on the three of them. The terrifying power made the three people's vision full of filthy scarlet colors.

"As expected of Styx, this desperate method is really terrible when it's done well" Zhen Yuanzi's face was a little palpitating, and there was a continuous wave of blood, which was not something ordinary people could deal with.

He stood the book on the top of his head, only barely resisting it. If it takes a long time, with the powerful corrosive power of this bloody sea, I am afraid that he may really be broken.

"Friend Luo Dao." Subhuti frowned and looked at Luo Ya on one side. To deal with this sea of ​​blood, he could only use the red lotus karma fire. The reason why the ancestor Styx received the twelve-grade karma fire red lotus, I'm also afraid that I can't do my best if I bind my hands and feet.

"Wait." Luo Ya only said one word, and Zhou Tian's eyes kept moving, seeing through the bloody sea around him, his eyes pointed directly at the location of the ancestor of the river.

He wanted a chance, a chance to kill Styx with a single blow, otherwise even if the blood was broken, the three would have to fight for a long time, adding many crises.

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