One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1717: Yuanshi Tianzun shot

This chaotic land outside the realm is different from the three realms. It was the most original world. It was in this world that Pangu opened up the world today.

At the beginning, more than 3,000 innate gods and demons lived in chaos. Although there were occasional struggles, they were generally in a relatively peaceful environment. Because there was no direct interest relationship between them, there was naturally no hatred.

But all this was broken when Pangu decided to open up the world. Breaking the original environment will inevitably face the desperate resistance of those who originally existed here.

In itself, perhaps Pangu is a god-father-like existence for people traveling to the west. Without Pangu, there would be no them. In their eyes, Pangu is high and benevolent.

But in the eyes of the innate gods and demons, Pangu is an out-and-out wicked person. Originally, everyone in "One, Three Zero" is living in peace and harmony, so why have to open the sky?

This concept, when converted to the previous life, is to develop a beautiful place into a city. The two sides hold different opinions. Some say that they need to protect the original ecology, and some say that they should move forward. It is right to build a city. .

Because of the difference in philosophy, three thousand gods and demons besieged Pangu and prevented him from opening the sky. It can also be seen from this that Pangu is going his own way and does not listen to people's advice.

After the First World War, most of the three thousand gods and demons died on the spot, and only a few fled into the depths of the chaos. Some of these escaped innate gods and demons died of serious injuries, and some were turned into prehistoric times.

Luo Ya didn't want to pay too much attention to who the three thousand gods and demons and Pangu were right or wrong. After all, whether his original world was born from the groundbreaking or the Big Bang, it is hard to say.

But he does want to thank Pangu, otherwise, where is such a wonderful world of Journey to the West, where is there for him to chase higher mountains and higher realms.

"Friend Luo, but you can still see the movements of Kunpeng." Zhen Yuanzi consumes a lot of time, and it is not a joke to forcibly open a space channel directly to the chaos outside the boundary in the shortest time.

Outer Chaos is located thirty-three days away. Not only is it far away, but also separated by dozens of layers of space. Luo Ya thought to himself, but he couldn't reach this place at once.

"Yes, Kunpeng was injured, his left claw was broken, and his abdomen was pierced, but he has thrown away the Tathagata, and is now coming straight toward the chaos outside the world."

Luo Ya closed his eyes, running the peeping sky to see the spirit and supernatural powers, peeking into the heavens and peeping at the movement of Kunpeng, the messy chaotic wind blew by, and the Subhuti on the side resisted it.

This chaotic wind is almost touch and death to Da Luo Jinxian and below, even for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it also poses no small threat. If it encounters such a large-scale chaotic wind, it is also the great Luo Jinxian. Be careful to avoid.

"Already on the triple sky, if it is a straight distance, Kunpeng will jump into the outer chaos at 93,500 miles over there." Luo Ya paid attention to Kunpeng's movements, and he couldn't stop counting, pointing directly to the location where Kunpeng was about to come out.

"Go" Zhen Yuanzi didn't have the slightest suspicion of Luo Ya's speculation, and with a soft sip, once again opened a space channel.

In Luo Ya's eyes, the process of opening a space channel is actually much easier than opening a space channel. This is really curious.

Now he is no longer a Xiaobai who doesn't understand anything. The more he understands, the more doubts he has in his mind. Ordinary monks, who are under the heavenly path, open up space channels and are limited to the rules of heavenly path.

This place is already outside the bounds of the Heavenly Dao, so it is called a land outside the boundaries. Zhen Yuanzi’s magical powers are actually in the land outside the boundaries, which are stronger than those under the heavenly path.

Stepping into the space channel, Luo Ya felt puzzled. Zhen Yuanzi was the fetal membrane of the earth, so he was called the ancestor of the earth immortal. This big earth fetus naturally refers to the earth fetus under heaven.

It is not innate gods and demons, but the supernatural powers of space are more suitable for the situation of the road.

After walking out of the space channel, Zhen Yuanzi's beard and hair fluttered, and his clothes were bulging, and he began to set up the space barrier again. Kunpeng's speed is so fast, if the range is not limited, I am afraid that even the three of them will be traumatized again. Because of it, it is impossible to keep it.

"Daoist Zhen Yuanzi was instructed by Great Immortal Yang Mei in the ancient times." Subudi clearly saw Luo Ya's doubts and explained, adjusting his breath secretly, preparing to deal with the next battle.

The demon master Kunpeng was in the heavenly court of the demon clan, who was second only to the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi in the heavenly court. Although he had a long life and did not have much treasure, he was a mana and supernatural power.

Before the three emperors became enlightened, the demon master Kunpeng inherited Emperor Jun's Hetu Luoshu, and he also had the companion spirit treasure demon master palace.

After that, Fuxi reincarnated as an adult. In order to become one of the three emperors, the saint Nuwa personally put pressure on the demon master Kunpeng for her own brother.

The demon clan is newly defeated, and the demon master Kunpeng is only the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although Nuwa is the lowest realm among the saints, it can be said that the treasure is the most.

Kunpeng couldn't hold back the pressure and surrendered the Hetu Luoshu. From then on, he could only live in the corner of Beijuluzhou, and even after Fuxi became the Dao, he never returned the Hetuluoshu.

As a result, in the eyes of outsiders, Kunpeng is only one of the best innate Lingbao Demon Master Palace. Apart from that, he can stand alone in the Three Realms by relying on his top supernatural powers.

If things go well, Subhuti's eyes are far easier to deal with Kunpeng than to deal with Styx. After all, Kunpeng has already been injured at this time, and they are sniping ahead of time. There should be no surprises.

However, Kunpeng's speed is extremely fast. At this point, no one among Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can compare, and the time it takes to deal with it is probably far more than Ming34he.

"Yang Mei?" Luo Ya muttered, with a bit of clarity on his face. There is also a wicker of Yang Mei's body in his world spiritual garden map. After so long, it has just grown into one. Saplings less than the thickness of the little finger.

But just such a little wicker, the power is already extraordinary, the breath of the ten innate spiritual roots is not weaker than other innate spiritual roots, and even in terms of offensiveness, it can compete with the treasure trees of the Thunder and Thunder.

"Seventeenth Heaven, Eighteenth, Nineteen, Twenty, etc., Mader, Yuanshi Tianzun." After Luo Ya listened to Subhuti's words, he continued to pay attention to Kunpeng's movements, but he just went to the 20th Heaven. Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun wearing a white shirt

What does it mean that the saint is going to make a move? Isn't it not a big catastrophe? This is a big catastrophe.

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