One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1719: Kunpeng enters the set

"One hundred and one thousand two hundred and thirty miles, I really know how to pick the distance from Subhuti, help me." Zhen Yuanzi repeatedly pinched the tactics in his hand, starting from the empty space just left for Kunpeng, from the inside to the outside, using space in reverse. The power envelops the entire space restriction.

There are thousands of miles of space forbidden, and it is extremely difficult to move the whole thing, even with the magical power of Zhenyuanzi Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it will feel inadequate.

The key is that the speed of Kunpeng is really too fast, these few breaths can pass through a layer of heaven, that is, more than ten seconds, it can span millions of miles.

In other words, this kind of terrifying speed means that the monkey's aura does not use somersault cloud, somersaults and stares Venus, it is estimated that he still has no qualifications to eat ashes.

"Yeah." Subhuti didn't dare to delay, and patted Zhen Yuanzi with one hand on the Innate Spiritual Treasure Book behind him, and poured his surging power towards Zhen Yuanzi.

"Get up and go" Zhen Yuanzi shouted twice in succession. Thousands of miles of space was forbidden, and a violent vibration spreading for thousands of miles of spatial fluctuations. Finally, the entire prohibition was wrapped and began to move directly.

It took nearly tens of seconds before and after that Zhen Yuanzi barely managed to do this with the help of Subhuti, and just after completing the transfer, Roya's peeping into the sky, seeing that Kunpeng was already only short of space restriction. A space barrier.

"Come" screamed in his mouth, Luo Ya pulled the Zhenyuan and Subhuti, who were still in a big mouth, directly spurred the moment, moved out nearly a hundred kilometers, Kunpeng's figure, directly from the space barrier under his feet Drilled out and hit the top of the space restriction.


Zhen Yuanzi didn't care about the exhaustion on his body, and repeatedly pinched the tactics in his hand, and the gap left by the space restriction began to slowly close, and without saying anything, Subhuti vine and Yuantu Abi sword were sacrificed and attacked.

"Xianjie v" Luo Ya did not dare to delay seeing this, the Jingshi lotus robe and the golden wheel of Heavenly Punishment turned directly into the Xianjie Zhanpaku Knife, the twelve-grade industry fire red lotus stepped on her feet, fit and pounced on Kunpeng

"Despicable villain" Kun Peng bumped into the space restriction set by Zhen Yuanzi, and only felt that his eyes were staring at Venus. The hundreds of layers of intertwined and reciprocating, layered space restrictions, even if it was the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian. It is difficult to break through in a short time.

If you want to break this kind of restriction independently, at least you have to go all out. For nearly an hour, you will even have to use the Demon Master Palace to carry it, otherwise there is no chance at all.

Regardless of whether it is Subhuti or Luo Ya, they will not give him an hour of time at all, and even if it is not an hour, it is a breath, and neither of them wants to give Kunpeng.

When he was in the Three Realms, Kunpeng originally attacked Lingji Bodhisattva, so he forcibly carried Guanyin's attack. Although he had snatched Hongmeng Ziqi, his internal organs were already shaking.

And then, while fleeing, he originally wanted to make everyone mistakenly think that he had returned to Luzhou in Beiju and deliberately walked towards the spring of the four seas. Who knew that he had been calculated by the Tathagata and was covered by its golden bowl.

In order to get out of trouble, Kunpeng and Tathagata directly went through a hundred tricks. The endless magic weapons and thousands of methods made him complain.

Because it separated most of its mind and control of the grand purple qi, among the hundred moves, although the posture of fighting for life had to be freed from the control of the Tathagata, it was unavoidable to be severely injured again.

There was a big hole in the abdomen that was pierced by a tenth of a meter, and both feet were lost because of this. The loss was not disastrous, but as long as he could obtain the grand and purple energy, all this was worthwhile in Kunpeng's view.

Kunpeng was hit hard, and the Tathagata was uncomfortable. Although Kunpeng couldn't use his full strength because he wanted to control the grand and purple energy, but once he fought hard, he really couldn't stand it, and the golden body was almost broken.

Buddhism can only watch Kun Peng escape into the void and go straight to the 33rd Heaven. After all, there are still three primordial purple qi floating among the three realms. For this one, it is unwise to give up the remaining three.

At this time, in the chaotic land outside the boundary, under Zhen Yuanzi's space restriction, Kunpeng's figure shrank rapidly, trying to avoid the joint attack of Luoya and Subhuti.

It was just a collision that caused his already-wounded internal organs to vibrate again and again, and with the injuries on his body, the speed was undoubtedly slower than usual.

Although he avoided the sharp two swords of Yuantu and Abi, he was unable to avoid the Subhuti vine that followed, and his back was severely drawn. Numerous magical lights exploded on his back, and countless feathers Yu fell to the ground with blood.

Luo Ya has always been taking advantage of his illness and killing his character, so he aimed directly at the hole on the belly of Kun Peng's stomach, the hollow that was punched out by the Tathagata, and the Xianjie Zhanpei Dao flew out of the sky, facing the wound. .

"Zhan Yao" whispered in his mouth, the Xianjie Zhanpei Dao's light was released, and the real fire and thunder became extremely tyrannical, and the color of the Xianjie Zanpei Dao became like a red soldering iron.

"Ah Subhuti Loya" Kunpeng screamed, and the beast pupils were full of fierce glows, and a pure and extremely demon vigorous sound, billowing demon clouds, directly disintegrating the Immortal Jie Zhan Po Dao and Subhuti Vine.

"Grandson, what do you tell Grandpa to do?" Luo Ya moved in his heart, and the Xianjie Zhanpaku Dao, which was the soul treasure of his life, spun back to his side.

Kun Peng's abdomen's wound on the upper part of Xu's abdomen, with a blow from him, directly turned into a big gap, traversing to the crotch, blood gurgled down, and the internal organs and intestines could be seen vaguely.

His back is now dripping with blood, flesh and blood are flying, and white bones are faintly visible. Subhuti did not show any mercy. If this blow was placed on an ordinary monster race, he would have died on the spot.

"Luoya, Subhuti, I have a relationship with you. Zhao Haori has no grievances. Recently, Zhen Yuanzi has no grudges." Kunpeng originally planned to shout loudly to disturb the mood of the two of them. , I saw Zhen Yuanzi, who was trying to close the exit under his feet, with a strong fierce light on her face.

When Hong Yun died, Zhen Yuanzi and him had done more than one game, but they had nothing to do with each other. At this time, seeing his figure, I already understood that today it is either the enemy's death or my death.

"Tsk tsk, Zhen Yuanzi is very busy now. If you have anything to say, please tell me the two." Subhuti saw Kunpeng hit hard again when the two joined forces, with a smile on his face. Robbery of Hongmeng and Purple Qi

"Luoya, Subhuti, I have never had a feud with you. We will fight against the killer. Are you afraid that you will be contaminated with cause and effect, and you will be killed?" Kunpeng's expression was extremely ugly, and as he spoke, his mind was closely watching Zhenyuan Son, there is a big intention to make a sneak attack..

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