One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1699: Plan to grab heads

Originally in Loya’s cognition, three heads and six arms were originally extremely powerful magical powers, just like Nezha’s three heads and six arms, holding six different weapons, and stepping on the Hot Wheels. It doesn’t seem to be majestic, but it doesn’t seem to be majestic. .

But at this time, Chi You's magical powers are three heads and six arms. What the hell are the eight legs? Are you walking spidermen?

"Hey, this is the first time I feel this magical power is so disgusting." Luo Ya grinned, with a speechless expression on his face, swearing in his heart that the magical powers he gave to the sect would never turn into eight legs, otherwise he would be too tired and crooked. .

"Hey" Chi You didn't know what Roya was thinking at this time. He saw Subhuti rushing, with a somewhat cold expression on his face, eight legs slammed on the ground, and instantly rose into the air with two blasting hammers. A black flood gun directly greeted him.

Although Chi You had a little bit of Subudi in his tone just now, he really did not dare to relax at all, and he did his best.

"Reckless man." Subhuti saw Chi You's behavior with a disdainful expression on his face. On the Subhuti vine, a Bodhi shined brightly, directly covering the entire Subhuti vine.

"It's a thousand catties of magical powers." Zhen Yuanzi watched the two fighting, and explained to Luo Ya. Subhuti's Na Subhuti vines are carved with thousands of magical powers. If you talk about the omnipotence and flexibility of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian against the enemy , Undoubtedly Subhuti.

The Subhuti vine collided with the soldiers of the three walkers. Amid a loud noise, Chi You couldn't help retreating. The ground was stepped on and cracked. His legs were below his knees, and each time he was deeply stuck in the soil. in.

You must know that Chi You had eight legs at this time, and while he was backing away, although the strength was quite strong, all of them were dumped into the ground.

"Eight legs still have this benefit." Luo Ya has a somewhat silly look on his face. If an ordinary person receives this blow, with only two legs, his feet will definitely sink deep into the ground, absolutely not. There is a chance to let go of strength, and you will be injured in a single blow.

At this time, even though Chi You seemed to have been repelled, in fact, he did not receive any harm at all. With his Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level pather cultivation base, after removing his strength, his physical body is so strong that he can completely ignore what he just said. Strength.

"Old Pifu's magic weapon is good, but it's a pity that he doesn't have enough power." Chi You said at the same time with three heads, with a stern look of prey, looking at Subhuti, as if looking at the prey.

"Old Pifu cough and cough" Zhen Yuanzi had an unstoppable smile on his face when he heard Chi You's words. Haoxuan didn't laugh on the spot. Subhuti is the ancestor of the Three Realms, and no one has the courage to do this. Call him.

"Lastly, I have nothing to say. It's no wonder that I was divided into five horses." The three long beards under Subuti's jaw flew up angrily. He is dignified and respectable. An ancestor, even if he was a life or death enemy, never slandered him like this.

"You will be beaten to death. This thing will have to think about how to grab people's heads." Seeing Subhuti's expression, Luo Ya knew that this guy was going to be serious, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

In the previous blow, although it seemed that both sides were okay, Subudi's strength was obviously worse than that of dealing with Styx at that time. If he gets serious, Chiyou, who has just been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, is not an opponent at all.

Even though Chi You only used three arms, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was not easy to achieve his current level of magic with three heads and six arms.

After all, the three-headed six-arms were originally magical powers to deal with group attacks, and in terms of the power of one-on-one, it was not even as good as the magic of heaven and earth.

"Go" Subhuti gave a low drink, and the Subhuti vine attacked again. It was obvious that this attack was much stronger than before.

And on that Subhuti vine, three different Bodhi seeds light up at the same time, which also symbolizes that Subhuti used three magical magic arts at the same time.

Although all the thousands of Bodhi seeds on the Subhuti vine were lit up when facing the Styx, the power was not to say that it was hundreds of times more powerful than the combined use of the three magical powers.

A person's abilities are limited, spread over thousands of magical powers. In fact, the total amount of fairy power output is unchanged and changes, but it is a qualitative change formed after the power of magical powers burst together.

Opposing the enemy through a combination of one or several magical powers, in the Three Realms, it is almost a unique method of Subhuti. This method makes it a high-powered existence in the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Thousands of pounds fall, thousands of rushes, soft around the fingers, a tank with soft, with more to less, walkers are used to head-to-head, but they are most afraid of such attacks."

Although Zhen Yuanzi didn't know much supernatural powers, he had a lot of knowledge, especially the supernatural powers of Subhuti, which can be said to be very detailed.


Subhuti’s Subhuti vine just hit Chi You’s weapon, and the strength has not yet diverged. The vine body shook, directly splitting out thousands of vines, and entangled in Chi You.

At the critical moment, Chi You pulled away his supernatural powers, and didn't want to face it hard at all. He moved with his feet, and the eight legs danced like the wind, directly withdrawing a long distance.

"Zhen Yuanzi, do you think I am very labor-saving?" Subuti looked back at Zhen Yuanzi with a bit of irritation on his face. If Chiyou had just heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, I am afraid that he would not avoid it at all.

And once he was entangled with the best innate spirit treasure, even if Chi You was a walker of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level, as long as he used a few kinds of close-to-the-enemy magical powers, he might also be defeated directly.

"It doesn't seem to be very laborious." Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly eccentrically. His words were originally to explain the king's money for Roya. Who knows if he said it too quickly, he turned into a collaborator. It is indeed somewhat right. Don't live the town Yuanzi.

"Subhuti, be careful." Luo Ya frowned, and saw that Chi You actually had a handprint on his hand, and felt quite uncomfortable in his heart.

It is necessary to know that although the magical powers of the Taoist are difficult to cultivate, once they have been cultivated, there is no need to pinch the tricks, and the practitioners themselves cannot learn the first-class things in the magic. Why is the pinch trick?

"Witchcraft can't think of you as a reckless man, and there will be witchcraft left over from ancient times. Sure enough, there are some ways." Subhuti heard what Luo Ya said, turned around and looked at Chi You, jokingly, but the two guarding All these magic weapons were urged by it.

Ancient witchcraft is different from the weirdness of Miaojiang witchcraft. Although the name is the same, it is a straight-forward magical technique, each of which needs to be used with witch blood to perform, and its power is also terrifying..

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