One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1725: The Death of Kunpeng

The Shura Hell Scythe is not as sharp as the Yuantu Abi Second Sword, and it is not as corrosive as it is. Once injured, it is extremely difficult to heal.

But it has a function that no other spirit treasure can match, simultaneously hurting the soul. This function makes the Shura Hell Scythe like a soldier of the path, which is somewhat nondescript.

After all, the weight is not as good as the soldiers of the orthodox walkers. It is not purely overpowering people, or dexterity, but it cannot be like the treasure of the enlightened person. With the movement of divine thoughts, the world will travel thousands of miles.

But it can still be brought into the pubic area for warmth. It looks like a weapon of a practitioner on the one hand, and a magic weapon for the enlightened person on the other. However, if you look closely at both sides, it has no unique characteristics.

For other cultivators, this kind of spirit treasure may seem very tasteless, but for Luo Ya, it is very handy.

The size changes as you wish, the small can be the size of a toothpick, and the big can be a soldier of hundreds of feet. Although the weight is not obvious among the innate spirit treasure, it is actually more than 16,000 catties, which can basically meet the demand.

No matter how important it is, with the cultivation base of the practitioners on the summit of the Luo Yatai Yizhen Immortal, even with the blessing of the immortal power, I am afraid that when used, it will show 237 a little restrained.

At the front end of the sickle, the sickle's blade is extremely sharp, and on the jet-black blade surface, a series of complex patterns are flowing, and this pattern is looming, revealing a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

Where the sickle and the handle of the sickle meet, a ferocious beast's head stands, and the beast's head has fangs and tusks, and the end is ferocious and ferocious. It also hides a magic trick, asura six senses. The effect is very simple. Increase ten times in a short time.

The duration of this magical power can be long or short, long can last for a quarter of an hour, short can only last for one second, used on the offensive end, when it is injured, it can magnify ten times the pain and ten times the fear.

Used on the defensive end, if the strength is inferior to the opponent, self-killing the body can increase the six senses for a quarter of an hour. The critical moment is also a life-saving move.

Its micro-end chain makes the sickle, which had a monotonous attack method, directly become weird. Waiting for the idle monk, it is impossible to defend against this combination of chain and sickle.

Just now, when Kunpeng was traumatized by the Shura Underworld Scythe, his soul trembled, and his six wings penetrated into his body. No one noticed it.

The reason why Luo Ya did not use the magical powers attached to the Shura Hell Scythe was because he was afraid of the surge of six senses, so that Kun Peng discovered the six wings that had sneaked into his wound.

Although the six-winged body is hard, extremely poisonous, and acts like wind, it is still difficult to conceal the fact that it has no cultivation base. If it is discovered by Kun Peng in advance, it will be destroyed by its demon power in all likelihood.

But at this time the six wings entered his body, and Kunpeng wanted to force it out too late. Taking advantage of the trauma of his soul and his senses, the six wings were already lying on his heart.

"Luoya wants me to die, you can't wait to think about it." Kunpeng's soul was wounded, his body trembled in pain, and the distance between him and the three of them was stretched again and again, with a last crazy expression on his face.

Na Hongmeng Purple Qi was already wrapped in magical powers and held in his hands, with all his hair and beard and hair spreading, but Kun Peng was forced to the limit.

The physical trauma has already caused him to stagnate, and if he continues to delay like this, I am afraid that Zhen Yuanzi, Subhuti and others will kill him without any damage.

Knowing that there is no way to solve the mortal situation, Kunpeng gave birth to the heart of the same death, surging demon energy gushing out, the demon pill in the body runs wildly, and the demon power in it expands rapidly.

"Kunpeng is going to explode the demon pill, two fellow Taoists" Zhen Yuanzi was a bit anxious on her face, Hun Yuan Daluo Jinxian's self-destruction, no one can interrupt, in this case, they can do only three people In one place, release all the treasures of the body to resist.

The space ban of a thousand miles of listings originally seemed not small, but if compared with the scope of Kunpeng's self-destruction, it is far from enough.

At such a distance, the power under the self-detonation is afraid that all pile up together, and even qualitative change

Zhen Yuanzi didn't think that Kunpeng would blew himself up if he was pressed into a hurry, but according to Kunpeng's greedy personality and fear of death, this possibility is really slim.

Just after "Luo Daoyou" Zhen Yuanzi shouted, Subudi had already reached his side, and even retracted the Yuantu Abi two swords that suppressed the Demon Master's Palace, and tried his best to urge the Qiankun Ji Lingzhan and the Cuiguang Lamp.

However, Luo Ya did not move at all under his voice, instead staring at Kunpeng's figure, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but worry.

"Kunpeng's life is mine, Hongmeng Ziqi, the two Taoist friends slowly divided." With a smile on Luo Ya's face, when Kunpeng was running his demon power at high speed and he had no time for him, he directly let Six Wings climb to it. The place where all the blood had gathered, the sharp teeth had already aimed at his heart.

"Er" Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti saw Luo Ya's smile and couldn't help but feel helpless. When is this, the other party is going to blew himself up, can you stop paying attention to this kind of thing?

"What's this?" Kunpeng's demon power exploded at high speed, but he didn't feel it ignorantly. Just now, he vaguely felt that something was wrong in his body. Hearing Luo Ya's words, he directly looked at his remaining mind.

The terrifying appearance and hideous appearance of the six wings made Kunpeng's hair stand upright, trying to explode, but he did not have the energy to drive him out of his body.

"Six wings, taste the taste of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." The smile on Luo Ya's face became more and more brilliant, he spoke, and lightly patted the poisonous gourd on his waist.

His thoughts easily spread to Six Wing's mind. Six Wings did not hesitate. The sharp teeth that had been prepared for a long time inserted directly into Kunpeng's atrium, and the whole body trembled extremely quickly, and all of them got in.

"Ah ah ah" Kunpeng's miserable cry was extremely stern, the place where the essence and blood gathered was drilled out, and the pain of being constantly chewed, made him look like a madman, his cheeks like golden paper, a hint of black and blue air began to spread rapidly Its whole body.

After the six wings entered his atrium, it directly smashed the barrier between the atria, swallowing his blood, and continuously vomiting the poison in his body.

This poison passed through the heart veins, and almost instantly flowed through Kunpeng's body, causing him to control the demon pill's self-detonation to stop directly, and there was an unwilling look in his eyes.

The poison of the six wings is a collection of toxins in the poison gourd. The poison is strange and intense. Even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is bitten, he must deal with it in time.

And this toxin circulates throughout the body, no matter how great Kunpeng has the patience, it is difficult to save himself. At this time, although his mouth is wailing and immortal power is constantly erupting, it is no longer useful..

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