One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1712: I'm going to throw up

After the six-winged centipede flew out of the poison gourd, it volleyed in front of Luo Ya. It was a slender body that was less than an inch and looked quite compact.

"No, look at the big ones in the gourd" Luo Ya muttered, and his face was full of egg pain. It took seven or seventy-nine days to work with the innate best spirit treasure. Got such a small bean


Although the appearance of this six-foot centipede was a little ugly, when he heard Luo Ya's words, it seemed to have a simple and intelligent spirit. With a sharp wave of wings, his figure instantly became more than two meters long.

"The day will change back soon, I'm going to throw up." Luo Ya suddenly saw the six-winged centipede that had become hundreds of times larger, and hurriedly spoke out. The six-winged centipede that became bigger was really ugly to a certain level.

Golden festival, red teeth, yellow feet, pink tentacles, colorful tails, after putting "two-five-zero" a hundred times larger, it doesn't match at all. It looks like a mixed game, it can be as ugly as it is. They are all gathered together and still don't feel that when they zoom in, it is ugly and weeping.

"Crack, click, click, click" the six-winged and double teeth collided, making a sound like aggrieved, gradually shrinking his figure, and once again became less than an inch.

"Ugly, let's not let people say it." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, his supernatural powers, but he could easily feel what the six-winged centipede wanted to express.


Just as Luo Ya and Gu King Six Wings were exchanging what level of ugliness they had reached, a wave of divine consciousness once again came outside of Shushan's protective formation.

"I'm paralyzed, don't let Lao Tzu catch you forever." Luo Ya's figure flashed and appeared directly outside of the Shu Mountain defense formation, unceremoniously maximizing his spiritual thoughts, with a radius of nearly 100,000. It's all in its perception.

However, the divine consciousness that had just perceived the mountain of Shu disappeared without a trace after it appeared. It was a hundred thousand miles away, and there was no trace at all, and even the slightest trace was left.

This is not the first time that Luo Ya has been driven mad. With this period of time, on the Shu Mountain, disciples with outstanding talents began to prepare to cross the calamity one after another. The robbery, crossing the robbery outside the guardian formation, this investigation became more frequent.

"Crack, click, click, click" because the six wings are so close to Roya, they were taken out when the moment of use appeared outside the formation. At this time, the two teeth collided, but there was a burst Weird sound.

"Yeah" Roja heard the sound of Six Wings, and he wondered in his heart that this ugly guy actually said that he smelled food

"Crack it." The six-winged centipede danced again and again, swinging its body, like a puppy wagging its tail, begging for mercy, obviously begging it to let it go out for food.

"They" Luo Ya frowned secretly, and couldn't help but feel a moment of doubt in his heart. He pointed to the ground and stationed near Shu Mountain, forming the demons and human races in villages and towns.

"Crack it." The six wings shook his head repeatedly, and the dense yellow feet pointed to the southeast.

"Fuck, go" Luo Ya whispered, and the spirit of mind swept southeastward, without saying anything, directly issued an order to Six Wings.

In his mind, one hundred thousand miles to the southeast, apart from some ordinary demonic cultivation, there is not even a human town. It is completely barren and primitive. There are some poisonous insects and beasts, but the six wings can see that stuff.

As soon as Roja's order was issued, Six Wings disappeared in front of him. This extreme speed was not weaker than the magical power of escape.

"Ugly is a bit ugly, but it's really not slow to fly." Muttered in his mouth, Luo Ya narrowed his eyes, prompting to follow behind Liu Wing.

Six Wings really didn’t waste the name Luo Ya gave. The speed of flight is actually the same as that of Da Luo Jinxian’s three-legged Wu Peng.

You must know that the three-legged Wupeng bloodline is special. Among the Daluo Jinxian, the flight speed is definitely one of the best. Even many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may not be as fast as him.

In just a few breaths, the six-winged centipede stopped in front of a mountain at extreme speed, turning into a length of more than ten meters between the beards, turning in front of the body, and rushing down towards the peak.

The earth and rocks splashed, and even the hard boulder could not withstand the collision of the six-winged centipede. Between the opening and closing of the giant teeth, the rubble collapsed and flew, digging toward the belly of the mountain at extreme speed.

Although the body has no cultivation base, the six wings are a different species produced by the best innate spirit treasure. The body is hard, almost comparable to the acquired top spirit treasure. When the ground is broken, it is very fast.

"It's a different kind of centipede, run quickly." There was an exclamation from the mountain, and a bald monk in the golden fairy realm and a monk who was only a true immortal Taiyi flew out from the mountain.

When the six wings saw that the food was forced out, they made a hum, and when the six pairs of wings spread out, they turned into a rainbow light and flew up.

"Buddhist Six Wings" Luo Ya hurriedly spoke, but the speed of the six wings was too fast. At this time, he was already fit and pounced on a monk, his giant teeth directly inserted into his body.

Hearing Roja's cry, Six Wings stiffened and did not dare to move a little. As the owner of the Congenital Lingbao Gu Poison Gourd, he had unparalleled pressure on it, and he could even decide his life or death with one thought.

The monk Taiyi True Immortal Realm who was nailed by six wings had no resistance at all and was poisoned and died. It also transformed into its original appearance, a moth that did not enter.

This moth is a different species of heaven and earth. It is born to shield the perception of divine consciousness, and its wings are capable of charming eyes. It is born with two magical powers, both of which are extraordinary.

Seeing the emergence of this moth, Luo Ya's eyes became extremely gloomy in an instant. He finally knew why it was so special for nearly two months, he still couldn't detect who was peeping.

A young person in the realm of Taiyizhen and a big person in the realm of golden immortal, which has been annoying for two months. This is a shame.

26 "Six Wings ate it" Luo Ya Senran said, no longer caring about their Buddhism status. What's more, for two months and hundreds of snooping, these two people absolutely have no chance of surviving today.

"The ancestors are forgiving, the ancestors are forgiving, I have to wait." The monk in the Jinxian realm saw Luo Ya's figure, and he didn't dare to even think of running away. He knelt directly on the auspicious clouds and repeatedly bowed.

The stars in Roya's eyes turned, and he could see through the person's body at this time. It was clear that a mole cricket became sperm. Insects have always been rare, and this mole cricket became sperm unheard of.

But spider spirits, centipede spirits, scorpion spirits, even Pipa spirits and stone spirits, are not bad for this mole cricket, but the mole cricket spirit of the Golden Fairy realm, which can explore Shushan 30,000 miles away.

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