One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1728: Warning or Threat?

"Before it was said that the heavens and the earth can only have nine saints, and the heavens are more than damaged and make up for the shortcomings. Only eight are left, but in reality there is still a sacred purple energy that cannot be enlightened. Now there are twelve zodiacs."

Luo Ya raised her eyebrows, knowing that Zhen Yuanzi was thoughtful, and directly spoke up, faintly telling things that might increase the holy position in the future.

Heavenly Dao is located under the avenue. It was born after Pangu opened up the heavens and the earth. There are inherent deficiencies, and the deficiencies cannot be made up overnight.

Even if it is to complement the Heavenly Dao in succession and gradually improve its rules, the Heavenly Dao that Roja can make up is also extremely limited. After all, this world already contains thousands of laws, most of which are repetitive. Only that one star can help. God learns.

"If one day, the number of stars can be reached, I am afraid that this world will not be determined by a sage." Subudi nodded clearly, with a smile on his face, obviously thinking about the future sages. The scene of contention.

For example, there are only a few saints in the earth today, and Nuwa is hidden in the world, regardless of everything, that is, Buddhism and Taoism 13 are calculating each other, but now these saints, with one word, no one dares to provoke, among the Three Realms, There are no different sounds at all.

If the number is increased to more than ten saints, the situation will be greatly changed. There are a few saints from each other who can do everything like Nuwa.

Whether this matter is a curse or a blessing is still unclear, but it is certain that at that time the world of the heavens must become extremely exciting.

"The saint can't decide in one word, there will be stronger people." Luo Ya raised a smile on his face. After killing Kunpeng, he already had three pieces of the supreme treasure chest. As long as you continue, the power of the source is very strong. He will soon be in his pocket, and this world will also belong to him.

Once the power of the source is mastered, the saint in front of him is probably no different from the ant, and it doesn't take much effort to pass it.

From today's realm, I am afraid that it will take a long time to cultivate to the realm of the Dao Sage, but Luo Ya has calculated that even if he has never defeated the Sage, he can almost collect 25 pieces of the supreme treasure chest to synthesize the power of the high-level source. .

"It's also a stronger person. Heaven has its limits, but the great road has no limits. There will always be a stronger existence." Zhen Yuanzi looked at Luo Ya with a smile on his face.

Luo Ya is a true cultivation of the Dao. In his eyes, it is a kind of existence with unlimited potential. When the potential is endless, if the saints can become the Dao saints, the saints in front of them are probably as weak as they are now facing the saints.

"The road ahead is not easy." Luo Ya shook his head, wondering whether it was referring to the power of replenishing the heavens, or the achievement of a saint in the great road, or both.

In ordinary people’s understanding, the Heaven and Earth Sacred Throne is supposed to have only four more than before. One makes up for the one that the Heavenly Way has been damaged and the lack of it has been deducted, and the second one adds three more. The number of the zodiac.

But this time there were actually a few more. It is really unknown now. After all, the previous hypocrisy gave Roya too deep an image.

It's like that kind of avenue, it is impossible to become a saint at all, and even whoever gets it will die. Heaven will never allow him to set foot in the great land outside the world, and there is a glimmer of opportunity for sanctification.

If this is the case, the remaining avenues still have that hypocritical way, and there are even other avenues similar to it. This number of the zodiac can only be seen as a cover.

"The road ahead is not easy, but after all, there is a way. If we need to wait for our strength, Subhuti and I will definitely not refuse." If Zhen Yuanzi said something pointedly, he and Subhuti are both now. Roja’s benefits, so calculated, are just cause and effect, and I don’t know how much I owe.

It is not easy to repay such a cause and effect. He and Subhuti are afraid that they will be exhausted for their lives, and they cannot repay them with metal. They can only do their best.

"You two won't even have the chance to regret in the future." Luo Ya said with a smile, and he started planning for the two of them on his own boat.

The two of them cooperated quite well. Now that they got on the boat, it was a grasshopper tied to a rope. There was no way to go any further, especially Subhuti. Now that he has the great purple qi, he will be mortal in the future. Standing firmly beside Roja.

"What do you regret, you are born in the world, and you do not regret what you do." Zhen Yuanzi chuckled, his free and easy manner, with a bit of cynicism.

"Unlock this restriction, I will go back first, Subhuti guy, I am afraid I will have to laugh for a while." Luo Ya was in a good mood, joking with Subhuti, and said to Zhen Yuanzi.

"Where is it for a while, within a hundred years, this guy may not be able to stop." Zhen Yuanzi also teased Subhuti, the chance of sanctification is right in front of him, and no one can take it lightly.

After returning to the Three Realms, the three went back to their own dojos. Luo Ya had just sat down in his house, the futon was still warm, and the communication jade slips in his arms vibrated frequently.

After taking out the communication jade slips, Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi's messages one after another, their arrival in Changzhou Wei, just a moment, was already full of eyeliners.

Luo Ya doesn't need to guess that the fellow Yuanshi Tianzun must already know that one of the three must have gained the grand purple qi.

But now that the Sanqing had once again united together, this news would definitely be concealed. No matter whether the 797 was the disciple of interpreting or cutting off the teachings, it was already known clearly.

Since Yuanshi Tianzun has moved, the Western Second Shih will certainly not be ignorant. Even if he hasn't noticed the movement of the chaotic land outside the world, the eyeliner hidden in the Taoist door of Buddhism will probably pass the news back.

"Is it a warning or a threat, or I want us to learn more, and quickly stop" Luo Ya's thoughts swept away, and found that the Shushan mountain was 100,000 miles around, and there were many more successful monks.

These monks never concealed their deeds at all, they just swayed tens of thousands of miles on the surface of the Shu Mountain. Although the cultivation level is not too high, they are all disciples of three or four generations of cut-off and interpretation, but this kind of undisguised The behavior is too suspicious.

Before Shushan, the red rain had already collected a great purple air, which directly made Buddhism and Daomen jealous, but on the bright side of the Daomen, now it belongs to the same Taoist school as Shushan and cannot be used.

And Buddhism must guard against Daomen, the behemoth that is gradually gathering, and dare not trespass, which gave Shushan a chance.

Now that the Dao Sect sends low-level disciples, it must represent the meaning of the big guys behind it, and this level of cultivation does not seem to force them to surrender their grandeur and purple energy. In all likelihood, it is the last one he guessed. Maybe, warn them to be content..

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