One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1707: Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha

"Madan, which bastard is sneaking in secretly." Roya has an unreliable expression on his face, and he is muttering in his mouth. In the past few days, he has almost been using the magical power of Peeping Heaven and Seeing the Spirit to watch the Three Realms Powerful trends of all parties.

However, the surrounding area of ​​Shu Mountain has been under prying eyes several times. Fortunately, when the guarding formation is fully opened, all the prying spirits are blocked to the outside world.

It's just that among the Three Realms, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Luoya has read it all over, but he has never been able to find out who the spy is.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the person who is spying is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who he doesn't know, and he can easily escape the reverse detection of his divine mind.

The second is that this person who is spying is originally a monk in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, but he has a kind of magical power that can not be discovered by divine consciousness, so he can not be found by him."20 Seven"

The Daluo Jinxian of Journey to the West said that there are not too many, but it is definitely not too much to say less. The supernatural powers of Peeping Heaven and Seeing the Spirit consume a lot. Da Luo Jinxian has checked it all over.

"Damn, let me know who is playing with the little master, cramping and licking the oil pan" Roya cursed fiercely. This sudden prying is really annoying. For several days, he Can't concentrate on cultivation.

However, there is really no good way for Luo Ya if people don't show up. Zhou Tian's starry sky pupils are strong, but he looks around blankly, and it is really difficult to find someone spying on him among thousands of creatures.

Tens of thousands of miles away from Mount Shu, in a dark underground space, a bald-headed monk sighed lightly. The spirit treasure in his hand turned into a streamer and plunged into his body, with a heavy expression on his face, turning to speak.

"This Shu Mountain is really tightly guarded, and Naroya is also very alert. With the guardian array fully open, it is completely impossible to detect the situation."

"Hongmeng Ziqi, only one of the five has fallen home now. The ancient Buddha ordered it, and proceed carefully. Since the Hongmeng Ziqi falls on the Shushan disciple, we will not be able to become holy for a while, so we don't have to worry at all."

The other bald figure saw that his companion had completed the detection, and continued to maintain the magical powers in his hands. He did not dare to slack in the slightest. If he did not have his magical powers, he would disguise the two of them.

"Yes, I'll talk to the ancient Buddha later." The monk who had just spied on the mountain was relieved. After thinking about it, he said something, sitting cross-legged on the futon, and began to silently recite the scriptures.

The two of them here were appointed by the ancient Buddha of Landeng. Although Landeng came out of the mountain privately, he has been rooted in Buddhism for thousands of years. It is because of the fact that he has several diehard subordinates.

On the bright side, Burning Lantern quietly followed behind Daomen. With the convenience of being the assistant master of elucidation and proficient in Daomen Fajue, he easily concealed his body shape and restrained his own breath. One.

But in fact, he sent his confidantes, Congjue and Congxu, to monitor Shu Shan's every move here, trying to get in the chaos, Shu Shan slackened, and got the grand and purple energy.

As a Buddhist high-level person, Tandeng's status is not insignificant. He naturally knows the news that the Tathagata can know, and even what the Tathagata does not know, he can know a lot.

Luo Ya’s true cultivation base was as transparent as I saw before, and the burning lamp is naturally clear, and his realm is not too high. Comparing the two, he is wise to think that here is the easiest way to obtain Hongmeng Ziqi. .

Sanctification is an irresistible temptation for every monk. In order to become sanctified, Burning Lantern took great pains, even at the expense of his own worth, and worshipped Yuanshi Tianzun.

It's a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely dissatisfied with his character of being good at camping. During the battle of the Conferring God, he repeatedly buckled the black pot on the burning lamp head, making him have to choose to withdraw from the Dao Sect.

From the perspective of Burning Lantern, in the battle of conferring the gods, he did not do anything wrong, even to explain and teach Zen, did a lot of things that were contrary to Taoism, not to mention the great credit, but the credit is absolutely not. small.

However, the deaths of Xiao Zhen and Deng Hua, the deaths of Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, and the deaths of Han Dulong and Xue Ehu were not understood one after another in the eyes of the interpreters, which really made Ran Deng chill.

At the very beginning, the relationship between the Taoist and the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chandeng can be said to be a deep mentor and apprenticeship. In the original work, when the first appeared on the stage, the twelve golden immortals personally greeted and saluted by the reeds.

When it was learned that the Taoist of Burning Lantern was here to take over all military and political power, the twelve golden immortals were all overjoyed, and they were not invincible. This was absolutely extremely high trust.

It's a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun kept him in the guilty of misunderstandings again and again. He had miserable words, coupled with his loyalty to interpretation, and finally chose to remain silent to preserve the majesty of the leader Yuanshi Tianzun.

In the end, this continuous misunderstanding and depression, as well as the disappointment of Yuanshi Tianzun, led to the conversion of Lan Deng to Buddhism and became the ancient Buddha of Lan Deng.

But it's a pity that this introduction, quasi mentioning two, is not a good bird. Turning burning lights around, only using them as a bargaining chip to weaken the door and strengthen itself.

Amidst the accumulation of depression, Randeng really has no loyalty to Buddhism, just to find a place to live.

However, these things are completely unimportant to Roya. He only knows that whoever dares to come and touch the grand and purple aura of Shushan must come and go.

Eight days passed again in a flash. During that time, Luo Ya went to the Ten Thousand Worlds Spiritual Garden for a long time, specifically to train Zhiren Zhima. After all, this thing is related to his harvest.

Doudou can use the essence to stimulate the bloodline secret technique, which greatly increases the birth record of Zhiren Zhima. With only a one-tenth chance, with less than one hundred Zhima, the luck is 19. A total of ten Chimen Chima appeared.

Ten Chiren Zhima Lingzhi had just been born, and they saluted Loya and Doudou. After all, there are no two of them. I am afraid that it is extremely difficult for them to generate spiritual wisdom. Let alone ten, it is only one, and the difficulty is also difficult. Universiade is general.

With the existence of these ten Zhiren Zhima, the map of Ten Thousand Worlds Lingyuan suddenly became lively. Under Doudou's unified arrangement, each Zhiren Zhima is in charge of eight Zhima, and one is responsible for one. area.

In a total of eleven areas, those extremely important innate spiritual roots were all taken over by Doudou himself, and with the appearance of many companions, Doudou's small smile was obviously a little bigger.

Correspondingly, due to the division of regions, the World Spirit Garden not only increased the growth of the elixir, but also ushered in a leap in the scale of the elixir..

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