One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1704: Divide the spoils after the war

Something like Zhanpakukō can be differentiated into spirits at first, and even if the blade is damaged, it can be repaired with spirits.

After refining, although I have experienced an unknown number of advancements, this characteristic has always been retained, and it is the treasure of Luoya's life, the life is the same, if the sword is damaged, people will naturally be affected. Light trauma.

In the process of slashing down, under the same fate, Zanpaku knife will not cause any damage to Roja at all. The place the blade touches directly turns into a free spirit, and after passing through the body, it quickly gathers in together.

This kind of thing, combined with the characteristics of the Zhanpakuknife, and with the characteristics of the magic weapon of life, can be regarded as the only existence in the world of Journey to the West, not to mention Chiyou, even Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti find it difficult to understand.

"Lu Daoyou, Luo Daoyou" Subhuti brought the magical power of escape to Luoya's side, waved the chopped Chiyou out, and held his shoulders with both hands, as if he was afraid that it would split from it. Be careful outside.

"Friends of Subudi, quick, quick, pill, anti-god art" Zhenyuanzi is not much better than Subhuti, and he talked to Subhuti, and quickly pinched the trick in his hand, using extremely high-end magical powers. Surgery.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the demon god Chiyou and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi's words and the system's prompt sounds are almost in no particular order. The smile on Luo Ya's face has not yet subsided, and the two are almost dead and alive.

"I'm not dead yet, can you just make a fuss like this." Luo Ya waved his hand and patted Subhuti's hand on his shoulder, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

At any rate, it is two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, can't you tell that his body is not injured at all? It's so drunk.

"Ah" Subudi and Zhenyuanzi's movements are all stagnant, and they look at each other, with a strange expression on their faces, which is directly a capital hat.

"Okay, my destiny magic weapon is more special, but it won't hurt myself." Luo Ya saw the expressions of the two and said helplessly again, and between waving his hands, he called the Xianjie Zanpodao. He gestured to his arm.

The scene where the blade turned into a spiritual child after touching the body was seen clearly by the two, such an unheard of scene, neither of them could understand.

But fortunately, knowing that Roya is fine, the two of them can be regarded as letting go. This time they came out, it was really a bit thrilling. For several times, they were worried that Roya would be robbed with them.

However, after experiencing these two times, Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi also have an intuitive understanding of Loya's combat power. Although they are not as good as the two for the time being, they have a changeable fighting style and the kind of quickness to take the time to let go. , Coupled with the daring to take risks and not afraid of injury, the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one-on-one is probably not his opponent.

The start is fast and cruel, and it can kill with a single blow, and will never leave the slightest chance to the opponent. This kind of cruelty and decisiveness that can only be honed in the blood and blood, makes Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi stunned.

Moving in different places, they asked themselves that they couldn't do Loya at all. This kind of innate fighting talent was not comparable to ordinary people.

If Roja knows what the two of them think, I am afraid that he will directly give them a stark and shit fighting talent. His talent is forced out. If he is not strong, he will die. If he is not ruthless, he will definitely die.

In order not to die, in order to be able to win the final victory, Roja did everything at first, especially in the Pirate World, where the severely wounded and dying scenes have been experienced many times.

As long as it is an individual who experiences such a scene every day, it is either the death of the enemy or the death of me. I am afraid that they will grow up quickly. Fighting for life is just waiting for leisure, and fighting for life can only be a commonplace.

"Hey, you two, don't be stunned. Divide the spoils, and quickly divide the spoils." Luo Ya waved in front of the two of them, interrupted the two people's wild thinking, and took the northern Xuanyuan water control flag again. Came out.

There are five innate spiritual treasures on the ancestors of the Styx, each of which is extraordinary. The Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner is one of them, as well as the Yuantu Abi Second Sword, the Twelfth Grade Fire Red Lotus, the Shura Hell Scythe, and the Shura Naihe Gui. It can be described as extraordinary.

The Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag has already been introduced before, so I won't say much. Although this innate spirit treasure is powerful, it is not what Luo Ya wants.

The twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus is extremely powerful, this thing Luo Ya is considered to be inevitable, after all, the Jingshi lotus robe is placed here, and it is indispensable if you want to advance to the legendary chaos treasure.

Yuantu Abi Erjian also said before that Styx’s housekeeping magic weapon is extremely sharp and definitely a treasure.

The Shura Hell Scythe specializes in killing the primordial spirit, and the body and the primordial spirit are damaged at the same time by its attack, and its handle is connected with a chain. If it is transported well, it is also strong and terrible.

Although Shura Naihe Kyu is the lowest level among the treasures, its effectiveness is not comparable to ordinary innate spirit treasures. One photo can be used to exhaust one's own karma. There are no three calamities and five calamities in practice, one attack and one attack. Zhan Shen fell into reincarnation.

This particularity makes Subudi and Zhenyuanzi very enthusiastic. After all, they don't have the red lotus karma fire on Loya's body, and having more karma is not a good thing.

Several of Styx’s people are poor ghosts. With Styx’s character, even if he has a baby, he will definitely not use it for a few people.

However, Chi You really has a lot of things on his body. In the pierced ears, there are a total of twelve weapons, including knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, whips, mace, and hammers. treasure.

Although it is a soldier of the Taoist, but the material itself is so extraordinary that Zhao's, after all, was once a person who fought for orthodoxy with Xuanyuan Huangdi, swept Nanzhan Buzhou, and there are definitely not a few good materials to search.

"The twelve-grade industry fire red lotus is of great use to fellow daoists, so I deserve to be a dao friend." Subuti smiled and nodded, releasing the twelve-grade industry fire red lotus and Yuantu Abi sword, staring straight at the town. Yuanzi's Shura Nai He Gui did not conceal what he thought.

"Hey, Subhuti, you made it clear that you are going to grab it with me" Zhen Yuanzi waved to release the Shura Hell Scythe and Shura Naihe Kyu, and said to Subhuti half jokingly.

"Neither of you nor I have the fire supernatural power of Luo Daoyou, the spirit treasure here does have its own uniqueness" Subhuti frowned, and he understood Zhen Yuanzi's thoughts.

After all, both of them have ethics, and this kind of thing has a particularly great impact on a sect..

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