One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1721: Yin and Yang Chaos Kamikaze

"I, Kunpeng, always say one thing, and there must be faith in my words. If a fellow Taoist agrees to let me go, I will naturally not have more troubles. I will return to Beiju Luzhou this time without going behind closed doors, and I will never say more."

Kun Peng continued to condense the power of supernatural powers, attracting in his body, and talking nonsense with Subhuti, but he did not notice Subhuti's ridiculous eyes.

"It sounds very good, Luo Daoyou, what do you think?" Subhuti nodded seriously, and asked Luo Ya on the side.

"Hope is not great, this guy is notoriously speaking, it doesn't count, unless he makes a heavenly oath, otherwise he can't believe anything, hey, Kunpeng, if you hear it, make a heavenly oath."

Luo Yamo tapped his chin. In terms of acting skills, he thought he was not inferior to Subhuti. He opened his mouth and called Kunpeng's name. The appearance was as arrogant as they were, as if they were already in their hands.

Zhen Yuanzi saw that the two close friends and Kun Peng didn't do anything, but these words became familiar, and he was puzzled. When he saw Luo Ya's inadvertent eyes, his heart suddenly became clear.

While closing the space restriction under his feet, Zhen Yuanzi secretly urged mana, the blue light on his waist was faintly bright, and the northern Xuanyuan water control flag was completely ready, and not only that, a few invisible The red sand began to cling to Zhen Yuanzi's placket, and it was obvious that he was still preparing for Yin Kunpeng.

"If you take the oath of the heavens, you will let me go." Kun Peng narrowed his eyes, the magical power in his body had already been mobilized to the extreme, and the hidden Demon Master Palace had long been filled with immortal power.

"Of course, I count, but I'm not the ones who just put things away." Luo Ya looked at Kun Peng contemptuously. He was right. This guy would rather die than surrender the great purple qi.

People die for money and birds die for food. Kunpeng has been suffocated for too long. He really yearns for a chance to turn over. Even if this chance is only one in a thousand, one in ten thousand, he will desperately pursue it. .

But the poor man must have something hateful. Kunpeng is narrow-minded, expels fame and gain, and for the sake of profit, there is almost nothing he can't do. Such a character almost destined him to be unable to become a saint.

Kunpeng was choked by Roya’s words, and he wanted to throw this supernatural power directly at him. He had seen shameless people, and people who didn’t want to be skinned, but this kind of shamelessness, without skinny, and talking The choking guy, he really saw him for the first time.

"The Way of Heaven is above, and I, Kunpeng, swear here that if I leave the Purple Qi today, the three Taoists will let me go, and after returning to the Three Realms, I will definitely destroy your Taoism."

Kunpeng's oaths were originally all made in accordance with normal procedures, but at the end of the day, he suddenly broke out and sacrificed the innate best Lingbao Demon Master Palace and slammed directly on Luoya and Subhuti.

He himself has two wings on his back. Above these two wings, there is an indefinite chaotic light, which is obviously his housekeeping ability and also his strongest magical power, Yin and Yang, Chaos and Divine Wind.

The yin and anode cause is chaos. Originally, this magical power was not the name, but the demon master Kunpeng did have some advantages. A high-level magical power of yin and yang divine wind forced him to realize the chaos from the biochemistry of yin and yang. Tao.

The original high-level supernatural powers Yin-Yang kamikaze suddenly became the Yin-Yang chaos kamikaze that surpassed the top supernatural powers. This chaotic kamika was so powerful that it was no less than the attack of the top innate spirit treasures, and even urged to the extreme, many innate spirit treasures. They must temporarily avoid the front.

Kunpeng's wings stretched out, one yin and one yang, two divine winds, fusion and interweaving, and the speed instantly increased to the extreme, and went straight to Zhen Yuanzi, Luo Ya and Subhuti looked at each other, and hurriedly threw out each other. Lingbao.

The Xianjie Zhanpei Knife released a million feet of light. As soon as the Zhanpei Knife came out, the whole body of the Zhanpei Knife became like a burnt red soldering iron, and its halo flowed, as if blood flowed.

Subhuti threw away his two Yuantu and Abi swords, two swords, one green and the other white, with scarlet killing air, and of course he didn't let the demon master's palace go straight.

Even though the weight of the Demon Master Palace is astonishing, it is even stronger than the Fantian Seal made by Zhoushan, but the two magic weapons successfully blocked it. Even in the continuous attack, the Demon Master Palace was firmly suppressed. Make it impossible to return to Kunpeng.

"It's a pity that there is no treasure money, otherwise this thing can be done in minutes." Luo Ya said when he saw the demon-master's palace being suppressed so hard.

Ask for flowers

Luobao money can fall to all the spiritual treasures and magic treasures under the innate treasure, even the best innate spiritual treasure is not immune, but it now falls into the hands of the Yuanshi Tianzun, unless the Yuanshi Tianzun is slaughtered, otherwise it is impossible to get it. Get it.

Loya and Subhuti’s move here is tantamount to directly blocking Kunpeng’s retreat. The Demon Master’s Palace cannot return to Kunpeng, so he cannot hide in it. With Zhenyuanzi’s space restriction, Kunpeng will give birth to two more pairs of wings. It will definitely not run.

On the other hand, on Zhen Yuanzi's side, the demon master Kunpeng attacked with superb supernatural powers that surpassed the top supernatural powers, and Zhen Yuanzi faintly sneered on her face.

The tactics of stepping up and perfecting the space enchantment in his hand kept on, and the three best innate spirit treasures were released, and they immediately enveloped them strictly.

The book on the ground is the treasure of defense. Although the power of the void is greatly reduced, it is still not weak. The dark brown luster covers Zhen Yuanzi's body, and it is completely 360 degrees without dead angle defense.

In addition to the book from the ground, the blue light of the northern Xuanyuan's control of the water flag formed an existence like a curtain of water, and there was no gap between the waving of the flag.

At the outermost layer, the red sand in the nine-nine soul gourd formed a bright red sand curtain, which trembles endlessly as the flow swept through it. The red sand that resembled a meat grinder changed Kunpeng's expression drastically.

This level of defense, not to mention his magical power attack, even the saint’s personal visit, I am afraid it can’t be broken by one move. The three innate spiritual treasures are not decorations, and his magical powers are probably just tickling.

Kunpeng looked fierce. Although he knew that he could not do anything, he had no retreat at this time. If he didn't enter, he would die. Apart from launching a decisive attack on Zhen Yuanzi, he had no other options.

If you can’t make a single blow, it’s conceivable to wait for his fate

"Yin-Yang Chaos God Wind" Kun Peng screamed, urging his whole body of demon power to the extreme, and he was so powerful.

That chaotic kamikaze, this chaotic land outside the realm, was 30% more powerful out of thin air, and the terrifying wave instantly hit the protective shield set up by Zhen Yuanzi..

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