One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1701: The Royal Girl Has Fang

After all, the current human race, headed by Fuxi, recognizes the three emperors as the ancestors, it is estimated that Chi You also knows that there will be a lot of unhappiness in this snack.

Of course, there are also a part of the Wu tribe who are unwilling to enter the Six Realms. They are the guardians of reincarnation for life, choosing to stay on the broken and desolate land. These people are united and survive hard. This is the original Jiuli tribe.


The reproductive ability of the Human race is much higher than that of the Wu tribe. After such predatory and forced reproduction, the Jiuli tribe has grown rapidly in decades and turned into a tribe of tens of thousands of people.

Among them, the pure-blooded witches continue to prey on human women, while the offspring of those witches are intermarried internally to ensure that the blood is not thinned again.

After five hundred years, the older generation of witch clan began to decline. After all, the witch clan did not cultivate the soul, and would not reach the golden fairy realm, and had a limited life span, no more than a few thousand years.

Chi You rises and begins to dominate the Jiuli clan. Because of the long-term recuperation, the Jiuli clan at this time, the people who can fight, have broken through ten thousand. Chi You thus launched an offensive against the Nanzhan tribe tribesmen, determined to unify the human clan and complete the final of the Wu clan. Revival.


"It's okay that I killed other souls because of me." Houtu's face was a little uneasy. She was perfect and pure. Although she had gone through hundreds of millions of years, her nature had not changed, but she couldn't bear to hurt others' lives.

The Witch tribe is also the descendant of the Twelve Ancestor Witches with their own essence and blood. Chi You’s bloodline has been confused with the human race, and combined with the filthy blood of the blood sea, it has long been considered a descendant of the Witch tribe.

“ It will fall in a very short time."


On a larger scale, this is because they usually don't cultivate merits and deserve to suffer this calamity, but if you think about it in detail, I am afraid that the heavens also feel that the threat of interception is not small and blinded their six senses.

There are too many factors, such as luck, merit, etc., that cannot be generalized, but as far as Chi You is concerned, even if the three of them let him go, he will not live long.

Nowadays, many powerful abilities are starting to compete for the grand and purple energy, the secret of heaven is chaotic, and the murderous intent appears. Styx is the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to fall, but it is definitely not the last.

Ask for flowers

With Chi You’s temperament, after he left, he would be besieged by many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian monks every minute. There was no suspense at all. With his temperament, Luo Ya dared to conclude that he would die within five years.

"Be careful yourself, don't just give up, even if it is only the mediation lotus, it is already a great fortune." Houtu sighed, looking at the location of the mediation lotus, a little helpless in his eyes.

Born under the heavenly realm, you have to be controlled by it. The era of the witch race is over. The mixed blood of humans and witches, and then support the beam of the witch race, it is not self-reliant. In the later period, they failed to fight for the chance of survival.

"Well, I will come again in three days." Luo Ya knew that Houtu had mixed feelings in his heart at this time, and didn't say much. He glanced at the medicine nursery spirit field from the soul-cultivating tree, and turned around and came out of the world spirit garden map. .

Three days later, the new Zhima is about to be born. Nearly a hundred are Zhima. Not to mention, even if there are five, it is also a great improvement for the World Spirit Garden.

"What does that person say, I heard that it is the supreme kind, and it is easy not to kill. What's more, Chi You still has the blood of the Witch clan." Zhen Yuanzi asked Luo Ya when he came out.

"Mixed blood between humans and witches, coupled with the sea of ​​blood, has a very weak relationship with the Witch clan, don't mind." Luo Ya shrugged and explained to Zhen Yuanzi. When he looked at Chi You, his cheeks couldn't help being fierce. Smoked.

I have to say that Subhuti was ruthless enough. Under repeated bombings, Chi You couldn't find a good piece of skin at this time, and the eight legs derived from the three heads and six arms of the magical power were already interrupted by five at this time. There are three remaining, struggling to support.

"Tsk tsk, the prince has a good attitude." Zhen Yuanzi raised her eyebrows, and said rather rudely, admiring Roya's ability to win women's hearts.

How pure and good Hou Tu is can be seen from the reincarnation of the body, and Luo Ya can actually make Hou Tu not care about Chi You, such an ability, in Subudi's view, really very human can have.

"Yu You Sister" Luo Ya gave Subudi a cold eye, what does this have to do with the art of the prince..

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